Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 203 Red Wind Valley

Chapter 203 Red Wind Valley

Wow. .

Another extreme black light burst out from the tip of the magic halberd and spread out, beheading hundreds of corpses standing in front of them at the end. That unparalleled sharp force burst out suddenly, With the pleasant sound of the last head falling to the ground, Lin Chen killed all these tens of thousands of corpses!

Hoo hoo. .

His complexion was pale, and he was panting heavily. Lin Chen was wearing a blue shirt, which was completely soaked at this moment, and there was not much energy left in his body, which had been squandered.

The arm holding the magic halberd was trembling, Lin Chen was completely overdrawn at this moment.

One against ten thousand is really not just talking, but requires extremely strong strength and physique. An innate third-order, no matter how evil, is still not enough.

If it wasn't for Lin Chen's realization of the Heaven-Opening Halberd at the critical moment, which is the first level of energy to open the sky, and perfectly fit with the Senluo Demon Halberd, he might not be able to persist.

Kaitian energy is really strong, it doesn't consume much Yuanli, but the strength it exerts is explosive. Simply put, it is a little bit of strength that is exerted to great effect!
Moreover, Lin Chen's frenzied killing mood finally matched this magic halberd. When he swung the halberd, the halberd moved with his heart, saving most of his strength.

Even so, in the end, he was still completely exhausted, and he finally completed the beheading with the breath in his heart.

Miracle! !
As the headless corpse of the last corpse fell, the entire Pingshan City fell into an unprecedented silence.

Countless gazes, with the same emotion called shock, stared at the still straight figure in the green shirt at this moment, and none of them could say a word.

A Tier [-] innate warrior kills tens of thousands of corpses with one strike!

Who would believe this record if they hadn't seen it with their own eyes?
Even if it is ordinary and extraordinary, how long can it last if it is caught in such an army of corpses?
Maybe it doesn't take a stick of incense time, but he will be forced to escape to Yukong!
Is Lin Chen's realm really just what it seems on the surface, only the third level of congenital?

Many people even had doubts in their hearts.

It's just that even if they have doubts, they still can't help but believe in their hearts, and believe that this is true.

"Lin Chen! Lin Chen!"

"Lin Chen! Hero!"

"Lin Chen!"

I don't know how long it took, and I don't know who took the lead. The shouts suddenly resounded throughout the entire Pingshan City.

Many people were already desperate, but they never expected that this young man would actually create an unimaginable miracle once again.

In the past, he was innate with one step and wiped out the supernatural, but now, with one enemy against ten thousand, he created another miracle!
The name Lin Chen has been deeply imprinted in the deepest part of the hearts of every person in Pingshan City.

"Brother Lin Chen, I, Yan Mingyu, have never convinced anyone. From today on, you are my big brother!" Yan Mingyu jumped off the eagle's back and supported Lin Chen.

Yan Mengyue did the same, she didn't have too many words, but the color revealed in her beautiful eyes already had such a trace of admiration.

Which girl does not have a spring, Lin Chen came through the sky, such a brave and heroic figure, undoubtedly perfectly fit the fantasy in every girl's heart.

With a light wave of the jade hand, the pure and cool power of the stars poured into Lin Chen's body, nourishing his tired body. Such a comfortable feeling made Lin Chen heave a long sigh of relief.

In the previous battle, he also mobilized the power of the stars to nourish his body, but he was obviously inferior to Yan Mengyue in the cultivation of the star soul master and the use of the power of the stars.

"Mingyu, you and I are naturally brothers, but I feel a little uncomfortable listening to this big brother." Lin Chen waved his hand and chuckled.

"But this time I failed to kill Yan Zhen and Xia Tian, ​​but I'm really not reconciled. If I want to take action against my parents, I will never let them go."

Sighing softly, a ray of murderous intent leaked from Lin Chen's eyes made Yan Mingyu and others feel chilly.

"It doesn't matter, there is still a third round of testing. According to Sister Xiangfei, this third round is in the Red Wind Valley, which is the best place to kill people." Killing is not much weaker than Lin Chen.

Yan Zhen, for the sake of the throne, did everything he could, and even attacked his own father and brothers. It can be said that everyone can get it and punish him.

Red Wind Valley. .

After reading this name, Lin Chen looked at Yan Mingyu.

"Red Wind Valley is a dangerous place in the territory of the Dayan Dynasty. It is scorching hot all the year round, and there are wind blades sweeping like bone-cutting winds. Many warriors who explored are buried in it." Mentioning the name, Yan Ming Yu's complexion also became serious.

"In the Red Wind Valley, although there are dangers, there will also be some strange fire beasts. In the bodies of these fire beasts, there are red fire beads. This third round of tests is to collect red fire beads." Yan Mengyue said in a crisp voice.

Lin Chen nodded, feeling a little confident in his heart, Yan Zhen and Xia Tian and him are already immortal, in this Red Wind Valley, there must be a life and death.

"In the rest of the time, I will try to kill as many corpses as possible to secure the first place in the second round of tests." Lin Chen's eyes were firm, half a year was getting closer, the situation of his parents was imminent, he had to get the Thousand Years Tianshan lotus seeds.

"Most of the people have taken refuge in Yan Zhen's side. Yan Zhen already has a quota. I am afraid that their heads will be given to that summer." Yan Mingyu said.

Although he didn't know the reason, he could also tell that Lin Chen was determined to get No.1.

"The No. 1 reward is a thousand-year-old Tianshan lotus seed, which is something I must get." Lin Chen didn't hide it either.

"Thousand-year-old Tianshan lotus seeds... This thing is not particularly precious to warriors. Even ordinary people can take it to prolong life." Yan Mingyu said.

"My parents were burned by Xia Tian and need this treatment." After finishing speaking, Lin Chen also walked towards the city wall and saw Lin Lei and Han Mei.

The two of them still looked the same, and even maintained the original posture. Lin Chen's nose was sour, and he tried not to shed tears.

"Father, don't worry, I will definitely cure you." Lin Chen gritted his teeth.

In fact, Lin Chen could go and ask Su Rang for treasures. Presumably, with the magic of the life essence, he should be able to heal the two of them.

However, he doesn't want to rely too much on others and owe others, he wants to rely on his own strength to save his parents and kill his enemies!

If you always want to ask others to help you in everything, then what is the way to become a strong man?
At the same time, in a distant place, in a huge valley, there is a fiery high temperature, and there are wind blades hovering around one after another, which is very dangerous.

"Okay, this formation is really complicated..." One person let out a long breath.

"Hey, this time, even if that Lin Chen has three heads and six arms and falls into the formation, he will definitely die!"

The two laughed, it was Guo Zhentian, Guo Zhenyu, Lin Chen and others only knew that the third round of the test was within the Red Wind Valley, but they did not expect that Yan Zhen had already laid many traps!

(End of this chapter)

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