Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 223 Fragrant 7 Absolutely!

Chapter 223 Ten Fragrances and Seven Wonders!

Chapter 220 Four Fragrances and Seven Wonders!
Like a thorn in his back, how dare Yang Shouyang continue to fight with Cui Zheng, he who was already at a disadvantage, fled even more at this moment, breaking open the void with his palm, just wanting to escape into the underworld.

However, in He Chao's eyes, this scene seemed like a joke.

After he obtained this exercise, he made some changes before giving it to Yang Shouyang. It can be said that Yang Shouyang's so-called underworld is still under the control of He Chao!
Then, Yang Shouyang's life and death are nothing more than a thought in his mind.

With a swipe of the palm, Yang Shouyang, who had just escaped from hiding, realized with horror that his body appeared from the space completely uncontrollably at this moment, and even his so-called underworld was falling apart at this moment , turned into nourishment for the embryonic form of the corpse abyss below.

Streaks of dark green light surged and converged. At this time, the ground of the entire palace was like a green ocean, and the stench of corpses was shocking. While it was moving, there was an extremely strange birth of fluctuations.

"No, no, you can't do this to me!" Frightened, Yang Shouyang wailed and begged He Chao.

But in He Chao's eyes, this is destined to be just a chess piece, which can be discarded at any time when needed.

"For my corpse abyss, you go down for me!"

With a stern smile, he pressed his palm down, and immediately, under He Chao's control, Yang Shouyang's body fell downwards, and in the eyes of everyone, he fell straight into the center of the dark green ocean.

At this moment, the large number of corpses, soldiers, and even Lin Chen's mountain ants were almost dead or injured. Except for a few people who fled to the edge ahead of time, most of them had already melted into the green ocean. Turned into the nourishment of the corpse.

And with Yang Shouyang's fall, the entire ground of the palace trembled at this moment, and then, a series of chain reactions occurred.

Like an earthquake, the magnificent buildings collapsed and collapsed one after another, turning into ruins, covered by tumbling green waves, corroded and disappeared. In just a few breaths, this palace has already been turned into ruins!
And Yang Shouyang is still struggling, but in He Chao's grasp, he is like a poor reptile, without the slightest ability to resist, his whole body turns into a strange dark green color, his body also starts from his feet , gradually melted.

He could clearly feel that his body was merging into the rudiment of the abyss of corpses, assimilating with it, the weird feeling that penetrated into the soul was enough to make people crazy, but he couldn't do anything about it.


As he continued to howl, Yang Shouyang's body melted more quickly, and soon, everything below his waist melted, merging with the abyss of corpses.

"Hahaha, hahaha, Su Rang, the corpse abyss is about to be completed, I will keep you today, and use your head to nourish my corpse abyss!" Fanaticism flashed in He Chao's eyes.

You must know that this set of powerful evil corpse skills has far exceeded his imagination. In addition to the corpse pit, there are many more advanced secret skills, but the conditions are limited and cannot be refined.

Even he himself can't believe that in this closed and dilapidated continent, such a skill can be found, which is enough for him to dominate even in the Lingxiu Xiaoqianjie.

"Monster, when you were in the Lingxiu Small Thousand Realm, you caused chaos everywhere. Now that you have arrived in this mortal continent, you still persist in killing innocent people. You deserve to die ten thousand times!" Su Rang was furious. At the very least, it needs the lives of tens of thousands of people as a foreshadowing!

And these people are all innocent people of the Great Yan Dynasty!
Although it is natural for warriors to pursue power, such actions have already damaged the peace of heaven and are despised by others.

It's just that, with He Chao, he naturally doesn't care about these rules and regulations. In his eyes, these low-level people are no different from ants!
"Shiyuan, condense it for me!"

The handprints changed, and from the underworld behind him, there was an extremely strong power of corpse energy, pouring into Yang Shouyang's body below, and Yang Shouyang let out a final wail, and then, his whole body was at this moment Completely merged into the abyss of corpses.

Boom boom boom!
Immediately afterwards, the ground of the entire palace sank suddenly at this moment, and at the same time as the entire palace was crumbling, this magnificent Dayan Palace completely turned into an abyss of thousands of corpses as deep as hundreds of feet!

Wailing to the sky, faces full of resentment floated up and down in the abyss of corpses, each green-haired arm was grasping in vain, and in the center of the abyss of corpses, an extraordinarily huge grimace emerged, Accompanied by the astonishing surge of corpse energy, it was Yang Shouyang!
"Give me back my life, give me back my life!" Shouting frantically, the resentment in Yang Shouyang's heart affected the rest of the corpses in the corpse abyss at this moment. Cold.

"What the hell is this!" At this moment, even Su Rang couldn't help it, and his face changed suddenly. He felt that this so-called corpse pit was really a fierce and evil thing. , The power of everyone present was absolutely suppressed.

Once the corpse abyss is complete, He Chao is invincible!

His own dark mysteries were already comparable to Su Rang's holy light mysteries, but at this moment, with the corpse abyss as his backing, he was even able to overwhelm Su Rang!
Hurrah. .

At the same time, when He Chao was casting the Abyss of Corpse with all his strength, on the other side, Mo Yu shot black and white light one after another, which finally made Yan Nantian gradually recover.

The indescribable pain came, and Yan Nantian's consciousness was pulled back from the endless darkness. The corpse poison in his body was quickly destroyed, and the rich vitality spread. The bloodthirsty scarlet in his eyes, in the At this moment, suddenly dispersed.

At the same time, he instantly understood what he had done before.

"Old Whip..." With a murmur, Yan Nantian's eyes were filled with tears. The Yanyun Eighteen Guards traveled together with him, and never lost a single person. If he didn't want to, he killed Old Whip with his own hands.

"Hmph, so what if the corpse poison is detoxified, Yan Nantian's body still has the poison of ten fragrances and seven absolutes!" He Chao came back to his senses, and found that Yan Nantian's corpse poison had been detoxified, and immediately sneered.

Before he finished speaking, he stimulated the poison of ten fragrances and seven quintessences in Yan Nantian's body. In an instant, Yan Nantian's complexion froze, and the colorful colors on his face changed, and colorful blood flowed out from the seven orifices, and his whole body was even more radiant. A unique aroma.

Ten fragrances and seven musts!

It can be said that there is no antidote for this strange poison from Su Rang's hands. The poisoned person emits a strange fragrance, blood gushes from the seven orifices, and will suffer endless pain and die!

The poisoned Yan Nantian could no longer exert any strength, and fell directly towards the corpse abyss below.

And Yang Shouyang, seeing this scene, urged the thousands of corpses in the corpse abyss to surge together. Suddenly, a hundred-foot-high dark green wave surged into the sky, wanting to Involve Yan Nantian in it.

"I wanted to use you as a guide to the corpse abyss, but now, the nourishment to turn into a corpse abyss is also good. A junior king is enough to make the corpse abyss' power go a step further!" He Chao laughed triumphantly.

(End of this chapter)

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