Chapter 197
Tenth-order martial spirit, golden-winged roc!
Yan Mingyu's talent is also good. This golden-winged roc is considered to be the best even among the tenth-order martial spirit, and the golden-winged roc is famous for its speed. With this martial spirit, Yan Ming Yu's speed far exceeds that of people of the same level.

The aura unfolded, and Yan Mingyu was also a master who had reached the fourth-order congenital. The whole person looked extraordinary, and he rushed towards the opposite Xia Tian.


With a cold snort, Xia Tian did his part, and a roaring fire unicorn appeared behind him, causing the temperature of the whole world to rise suddenly,
If it wasn't for his deliberate manipulation, even the Sky Breaking Eagle under his feet would be burned to death immediately.

The appearance of the super martial soul immediately put pressure on Yan Mingyu, the golden-winged roc let out a long roar, and between the dancing of its wings, a strong wind blew up, sweeping towards Xia Tian.

On Xia Tian's side, with ten finger flicks, one after another blazing red flames shot out, cutting through the air, and directly aimed at Yan Mingyu.

The strong wind howled, but couldn't suppress the flames, and the high temperature raged, and the Skybreaker under Yan Mingyu's feet screamed mournfully at this moment, and retreated again and again.

His complexion was ugly. Although Yan Mingyu had good strength, he was still not good enough in front of the owner of a super martial spirit, especially the Xia Tian Huo Qilin was known for its attack power. Ordinary people, etc., couldn't even last a round.

Yan Mengyue on the side also made a move at this moment, dancing with her jade hands, and a wave of pure and pure star power surged out, enveloping Yan Mingyu, Wu Zhuoheng, and this group with an inviolable sacred nobility. Only an empty eagle.

Perhaps the power of the stars is not very strong in terms of attack, but there is absolutely no problem in using it as a defense. Although the flames of Xia Tian are strong, the coolness of the power of the stars instantly neutralizes them.

Immediately, Yan Mingyu's pressure was greatly reduced, and he was able to deal with it, but he couldn't break out to Pingshan City.

Xia Tian took the time to attack, and in broad daylight, he didn't dare to kill, but he only needed to stop Yan Mingyu.

At the same time, in Pingshan City, the situation is not optimistic.

Yan Zhen has already arrived at Pingshan City, and there are a large number of corpses attacking the city outside the city. The city lord and Song Buping are joining forces to resist.

With his hands behind his back, Yan Zhen stood on the city wall with ruthlessness written all over his horse face, and he shouted loudly: "People from Lingtian Mansion, come out!"

Knowing Lin Chen's information very well, Yan Zhen was going to target Ling Tianfu immediately.

Hearing this, Song Buping was taken aback for a moment, but he still stood up.

"You guys, go outside the city wall and attack the corpse man!" Yan Zhen gave an order, but almost pushed everyone to death.

what? !

Hearing this sentence, Song Buping was stunned.

Corpse people attack the city, and there are almost all corpses outside the city wall, and some of them have extraordinary strength. In this case, if you go under the city wall, you will definitely die!

But they had to listen to Yan Zhen's order.

Because Yan is really a prince!
The king made his ministers dead and his ministers had to die. Violating Yan Zhen is tantamount to violating the Great Yan Dynasty. Such a crime cannot be borne.

Immediately, Wang Yuqing's face changed color.

"Lin Chen, it must be Lin Chen. He offended the prince and affected us. This disaster, disaster!"

Song Buping immediately became angry, and gave Wang Yuqing a hard look: "Shut up!"

But unexpectedly, a stern look flashed in Wang Yuqing's eyes, and he immediately became tough: "Why do you tell me to shut up! I don't want to stay in this Lingtian mansion for a long time, I want to quit Lingtian mansion! Since you win over Lin Chen, Nothing good ever happened!"

Looking at Wang Yuqing, he felt terribly disappointed, he seemed to be aging a lot at this moment, Song Buping shook his head.

He has always been aware that Wang Yuqing's character needs to be tempered, but he never thought that he would be so unbearable. He had always been pretending before, but now, facing the threat of death, he immediately exposed his true nature.

