Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 202 Kaitian Qi, 1st level!

Chapter 202 Opening the sky, the first level!
One husband is in charge, and ten thousand people are not open!

Lin Chen at this moment can be said to truly be worthy of these eight words.

At the beginning outside Tianshui City, the four guards of Yanyun Eighteen Guards came together and swept away all the corpses. At this moment, although there are not as many corpses outside Pingshan City as Tianshui City, Lin Chen, who truly Strength, I regret these tens of thousands of corpses!
Undoubtedly, this kind of bravery and strength with one enemy ten thousand is more shocking. After killing Wang Yuqing forcefully and forcing Yan Zhen and Xia Tian back, Lin Chen once again told everyone with real actions that his tyranny No match.

A figure in a green shirt swept across the army of corpses, and black flames spread out. At this moment, it seemed that all the hustle and bustle fell silent, and only the sound of flying heads was left in the whole world.

It's actually a bit pleasing to the ear!
Everyone was in a deeper shock at this moment, unable to speak a word.

Such a strong army of corpses can be said to be enough to cause the most devastating blow to Pingshan City. Even if they can barely pass through in the end, they will definitely be seriously injured.

But now, Lin Chen was able to resolve such a disaster invisibly with only one person's strength!
With the magic halberd in his hand, Lin Chen at this moment fits this halberd like never before. He flipped through the Heavenly Halberd technique in his mind. The change.

If it is said that most of the battles were fought with the sharpness and tyrannical strength of the magic halberd in the past, then now, the way Lin Chen uses this magic halberd is already more ingenious.

He is learning this method of opening the sky halberd with astonishing comprehension.

And as he continued to digest the huge information, Lin Chen became more and more surprised. It is indeed the halberd technique that matches the Senluo Demon Halberd, and it is really worthy of the word "opening the sky".

Heaven-opening halberd method, cultivate the energy to open up the sky, a full 36 weights, if you practice it to a great success, you can open up the world!
That short sentence suddenly made Lin Chen's blood boil.

Sen Luo's Nine Breaking Fist, which contains nine levels of dark energy, is already very valuable. Until now, in this level of battle, it can still help Lin Chen, and it is even understood by him. Not only the fist, but even the attack of the magic halberd can bring The upper nine layers of dark energy.

But now, this Heaven-opening Halberd technique can fully brew 36 times the energy of opening the sky. This is undoubtedly far beyond the nine-fold dark energy of Sen Luo's Nine Breaking Fist. This is not a simple quadruple strength , but presents a geometric doubling!
If one has truly cultivated to 36 levels of vigor, then the word "opening the sky" is definitely not a lie!

The magic halberd danced with a charm compared to before, and Lin Chen also felt that at this moment, the magic halberd seemed to be a part of his body and could be commanded like an arm.

Whoosh whoosh.

Corpse heads flew up one after another, and in less than a stick of incense, these tens of thousands of corpses had already fallen by the thousands. However, without knowing fear, these corpses attacked more and more violently come over.

It's a pity that none of the corpses can get close, and the magic halberd passes by, without exception, even the corpses that have reached extraordinary strength cannot withstand a few moves.

Such a battle could already be called a massacre.

It seems that at this moment, these corpses with teeth and claws are nothing but Lin Chen's prey, not worth mentioning.

And in fact, it is.

With such killings, the rage in Lin Chen's heart has been alleviated a lot. What is more important now is the comprehension of this halberd technique. The power has been greatly improved, and the difficulty has naturally increased accordingly. Qi is not as simple as Sen Luo's Nine Breaking Fist.

Of course, he did not forget about the second round of the test. He was dealing with the army of corpses alone, on the one hand for the sake of Pingshan City, and on the other hand, to collect the heads of the corpses.

Since you want to win, you have to beat everyone with an absolutely crushing attitude!

Yan Zhen will never stop here, he can come to Pingshan City to fight against Lingtian Mansion, Gold Wind Auction House, and his parents, so he can play more tricks.

Lin Chen didn't want to see that Yan Zhen finally handed over more corpses than himself.

Therefore, the heads of tens of thousands of corpses today belonged to him, Lin Chen!

Such a move is undoubtedly extremely crazy, but it is undeniable that Lin Chen really has such strength.

The magic halberd was swung again and again, accompanied by the soaring of the head, even though Lin Chen was powerful, he had a huge consumption at the moment. In the end, the realm was still his shortcoming. The innate third-order Yuanli was able to persist in such a massacre. For a long time, it has been very rare.

This is also thanks to the Wanxiang Senluo Jue. The black elemental force cultivated by this method is undoubtedly far superior to ordinary elemental force in terms of strength and majesty.

However, even though he was almost exhausted, Lin Chen didn't stop. While the magic halberd was dancing, the terrifying energy that was constantly brewing was slowly taking shape!
That's right, even in this kind of battle, Lin Chen is still trying to gather the energy for the first re-opening.

And, he's about to succeed.

A majestic black energy flowed along the meridians in the body, reached the arms, palms, and finally poured into the Senluo Demon Halberd. It moved in a mysterious and abnormal trajectory, slowly condensed, and finally converged on the halberd. On the front, it turned into a wave, opening up the sky!
Kaitian Qi, the first level!
With a cry of anger, the demon halberd swung fiercely. On the edge of the halberd, the first burst of energy shot out at this moment, turning into a black rainbow of light. When it swept away, it immediately flew away. Hundreds of corpse heads!

Opening the sky, the two characters of opening the sky, not only possesses the power of opening the sky, but also has unparalleled sharpness.

And when this unparalleled sharpness is combined with tyrannical power, the destructive power is also doubled!
The audience was in an uproar, and this blow once again subverted everyone's cognition.

Killing hundreds of corpses with one halberd, then these tens of thousands of corpses are nothing more than a mere matter of hundreds of halberds!
It seems that such a catastrophic matter, with Lin Chen, is just a stroll in the courtyard, and it can be resolved without any effort.

"Such a halberd technique, such sharpness and strength, are unheard of." Yan Mingyu stood on the back of the piercing eagle with complicated eyes.

Yan Mengyue's beautiful eyes looked at Lin Chen with a strange look, but Wu Zhuoheng strengthened her belief that she must befriend Lin Chen.

Most of the people in Pingshan City had already been petrified. Song Buping opened his mouth to admire, but found that he had nothing to say.

Indeed, the power of one person swept away tens of thousands of corpses. Such a Lin Chen was so shocked that it was far beyond words.

Tianjiao Wushuang naturally makes people speechless. At this moment, Lin Chen has truly transcended the category of so-called genius, and he can really be called Tianjiao.

(End of this chapter)

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