Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 198 Burning wrath!

Chapter 198 Burning wrath!
Also within Pingshan City, while Yan Zhen was showing off his power, the battle between Xia Tian and Yan Mingyu in the distant sky became more and more intense.

Anxious in his heart, Yan Mingyu's shots became more and more fierce. The golden-winged roc screamed behind him, and golden wind blades shot out continuously, colliding with the flames of Xia Tian. Gold and red each occupied half of the sky!
With Yan Mengyue's help, and with some resistance to the hot flames, Yan Mingyu gradually gained the upper hand, but it was Xia Tian who kept retreating.

Standing on the back of Po Kongying, with an ugly face, Xia Tian stared at Yan Mengyue, without hiding the lust in his eyes, stuck out his tongue and licked his lips, he had never tasted the taste of a top female star soul master .

"The cooperation between the third prince and the princess is really perfect. If this is the case, then don't blame me for being rude!"

The voice was ferocious, Xia Tian's handprint suddenly changed, and the fire unicorn behind him suddenly burst into flames. Between the raging flames, a gorgeous column of fire rose into the sky.

The fire unicorn was originally an auspicious beast, but under Xia Tian's control, this martial spirit became vicious and ferocious!
Obviously, under such a delay, Xia Tian is also extremely impatient, since Yan Mingyu wants to die, then he will be fulfilled!
"Fire Qilin·Raging Flame Strike!"

With a burst of shouting, while the fire unicorn roared, that sky-reaching fire pillar also smashed down fiercely, heading straight for Yan Mingyu.

Feeling such pressure, Yan Mingyu's complexion was ugly. Even with the power of the stars to protect his body, the high temperature still seemed to be pervasive, making him feel like he was in a steamer.

This is the power of a super Martial Soul owner. It is enough to instantly kill the tyrannical attacks of the same realm. It is really invincible!
Yan Mingyu naturally saw that at this moment, Xia Tian had already used his natal soul skills, and this attack was bound to be irresistible to any existence in the same realm.

"You are not the only one who knows the soul skills of life!" Yan Mingyu shouted angrily, and Yan Mingyu's pride had never been lost to anyone.

"Golden Winged Peng Moyun Zhan!"

All of a sudden, there was a strong wind, and above the high altitude, the golden-winged roc flapped its wings, and a brilliant golden storm suddenly formed, and then, during the crazy rotation, it also turned into a cloud-moistening wind blade!
Slashing down fiercely, this Moyun Slash, carrying Yan Mingyu's pride and anger, faced the sky-reaching fire pillar in front.

Immediately, terrifying fluctuations spread in all directions, and the collision between the two natal soul skills was not just for fun. The Sky-shattering Eagle under the two feet kept retreating, and a lot of feathers on their bodies withered.

Above the sky, a golden and red terrifying energy storm devoured each other and spread, rendering the sky extremely beautiful.

And in the distance, a young man in a green shirt, under his feet a huge monster with a height of three meters and a wingspan of nearly five meters, his whole body was burning with pitch-black flames, approaching rapidly!

"Xiao Yu, hurry up!"

A lot of time was wasted in Jieyang City, Lin Chen was very anxious, Cui Yuan and Cui Ba could think of going to Pingshan City, which meant that Yan Zhen and Xia Tian could also think of it.

Parents became what they are now, all because of Xia Tian, ​​this time, he will definitely go to Pingshan City to do evil again!

Among the fluctuations, Yan Mingyu was the first to bear the brunt of the strong impact. Even if Yan Mengyue used the power of the stars to help him buffer at the first time, he still had a sweet throat and spurted out a mouthful of blood.

It's not that he is weak, but that the Super Martial Soul is too strong!

This is still with the help of the power of the stars, if it is one-on-one, I am afraid that Yan Mingyu's injury will be more serious.

Xia Tian backed away, and his complexion was not very natural. This Moyun Slash was indeed no small matter, but it had already hit the real fire. If that was the case, Xia Tian couldn't swallow this breath!

"Third Prince is nothing more than that, with this little strength, do you want to be a hero?" With a sarcasm, Xia Tian immediately formed a seal again, and he wanted to attack again.

Yan Mingyu's face turned serious, he gritted his teeth, stared at Xia Tian, ​​and immediately used his force to run against Xia Tian.

It's just that at this moment, the Sky-Splitting Eagles under everyone's feet trembled one after another, their wings were unstable, they couldn't maintain their flight, they screamed, and surrendered!

A sharp cry echoed from far to near, and in an instant, all the piercing eagles wailed, expressing the deepest surrender and awe, this scene stunned everyone.

The next moment, when a black flame eagle that seemed to be able to cover the sky and the sun appeared in everyone's eyes, the whole world seemed to be silent.

"Lin Chen!"

"Brother Lin Chen!"

"It's Lin Chen!"

After a short silence, there were exclamations of astonishment one after another, Xia Tian's complexion suddenly became extremely ugly, his strength could bully Yan Mingyu, but against Lin Chen, he couldn't even arouse much fighting spirit !

Before people arrived, the terrifying murderous intent had already spread, and everyone who was a little hot because of the fire unicorn's high temperature felt a chill in their hearts.

With a swipe of the palm, the magic halberd was already in his grip. Looking at Xia Tian, ​​Lin Chen's murderous intent exploded, soaring into the sky.

As if facing a big enemy, Xia Tian kept retreating.

"Brother Lin Chen, go to Pingshan City quickly, Xia Tian stopped us, Yan Zhen has already rushed to Pingshan City, I'm afraid he will attack your parents!" Yan Mingyu quickly reminded.

Boom boom boom!
As soon as the words fell, Lin Chen's body suddenly burst into an extremely pure flame of hell, which was so terrifying that the sky behind him was distorted at this moment.

A feeling of extreme rage deeply shocked the hearts of everyone present, and the young man in green shirt who seemed to have stepped out of hell was completely engraved in their hearts and could not be erased.

This is a burning wrath!
"Xiamen, my oath, you can remember it well." The voice was low and terrifying, even if Xia Tian's murderous intent was irrepressible, Lin Chen had to rush to Pingshan City as soon as possible!

Xia Tian's pupils shrank suddenly, how could he forget Lin Chen's oath!

"Summer, I, Lin Chen, swear that I will smash your bones into ashes and tear you into pieces!" On the square of Dayan Palace, the young man made such an oath, which has become Xia Tian's deepest nightmare.

Leaving these words, Lin Chen didn't dare to stay any longer, so he urged Xiao Yu to rush to Pingshan City. The ultimate murderous intent in his heart, which was constantly brewing, appeared around his body, like substance.

The sky was distorted and black flames were engulfing. Everyone looked at the back figure that looked like a god, and fell into unparalleled shock.

"Yan Zhen, if you dare to touch a hair on my parents, I will definitely make you fall into the nether world forever!" Holding the magic halberd tightly in his hand, the young man gritted his teeth, one person and one eagle, galloping through the air, rushing towards Napingshan City.

(End of this chapter)

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