Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 194 The body of Taixu has changed!

Chapter 194 The body of Taixu has changed!
The passage was long and dark, but when it came to the end, it suddenly opened up. The space in front of him was spacious and bright, and there was an indescribable wonderful energy in the air, which made the whole soul feel very happy.

Taking a deep breath, Lin Chen's gaze was fixed on a pool in front of him. Just by looking at it, he felt as if he was about to sink into it, making one unable to resist the desire to rush into the pool.

It was a desire from the soul!

Wen Lingquan!
There is no doubt that the only thing that can have such an effect is the Wenling Spring. However, Lin Chen's attention did not stay on this spring for too long.

Because, beside the spring water, there are clusters of beautiful silver-white flowers growing, and the fluctuations emitted by the shaking of the branches and leaves are equally mysterious.

Forcibly suppressing the fluctuations in his heart, Lin Chen's eyes revealed ecstasy. These silver-white flowers are none other than the Soul Melting Flower!

The warm spring has miraculous effects in warming and nourishing the soul, and next to the spring water, there is a high possibility of growing strange flowers and fruits of the soul, and this soul-melting flower is in it!
Lin Chen never expected that he would find the Soul Melting Flower here.

However, even if he suppressed this joy, after all, the most important thing right now was Ye Xiaoshi's situation.

Holding the unconscious Ye Xiaoshi in his arms, Lin Chen quickly walked towards the spring, and as he got closer, the wonderful fluctuations that penetrated into the soul became more intense. Looking at the rippling water waves, with Lin Chen's mind, , almost rushed in.

Ye Xiaotian on the side was also trembling, a little excited, the longing from the soul could not be overcome so easily, he had already rushed forward quickly.

Lin Chen didn't stop him, as far as he knew, this warm spring was not harmful to people, even if he soaked in it for a few days or nights, it would be no problem, so he went with Ye Xiaotian.

Carefully dipped Ye Xiaoshi's delicate body into the warm spring, felt that pure energy penetrate into the girl's body along the pores of her body, and suppressed the bloodthirsty desire deep in her veins, Lin Chen was slightly relieved. in one breath.

The bloodthirsty body is extremely fierce. Few people can suppress the bloodthirsty and evil spirit deep in their hearts. This weak girl is destined to be extraordinary because of this physique.

He still couldn't hold back a handful of spring water and poured it into his mouth. Lin Chen suddenly felt an indescribable wonderful feeling rushing into his mind, as if his whole soul was sublimated at this moment. It is also comfortable in the mother's amniotic fluid.

Lin Chen was satisfied after a long drink, and Ye Xiaotian, who was on the side, was soaked in the spring water and fell asleep comfortably. He hadn't practiced yet. As an ordinary person, Ye Xiaotian could absorb very little energy.

However, Lin Chen was a little strange. As the son of the city lord, why did this Ye Xiaotian never cultivate, and it looked like he had never drank the warm spring water before. .

Shaking his head, Lin Chen stopped thinking about it, his gaze was fixed on the beautiful silver flower, and he couldn't move it away.

"Mr. Su, I found the Soul Melting Flower, and now I'm going to help Xiaoyu take her home and be reborn!" Lin Chen was overjoyed when he sent the message to Su Rang through the jade card.

Still the same sentence, he has always treated Xiaoyu as a relative and brother. Zhao Zixuan's actions at the beginning directly caused his anger to detonate on the top of Shihu Mountain, and beat him to death!

"Soul-melting flower? There really are soul-melting flowers in this small place?" Su Rang's figure manifested, and when he saw the warm spring and the soul-melting flower, he immediately fixed his eyes on the Ye brothers and sisters, and was shocked.

"The body of evil blood! The body of Taixu!"

What really surprised Su Rang was not the so-called Wen Lingquan and Melting Soul Flower, but the two people inside the spring.

Too empty body?

Lin Chen knew that Ye Xiaoshi had a bloody body, but what was this empty body?
"Boy, what is the origin of these two people?" Even if it was a phantom, Su Rang's breathing accelerated at this moment.

These two physiques are only found in legends, especially the Taixu physique, even in the Lingxiu Xiaoqianjie, they can become top leaders!
Lin Chen told Su Rang what happened before. After listening, Su Rang stroked his beard with complicated eyes.

"You kid, it's nothing more than a twin holy rank, you saved two people casually, and they both have the legendary physique, tsk tsk..."

"Old Su, what kind of physique is this Taixu body?" Lin Chen asked. There are records in some books about the bloody body, but Taixu body is unheard of.

"The body of Taixu has no martial soul." Lin Chen was startled when he said this.

It should be noted that everyone has a martial soul, even if it is a waste martial soul such as a hoe or a carriage, it is still a martial soul, even weeds are counted, but this Taixu body does not have a martial soul?

"Hehe, there are a lot of things involved. For you now, it's still too early. These two little guys, if possible, I would like to take them under my family." Su Rang unexpectedly became interested in accepting disciples.

"Okay, let's talk about these things. Now I will teach you the method of seizing the house. There are a lot of soul melting flowers here, so it must be enough." With a finger point, a ray of light has entered Lin Chen's body, and a message appeared.

"Thank you, old Su!" Lin Chen put away other thoughts and sneaked into his dantian, seeing Xiaoyu's soul.

With a swipe of the palm, the Tianyan Eagle Puppet appeared, and that black flame seemed to burn forever, which was also the excitement in Lin Chen's heart at this moment.

After picking more than a dozen Soul Melting Flowers, Lin Chen gathered the special energy contained in these flowers in his palm, and slapped it on the forehead of Tian Yanying Puppet.

Immediately afterwards, through the communication of thoughts, Lin Chen wanted to move Xiaoyu's soul out of his dantian, and with the help of the soul-melting flower, let it enter the mind of Tianyan Eagle Puppet, but occupy control of this body, and finally complete the seizure. Abandon.

However, at this moment, the Mori Demon Monument that had been located in Lin Chen's dantian did not follow it!

It should be noted that after saving Xiaoyu's soul, the magic tablet passed Lin Chen a secret method of the soul of the forest, which could refine Xiaoyu into a third martial soul, but Lin Chen didn't accept it.

However, Sen Luo Mobei's wish was obvious. At this moment, Lin Chen wanted to remove Xiaoyu's soul, and the Mobei would naturally not allow it.

Immediately, an extreme black glow, which seemed to contain a myriad of majestic powers, gushed out from the magic tablet, and instantly controlled Xiaoyu's soul. At this moment, Xiaoyu, who had been sleeping all this time, finally regained consciousness.

The soul screamed, and Xiaoyu realized that this terrifying force seemed to forcefully erase all its consciousness at this moment!
Lin Chen was astonished to discover that at this moment, the Senluo Demon Tablet had activated the Senluo Soul Secret Technique automatically, trying to forcibly refine Xiaoyu's soul into his martial spirit!

(End of this chapter)

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