Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 239 You know, your surname is Ye!

Chapter 239 You know, your surname is Ye!
This person came very suddenly. Lin Chen and the others were still immersed in the battle just now, and they didn't recover for a while, but this person obviously noticed Yan Mengyue long ago.

Ye Cai stepped back, stabilized his body, and saw this person clearly, and immediately, he gritted his teeth and stepped forward, angrily shouting: "Zheng Jack! What are you going to do?!"

Turning around, looking at Ye Tiancai, without concealing the disdain in his eyes, Zheng Hao sarcastically said, "Fat pig, do you have something to say here?"

At the same time as he spoke, there was also a tyrannical wave on Zheng Hao's body, which escaped and hit Ye Tiancai, causing his body to back up again.

However, compared to the physical shock, the spiritual shock Ye Tian suffered was even more shocking.

"Zheng Jie, you have broken through to the second-order star soul master?!" While exclaiming, pointing at Zheng Jie, Ye Tiancai's eyes were full of disbelief.

This person has always been at odds with him, and there were constant conflicts before. However, everyone is a junior star soul master, and Ye Tiancai has three people here, so Zheng Hao didn't get any benefits, but now, I haven't seen him for a few days. He actually broke through!

"Hehe, don't even think about it, you fat pig. You will never be able to break through to the second-order star soul master in your life, and you are destined to be stepped on by me!" Genius, but also more disdainful.

A chubby face flushed red, Ye Tian wanted to argue, but he didn't know how to speak.

"What about you girl, I'm a second-level star soul master, and I'm qualified to enter the existence of the Star Tower, you follow me, promise..." Zheng Hao ignored Ye Tiancai and turned his attention to Yan Mengyue.

However, before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by a slightly indifferent voice.

"Genius, do you know this ugly toad?"

what? !

As soon as this remark came out, not only Zheng Hao, but also Ye Tiancai, Ye Hua and Ye Yi were also stunned. Only Yan Mengyue, under the face covered by the light veil, showed a stunning smile.

From her point of view, Lin Chen was standing up for her, so she was naturally something to be happy about.

He looked at Lin Chen grimly, and it wasn't until now that Zheng Hao noticed this somewhat inconspicuous guy.

Indeed, at this moment, Lin Chen not only restrained his breath, but even his face was somewhat covered by Yan Mengyue's disguise items. He was less handsome and handsome, and more simple and ordinary. At first glance, he was no longer that boy. But it was thrown into the pile of people and couldn't be found.

And when that playful smile appeared on Lin Chen's face again, Yan Mengyue knew that this Zheng Jackal was absolutely miserable.

Ye Tiancai and the others didn't know Lin Chen's method, but Yan Mengyue knew it all. Although he couldn't use Yuanli, Lin Chen definitely had a hundred ways to deal with a mere second-level star soul master. As the fate of.

The entire Great Yan Dynasty was reckless, and right now, a fool who was overconfident would probably not be able to catch Lin Chen's eyes at all.

"Boy, are you tired of working? Believe it or not, I won't let you get out of Xinghua City!" The words "Ugly Toad" completely enraged Zheng Jackal. He took a step, and the momentum of his whole body crushed Lin Chen.

"I think you are the one who wants to die, toad." Lin Chen remained motionless, his eyes were full of sarcasm, as if Zheng Jackal's aura, in his eyes, was just like a clown jumping on a beam, very ridiculous.

But in fact, this mere second-tier star soul master is nothing to Lin Chen. Lin Chen is not afraid of even the mighty king, let alone this despicable person.

"You, you! I want to sign a life and death certificate with you, and go to the Dou Xingtai!" Zheng Jackal was furious, but he was not allowed to do anything in the city, so he had to make an appointment to fight.

The smile was even worse, Lin Chen had already expected such a result, and when he opened his mouth lightly, it made Zheng Jack angry again.

"Sign life and death, are you worthy?"

Are you worthy?
Yazi was about to burst, and Zheng Jie felt extremely aggrieved. Even if he had broken into a second-tier star soul master, he seemed to be nothing in front of this young man. Moreover, this disdain was not a feign at all, but a genuine expression of disdain. From the bottom of my heart, look down on him!

"But since you want to die so much, I can help you. Ten days later, Ye Tian will sign the life and death certificate with you and go to the star fighting platform. Do you dare?" Lin Chen's next sentence made Zheng Hao startled , but full of doubts immediately.

Signing life and death with Ye Tian?
Did you hear me right?
Ye Tiancai, this utter idiot, Lin Chen asked him to sign a life and death certificate with Zheng Jie, no doubt forcing him to die!

On the side, Ye Tian's eyes widened and he looked at Lin Chen: "Ye Yue, I, I..."

"I'm just asking you, do you want to kill him?! You know, your surname is Ye!" Waving his hand interrupted Ye Tiancai's muttering. Lin Chen's words directly made his fat body feel like being struck by lightning.

Yes, my surname is Ye!

But what this surname brought to him was never glory and status, but endless ridicule.

Anyone who wants to step on his feet to get pleasure!

So what if your surname is Ye, aren't you as weak as a pile of dung?

"miss you!"

Clenching his teeth, Ye Tiancai began to tremble excitedly. An unreasonable intuition made Ye Tiancai feel that Lin Chen could help him, giving him the strength to kill Zheng Jackal!
"Then sign the certificate of life and death, and after ten days, make an appointment with this person to behead him!" Lin Chen's voice was not high, but every word entered Ye Tiancai's ears, like the most intense flame, scorching him to death. The blood all over his body suddenly boiled.

"Okay! Zheng Yu, I want to sign a life and death certificate with you!"

Clenching his fists tightly, as if he had exhausted all his strength, Ye Tian let out a roar that shocked everyone present.

As if they got to know Ye Tiancai again, both Yehua Yeyi and Zheng Hao looked at this fat man and fell into shock.

Only Lin Chen nodded secretly, acquaintance is fate, and he also wanted to help Ye Tiancai and pull him up. Moreover, he was also very upset seeing this Zheng Jie, and it was inconvenient for him to do it, so he would leave it to Ye Tiancai Bar.

After being stunned for a moment, Zheng Jack came back to his senses, and looked at Ye Tiancai with dark eyes.

"The ignorant are fearless, genius Ye, since you want to taste the power of a second-level star soul master, then I will tell you, it is something you will never be able to achieve!" After saying his name, Zheng Jie waved his hand, and this life and death situation flew towards Ye Tiancai.

As soon as he took it, Ye Tiancai was still very excited, but his heart was pounding, but at this moment, the arrow was on the string and had to be fired. If it withers at this time, I'm afraid I won't be able to raise my head in the future.


Gritting his teeth fiercely, Ye Tian had already written his name, his mind roaring, and he didn't care about anything.

"Both parties have signed their names, the certificate of life and death has come into effect, the date of the appointment, ten days later, if anyone fails to show up, he will be punished as admitting defeat, and the loser will die." The person in charge of the appointment has always been by the star stage The previous things are naturally seen in the eyes.

After ten days, even if you give up and don't fight, you will still die. This is the dominance of Dou Xingtai!
There used to be a third-tier star soul master who signed a life-and-death certificate with someone on impulse, regretted it afterwards, and wanted to escape temporarily, but on the second day, his head was already hanging high on the Dou Xingtai above!
If you sign, you can't escape, you have to fight or die!

(End of this chapter)

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