Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 196 Xia Tian's Interception

Chapter 196 Xia Tian's Interception

Finally, in the body of Tianyan Eagle Puppet, the fight between the two souls came to an end with Xiao Yu's last heavy blow.

The sharp beak ruthlessly pierced into the forehead of the remaining soul of the Sky Flame Eagle. The tyrannical force became the last straw that broke the camel's back. With a soft bang, the nearly transparent illusory soul finally dissipated completely.

Lin Chen was overjoyed, and immediately mobilized the power of the Soul Melting Flower towards Xiao Yu's soul.

"Xiao Yu, occupy this body!"

Lin Chen was very excited when he transmitted the sound to Xiaoyu.

Logically speaking, Xiao Yu is not the Sky Flame Eagle, so occupying this body is very likely to cause rejection, just like a fight between warriors, the body won is not as suitable as his own.

Therefore, this soul-melting flower is needed. The main effect of this strange spiritual herb is to erase the repulsion between Xiaoyu's soul and this body, making it perfectly blend, so it is called the soul-melting flower!

Hearing this, Xiao Yu cheered up too. The previous fights also made her already weak soul even weaker. At this moment, she was completely supported by a wave of faith.

Absolutely can't just fall down!

This thought in her heart supported Xiao Yu, and she forcibly occupied this body. The power of her soul fluctuated and spread out. During the divergence, Xiao Yu gradually began to try to control the body of this Sky Flame Eagle.

Hoo hoo. .

On the body of the huge Sky Flame Eagle, a black flame that was almost extinguished rose slowly, and at the same time, it really brought a fierce arrogance that surpassed the sky, from that spark of fire to a swaying flame, Then to the raging flames!

An aura that belonged exclusively to Xiaoyu was also accompanied by the rise of such a flame, and in this black flame, Nirvana was born!

The wings spread out suddenly, turning around like a real pitch-black flame, a burst of high temperature even distorted the air, at this moment, the tightly closed eyes of Tian Yanying suddenly opened.

A cry that had been suppressed for too long roared out uncontrollably at this moment, and within the two eagle eyes, black flames were burning, filled with a breathtaking brilliance.

Immediately afterwards, a tyrannical aura radiated out, filled with the kindness that Lin Chen was familiar with in his bones, it was the aura that belonged exclusively to Xiaoyu!

Agitated in his heart, Lin Chen understood that at this moment, not only was Xiao Yu truly reborn, but her strength also greatly increased!

In the pupils of the eyes, what the black flames couldn't hide was a kind of friendship that went deep into the soul. Xiao Yu lowered her head and rubbed against Lin Chen's chest affectionately. It also represents Tian Yanying's absolute closeness to a person.

Su Rang, who was watching this scene, was secretly dumbfounded. According to his calculation, the success rate of such a seizure is less than [-]%, but he did not expect it to be successful.

Looking at Wen Lingquan, the Ye brothers and sisters were also awakened at this moment.

Ye Xiaotian rubbed her dazed eyes, looked at the huge monster in front of her, and couldn't believe it, while Ye Xiaoshi looked bewildered, but in her heart, she knew very well what she had done.

This is also the most terrifying part of the blood body. When you lose control, you can clearly realize what you have done, and when the extreme desire for blood finally subsides, you will also fall into the incomparable In regret!

This is simply more terrifying than the scourge of the sky, so this bloody body is also called the body of the scourge of the sky.

It's hard to imagine that this innocent girl who looks harmless to humans and animals actually has such a legendary physique.

"These two little guys..." Su Rang sighed secretly. If these two were in Lingxiu Xiaoqianjie, they would get the best resources, but in this ordinary world, they are very close.

However, he still has a heart to cherish talents. Since he has encountered it, he must try his best to cultivate it. Not to mention that the body of bloody blood cannot be let go, but the body of Taixu alone can really step into the holy realm existence!
Ordinary people may think that without a martial soul, one cannot cultivate, but no one has ever thought that a martial soul may not be a kind of bondage!
Of course, Su Rang didn't say these words. After all, for other people present, these things were still too difficult to accept and too far away.

"Big brother..." Both siblings looked at Lin Chen. The sudden appearance of an old man and the huge black eagle made them a little scared. In comparison, Lin Chen was trustworthy. .

"It's okay, this is Xiaoyu, my partner, this is Senior Su, he may be able to solve Xiaoshi's problem with you." Lin Chen comforted immediately.

Hearing this, Ye Xiaoshi's big, dim eyes also showed a kind of brilliance.

If she loses control every time she sees blood, it's hard to imagine what kind of person Ye Xiaoshi will become in the future, and she may find it difficult to accept it.

"Okay boy, this secret place is a bit mysterious. I want to come and see for myself. These two little ones, let them wait here. You can go." Su Rang waved his hand unceremoniously.

Lin Chen also nodded when he heard the words. The matter of Pingshan City cannot be delayed. It has been half a day now, and he must do it as soon as possible.

"Xiaotian Xiaoshi, you are waiting here, I have some things to do as soon as possible!" Lin Chen said, and ran out with Xiaoyu.

At the same time, an astonishing scene happened in the sky above Pingshan City.

I saw a few piercing eagles circling around, but on the backs of the eagles, there were two groups of people confronting each other!

Yan Mingyu's complexion was extremely ugly. Beside him, Wu Zhuoheng's complexion was pale, with blood dripping from the corner of his mouth, obviously injured. Yan Mengyue's pretty face was also ugly.

And on the opposite side of them, a young man in a red brocade robe, with a proud face, looked at them, it was Xia Tian!
"Hehe, Your Royal Highness, Your Highness Third Prince, please wait here obediently. Pingshan City is besieged by corpses, and the situation is critical. The two of you are worth a million gold. If something happens, I can't afford it." Xia Tian Laughing, at the same time, he looked at Yan Mengyue's delicate body, a hint of lewdness flashed in his eyes.

"Presumptuous, what are you in Xia Tian, ​​you dare to stop me?" Yan Mingyu was angry, he understood the importance of Pingshan City to Lin Chen, now Xia Tian led people to stop, Yan Zhen even went to Pingshan City, the consequences would be disastrous.

"Hehe, of course I'm nothing, but if the prince wants to pass, he still has to weigh it up. My fire unicorn martial soul, I will accept it or not." There are also many subordinates who can perfectly crush Yan Mingyu and others.

Moreover, most of the participants also understood that the quota had nothing to do with them, so they were all bought by the eldest prince Yan Zhen!
Since there is no chance of getting a quota, they simply earn some benefits. Many people will be very happy if Lin Chen is dismounted and this genius with a holy martial spirit does not get a quota.

This is the root of evil in human form. What you can't get yourself, you can't see others get it. Jealousy of the virtuous and capable means that you can't see others being better than yourself!
With a swipe of Xia Tian's palm, a group of blazing flames rose up, causing the temperature in this piece of sky to rise steadily.

Seeing this, Yan Mingyu's heart became angry, and he immediately made a move with his palm, and a majestic golden-winged roc appeared behind him, shaking the sky between cries.

ps: Thank you Shi Yan s sister for your reward, ok!
(End of this chapter)

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