"Yuqing, how can you talk like that! You forgot that when you were lonely and had no food to eat and slept on the street, who took you in and taught you how to practice?" Yuan Teng couldn't stand it anymore, stood up, and glared at him. With Wang Yuqing.

He was an orphan like Wang Yuqing back then, and Song Buping took them in when he saw them being pitiful. For so many years, Yuan Teng has always been grateful, but Wang Yuqing has long taken it for granted.

Seeing such a scene, Yan Zhen was also very interested, with a smile on his face.

"Wang Yuqing, right? You're right. Since you've quit Lingtian Mansion, you don't have to go down. I appreciate you, so stay by my side and be a follower!" Yan Zhen said after waving.

Wang Yuqing was overjoyed immediately, and trotted to Yan Zhen's side.

"Thank you, prince, for your appreciation, Yuqing will definitely stand on the saddle!" Immediately afterwards, he looked at everyone in Lingtian Mansion, especially Yuan Teng, with a proud face.

"Hahaha, Yuan Teng, you see, this matter must have happened because of Lin Chen, you still call him a brother, that guy has something to do with Ling Tian Mansion, it is also because of you, you are the one who brought Ling Tian Mansion to its end! "

The little man is lucky!

This expression made Yuan Teng and Song Buping very sad.

"Hehe, Yuan Teng? You have a good relationship with Lin Chen, right? Then you should be the first to go down. Lin Chen is amazingly beautiful, and you must be extremely extraordinary. Go and wipe out all these corpses!" Yan Zhen He waved his hand, as if he was talking about the most common thing.

"See, it's because of Lin Chen, Yuan Teng, we grew up together, it's still too late for you to repent, surrender to Prince Yanzhen, and leave Lingtian Mansion to save your life!" Wang Yuqing fanned the flames.

"Bah! Whoever grew up with you, I will break with you from now on! The Palace Master treats me with great kindness, and I will never break his promise. I, Yuan Teng, was born as a member of Lingtian Mansion, and died as a ghost of Lingtian Mansion!" Yuan Teng scolded angrily, his whole body trembling because of such anger.

It is true that they grew up together, so in his heart, he has always cherished this brother Wang Yuqing, but he did not expect that he would be so unable to stand the test and show such a face.

"Hahaha, I have never regretted being able to meet such a wonderful person as Brother Lin Chen. Even if I die, he will definitely avenge me. You just wait!" Yuan Teng jumped down resolutely. Climb the city wall and rush towards countless corpses!
"Yuan Teng!"

Song Buping let out an exclamation, and his figure also swooped down, Lao Wang, Song Wen and others also followed, most of the people in Lingtian Mansion rushed down, only a few stood still, still hesitating.

There are even some people who made the same choice as Wang Yuqing, defecting from Lingtian Mansion and submitting to Yan Zhen!

The wind knows the strength of the grass, and the truth is seen in adversity. This sentence has never been false. Only in the face of danger that endangers one's wealth and life can one see the essence of a person clearly.

Seeing everyone rushing to kill, Yan Zhen also snorted coldly, and immediately said: "As for the people from the Golden Wind Auction, let me go down too!"

"Hahaha, I, Jinze, have stayed in this small place for a long time. I can't go back to the headquarters. It's a good choice to die in a vigorous battle! It's a pity that I didn't see Lin Chen again before I died!" Jinze smiled, rushed out.

Yan Lao shook his head, but immediately after, there was a hint of madness in his eyes: "My old bones, even if I die, it doesn't matter! Let me tell you, Lin Chen is a horse-faced man like you, and he will never be able to match him in his life." !"

Yan Zhen was not pleasing to the eye for a long time, and Yan Lao said that he was a man with a horse face, which directly made his heart beat faster, but at this moment Yan Lao had already rushed out, and Yan Zhen had no choice.

Anger rose in his heart, and Yan Zhen couldn't figure out what kind of charm Lin Chen had that could make these people unwilling to give in even if they died!

(End of this chapter)

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