Chapter 195
He was shocked, and immediately, Lin Chen felt a rage in his heart.

No one can stop him from saving Xiaoyu, not even the Senluo Demon Monument!

"Stop for me!"

With an angry shout, all of Lin Chen's mind was crushed towards the Senluo Demon Stele at this moment, but unfortunately, compared to such a treasure, Lin Chen's power is still too weak.

A powerful and mysterious force envelops Xiaoyu's soul, and is using a mysterious method to erase Xiaoyu's consciousness, trying to refine it into Lin Chen's third martial soul.

This was something Lin Chen could not accept no matter what!

Although this secret method can refine Xiaoyu and strengthen Lin Chen's power, Lin Chen will not accept such power even if he dies!
"Why do you replace my decision!" Anger surged in his heart, and Lin Chen's face also became grim at this moment.

No matter how powerful you are, no matter how mysterious you are, in the end, you are just a stone tablet. You live in my dantian, and you will be used by me. Do you still want to turn against the guest?
Furious, Lin Chen controlled his mind and wanted to forcefully expel the Senluo Demon Tablet from his dantian!
"Since you are disobedient, get out of here!"


On top of such things, Lin Chen would never choose to compromise. Since the Mori Monument went against his will, letting it stay in Dantian would only be a hidden danger, a bomb.

Su Rang at the side, even if it was just a phantom, felt Lin Chen's strangeness, the terrifying arrogance that shot out, containing all kinds of power, even he was shocked.

"This kid really has a big secret. At first, he only thought that his cultivation technique was special, so he could accommodate the soul of the Wind-riding Condor. Now that I think about it, what kind of cultivation technique is there that can defy the sky to such an extent?
Su Rang finally concluded that there should be a terrible treasure in Lin Chen's body.

But to a certain extent, these treasures should have existences similar to weapon spirits, so that such treasures have more or less independent consciousness. The current situation seems to be that this treasure has a disagreement with Lin Chen. .

It has to be said that Su Rang's vision is vicious and experienced, and the actual situation is exactly the same.

Sensing the strong repulsion from Lin Chen, the Mori Monument suddenly vibrated, as if expressing a wave of anger, but it's a pity that Lin Chen's anger was going to be even more raging.

"roll roll roll!"

Lin Chen was really angry. To him, Xiaoyu was a real family member. Now that the Senluo Demon Tablet is trying to kill Xiaoyu, how could he not be angry? This is his Nilin!

The strong will kept repelling the Senluo Demon Tablet, which also made the Demon Tablet move away from the dantian while shaking, as if it was about to be really abandoned by Lin Chen.

If it were someone else, I'm afraid it would be impossible to reject such a powerful treasure, but to Lin Chen, any treasure is imaginary, and the truth is that he is strong, and the path he walks is to cultivate himself Invincible road.

In Lin Chen's eyes, treasures are meant to be controlled by warriors, if the cart before the horse, he would rather not have it!

And realized that Lin Chen really had no regrets, and wanted to expel the monster tablet from his body, and the monster tablet panicked immediately.

Just as Su Rang thought, there is actually a weapon spirit inside the magic tablet, but the current Lin Chen is too weak to be worthy of the weapon spirit appearing at all. He is stronger than Ye Tianchen, but he just barely allows the weapon spirit to appear.

The origin of this magic tablet is bigger than anyone imagined.

According to the wishes of the magic tablet spirit, it is natural to use all means to make Lin Chen stronger. The soul of a wind-riding eagle is nothing at all, but he did not expect that Lin Chen's reaction would be so great.

Reluctantly, the operation of the secret technique was stopped, the Mori Monument became quiet, and Xiao Yu's soul was freed from control, and under the guidance of Lin Chen, appeared beside him.

At this time, Xiao Yu's soul is already very weak. You must know that even if the monsters at the innate level have souls, they can't last forever. In addition, the move of the magic tablet before made Xiao Yu weak.

Ignoring the Mori Demon Monument, Lin Chen looked at Xiao Yu: "Xiao Yu, I will help you seize the house, don't resist, enter this body and seize control!"

Hearing this, Xiao Yu didn't hesitate any more, she had complete trust in Lin Chen.

With a cry, Xiao Yu's soul followed the guidance and entered the mind of Tianyan Eagle Puppet. Lin Chen immediately activated the effect of the Soul Melting Flower, operating according to the secret method, to help Xiao Yu.

And with the intrusion of Xiaoyu's soul, the remaining trace of soul in Tianyan Eagle Puppet's mind immediately woke up, relying on instinctive consciousness, to deal with Xiaoyu.

An eagle cry full of pride and violence reverberated, and in an instant, the black flame on the surface of the entire Tianyan Eagle Puppet became more and more blazing, and in that mind, in front of Xiaoyu's soul, was also A soul burning with black flames appeared!

This is the most critical link, Xiaoyu must overcome the remaining soul in the Tianyanying puppet, otherwise everything will be in vain!
"Xiao Yu, hold on!" Lin Chen had no choice but to silently cheer for Xiao Yu.

The longing for survival in Xiaoyu's heart grew uncontrollably, it understood that such an opportunity was too rare, even for Lin Chen, it had to fight with all its strength.

Immediately rushed forward, and launched an attack with the most primitive posture, Xiaoyu's soul fought with Tianyanyingguo's soul together!
Logically speaking, the Sky Flame Eagle is much stronger than Xiaoyu, but after being refined into a puppet, its soul is running low, and it doesn't have the original ferocity, on the contrary, it is a bit dull.

In contrast, Xiaoyu had the upper hand.

Lin Chen calmed down a bit, but still waited nervously. Only when Xiao Yu successfully wiped out the soul of Tian Yan Ying Puppet could he truly complete the seizure and have a chance of rebirth.

The flames on the surface of the Tianyan Eagle Puppet's body were burning, and in the mind, the two remaining souls were constantly fighting.

Claws, beak, wings, every attackable place, is attacking the opponent frantically. For Xiaoyu, this is not only a battle for the house, but also a nirvana!
The ferocity of the beast instinct hidden deep in the blood was completely stimulated, and the more she fought, the more courageous she became, and Xiao Yu had already started to crush the soul of the Sky Flame Eagle Puppet on the opposite side.

However, after being refined into a puppet, the soul of the Tianyan Eagle Puppet had already lost the instinct of a beast, and was immediately suppressed and retreated steadily.

Seeing this scene, Lin Chen was completely relieved. As long as this step is completed, the seizure of the house can be regarded as basically successful.

Seeing Lin Chen's frowning eased, Su Rang was also amazed in his heart. The chance of winning the house was very low. Unexpectedly, the soul of the Wind-riding Condor actually defeated the remaining soul of the Tianyan Eagle Puppet.

Beside this kid, even an eagle is extraordinary!
(End of this chapter)

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