Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 222 Introduction to the Abyss of Corpse

Chapter 222 Introduction to the Abyss of Corpse
He Chao panicked instantly!

He has been planning to hide for so long just to build the corpse abyss today. His biggest reliance is the unbreakable ability of this evil corpse technique, even Su Rang can't do it.

No matter what, He Chao never imagined that his grand plan would be ruined because of a trivial transcendence!
This kind of extraordinary sincerity that he had never seen before, turned out to be just enough to restrain the corpse man and rescue him without killing him.

You know, as long as the corpse is killed, the corpse will be turned into nourishment for building the corpse abyss, unless it is like Su Rang who directly eliminates all the sinister energy with the incomparably domineering profound meaning of the holy light, otherwise, Every time a corpse is killed, the formation of the corpse abyss will go one step further.

"Hahaha, He Chao, I didn't expect that!" Su Rang laughed heartily, being able to save the corpse man, today's game is broken.

At the same time, Mo Yu waved his hand and shot out streaks of black and white light, entering the body of every corpse on the square.

If it was said that she was still groping before, and this method was far from mature, and it was impossible to save all the corpses at all, then everything is different now.

This fragment of the source of life talisman directly changed everything!
First of all, the tyrannical power of life contained in the fragments, as a support, can make Mo Yu no longer need to consume his own life, and then it is enlightened, by analogy, Mo Yu's originally vague extraordinary true meaning, directly formed, and tended to to perfection!

Starting from life and death, but transcending life and death, this true meaning is the true meaning of survival and destruction!
In the blink of an eye, there were already hundreds of corpses, who were driven into black and white light by Mo Yu, and stopped in place. Some of them couldn't bear the pain and passed out directly, while others, they were struggling and finally recovered. normal!

The corpse poison in the body was completely destroyed. Immediately afterwards, when the rich and pure life force poured in, these people could no longer see any signs of corpses!
This scene stunned everyone.

"Sister Mo Yu, save Yan Nantian first!" Lin Chen immediately decided to rescue Yan Nantian first. If Yan Nantian can be brought back from the current situation, it will be reversed.

Immediately, everyone jumped onto Xiao Yuying's back, and they were already flying into the air, which also made He Chao's eyes tear up.

My own plan is about to go to waste!
"Lin Chen, it's Lin Chen again!" Yan Zhenma's face was distorted, full of hatred, but with his strength, he couldn't get involved at all. He could only hope that He Chao would succeed.

However, even in his own heart, he didn't believe it.

Hoo hoo. .

The fire unicorn spewed out flames, and wherever it passed, all the corpses were burned into ashes, but it could be vaguely seen that there were dots of dark green color in the ashes, which quietly flowed and gathered, and poured into the ground.

This corpse poison is so stubborn that even the domineering flames cannot completely destroy it!

"Huo Qilin, don't attack anymore, these corpses can all be rescued!" Lin Chen couldn't bear it, knowing that these corpses are all innocent people.

In the past, when they couldn't be rescued, killing them was also a relief, but now, with the method of salvation, Lin Chen was unwilling to kill them again.

But at this moment, corpses are still being released in the underworld behind He Chao. The corpses that died before have made the ground of the palace appear a terrifying dark green color, and stepping on it will make people palpitate.

If this continues, the corpse abyss will be formed!
You know, the first step in building a corpse pit is to refine it with a large number of corpses and lay the foundation with pure corpse poison.

In the entire Great Yan Dynasty, at least half of the people were refined into corpses under such means. In the previous massacre, Lin Chen and others killed a total of [-] giants.

It is not an exaggeration to call it the misery of life.

And all of this is just to build a so-called corpse abyss for He Chao. As Su Rang said, such an approach is really against the harmony of heaven.

"Yan Nantian, kill that woman!" Immediately ordered, He Chao almost gritted his teeth.

As long as Mo Yu is dead, no one can influence him to build the corpse abyss, and once the corpse abyss is complete, he will be invincible, even Su Rang can't threaten him.

Yan Nantian, who was under control, naturally obeyed He Chao's order, and immediately got rid of Yanyun's Eighteen Guards and rushed towards Mo Yu. On Xiaoyu's back, Mo Yu had already shot black and white rays of light one after another, hitting Yan Nantian.

Bang bang bang!
It's just that Yan Nantian's here is not an ordinary corpse man, he punches out with both fists, that kind of violent force is enough to break the space, before the black and white light can affect him, it smashes it to pieces!

"Uncles, help!" Yan Mingyu shouted to the Eighteen Guards of Yanyun. At the same time, Yan Mengyue also exerted the power of spreading stars, and a strange wave escaped.

Most of the 17 people in the rear were injured, but they still flew over quickly to restrain Yan Nantian. In the current situation, the only way to turn around is to rescue Yan Nantian from being turned into a corpse.

boom boom. .

Mo Yuyu waved his hand, and black and white rays of light flew towards Yan Nantian from all directions. At the same time, Yanyun's Eighteen Guards attacked at the same time, restraining Yan Nantian. Suddenly, dozens of rays of light hit his body.

When the black and white light touched his body, it drove straight in, bringing a great pain, and at the same time helping him to clear the deep-rooted corpse poison.

Yan Nantian's body stagnated for a moment, and taking advantage of this gap, Mo Yu shot out hundreds of rays of light with all his strength, rushing towards Yan Nantian. This scene made He Chao tearful.

Yan Nantian is definitely a powerful help. He first planted the poison of ten fragrances and seven absolutes by means, and then easily refined it into a corpse. Otherwise, he would never have penetrated the Great Yan Dynasty so easily.

He was so angry that what happened today completely exceeded He Chao's expectations. Su Rang's appearance and Mo Yu's ability to save the corpse made him fall into an extremely passive situation.

"No, if this continues, the Abyss of Corpse will never be made!" Gritting his teeth, He Chao felt ruthless, and he couldn't care less. He squeezed his palm hard, and dark green lights burst out suddenly in the underworld behind him. Amidst the stench, a torrent of corpse fluid surged and fell from the sky.

At this moment, he actually exploded all the corpses in the underworld, turned them into corpse liquid, and forcibly irrigated the ground below to build a corpse abyss.

"Hey, I originally wanted to use Yan Nantian, a super corpse man, as a guide to the corpse abyss, but now it seems that I can only settle for the next best thing. However, even a low-rank corpse abyss can definitely let me I've swept you away!" Looking crazy, He Chao's eyes turned to Yang Shouyang at this moment.

In an instant, there was a feeling that the prey was being watched by the hunter. Yang Shouyang was terrified, and he was still thinking about fighting. Based on his knowledge of He Chao, he had no doubt that He Chao would never care about him if necessary. The life and death of a Yang Shouyang!
(End of this chapter)

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