Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 240 Three Stars Explosive

Chapter 240 Triple Star Explosion

With a hot head, Ye Tian's body trembled, as if immersed in violent mood swings.

It's the first time I've grown up so much, so happy!
He had already had enough humiliation, enough of this kind of life, Ye Tiancai had thought about changing the status quo, although he had been working hard, but the result was always unsatisfactory.

"Genius, are you crazy?!" Ye Hua stepped forward and grabbed Ye Tiancai, feeling hopeless in his heart.

Ye Tiancai was honest and not good at fighting, but Zheng Jackal was far superior to him in this respect, not to mention that the opponent's strength was even higher than Ye Tiancai's level.

It can be said that there is no suspense in such an appointment. Ye Hua really can't think of any way for Lin Chen to make Ye Cai beat Zheng Jack.

While his chest was heaving and he was breathing heavily, Ye Tiancai did not answer, but turned his gaze to Lin Chen. He believed that there must be a reason for Lin Chen to let him do this.

If Lin Chen wanted to kill him, there was no need to do this, it would take a lot of effort.

"Let's go, after ten days, I will let you kill Zheng Jackal." While speaking, he stepped out and left the star fighting platform.

Frozen on the spot, everyone hesitated for a moment, but they all followed, while Zheng Jack stared at Lin Chen's back, his eyes flashing sternly.

"I'd like to see how you can make Ye Cai beat me!" His voice was grim, and he turned and left angrily.

Everyone was not optimistic about Ye Tiancai, and even thought that Lin Chen was asking him to die, but Lin Chen didn't think so.

Through the perspective power of star-studded visions, he can clearly see that Ye Tiancai is the one with the deepest savings among the three, the power of the stars in the star sea is almost saturated, and he is already very close to the second-order star soul master.

It was even said that he was only one chance away from taking this step, but he failed to do so.

In fact, this situation has been going on for half a year.

Ye Tian didn't know why, but Lin Chen could tell at a glance that it was not because of strength and talent, but because of his state of mind.

He has been suppressed and humiliated for a long time, even a soldier guarding the city can yell at him, but he still dare not resist, living at the bottom of society, and his surname is Ye, which puts him under even greater pressure.

Depression is difficult to express, and I am holding a breath in my heart, how can I break through smoothly?

And now, Ye Cai has taken a crucial step!
It can be said that Ye Tiancai had never made a passionate decision to fight with Zheng Jackal in his life. Although Ye Tiancai was still a little worried at this moment, it was obvious that his whole person seemed to be different from before.

With a breath of bad breath, the power of the stars in the sea of ​​stars became more active, Ye Cai even noticed that the seemingly unbreakable shackles were actually showing signs of loosening!
The power of the stars is already active, and Ye Tiancai's depressed state of mind before was a bit incompatible with the cultivation of star soul masters, and it was only natural that he had stagnated at the elementary level for a long time.

In addition, from Lin Chen's point of view, Zheng Hao's foundation is not stable, and he didn't seem to break into the second-level star soul master through normal cultivation. In addition, he planned to pass Sui Chao's star skills to Ye Ye. Genius, in this way, there is almost no suspense in defeating Zheng Jackal.

The reason why he did this was not only because he was upset to see Zheng Jackal, but also partly because Lin Chen had an inexplicable affection for this Ye Tian, ​​as if there was a familiar shadow on him.

The three of Ye Tiancai lived in Xinghua City for a long time, and naturally they also had a house to stay in. At this moment, a group of people came to this house, and everyone's eyes also fell on Lin Chen.

Obviously, everyone wanted to see how Lin Chen could make Ye Cai have the strength to kill Zheng Jackal within ten days.

Smiling, Lin Chen looked at Ye Tiancai.

"How do you feel now?"

Hearing this, after careful perception, the premonition of breakthrough seemed to be stronger, Ye Cai's fat face flushed red, and there was indescribable excitement in his eyes.

"I'm not far from a second-order star soul master!"

With an excited voice, Ye Tian looked at Lin Chen with a touch of admiration in addition to the previous fear.

"Your foundation is very solid. If you absorb star stones and practice, you will probably be able to break through to the second level within three days. At that time, I will pass on a star skill to you, and you will be able to defeat Zheng Jack." Lin Chen said.

Getting even more excited, Ye Tiancai almost knelt down to Lin Chen. You must know that the value of star skills is beyond his imagination. Moreover, the star skills of star soul masters are usually his final means. Easily pass on to others.

Of course, with Lin Chen, he doesn't care, and he also wants Ye Cai to try the power of this star technique.

Settling down in this hut, three days will pass in the blink of an eye!
With the rising sun on the third day, a strong aura suddenly exploded in the hut, and then, a hearty laughter that had been suppressed for too long broke the silence of the morning.

Only at night did he break through!

Opening his eyes, the corners of Lin Chen's mouth curled up into a smile. Ye Tiancai's breakthrough was within his expectations, and in the past three days, he had also made great progress in contemplating that star technique.

The principle is very simple, use the power of the stars to hide in the body, and use it as a trump card to catch people by surprise, but Lin Chen is not satisfied. Instead, he combines his Sen Luo Nine Breaking Fist and the Heavenly Halberd Technique to integrate the essence of the dark energy into this In a star technique.

Just imagine, if there is a layer of hidden energy in this unexpected attack, it will definitely be like a nightmare for the enemy who is caught off guard.

However, with Lin Chen's current state, he could only compress the triple dark energy within the power of the stars, so he named this improved star technique the triple star explosive energy.

After another day of perfecting, Lin Chen passed the Triple Star Power to Ye Tiancai. He was not stingy, and Yehua Yeyi and Yan Mengyue also learned this star skill.

The three of them were all grateful and surprised at the same time. From Lin Chen's words, they guessed that this star skill was most likely created by Lin Chen himself!

And Yan Mengyue has a higher vision, and has already seen that this method is similar to Sui Chao's method on the Dou Xingtai that day, but it was born out of that method and became stronger. Looking at Lin Chen with beautiful eyes, she found that no matter In any field, this young man can always do amazing things.

"The man I have my eyes on is naturally extraordinary." In Yan Mengyue's heart, her love for Lin Chen became more and more intense.

Of course, he didn't care about this, and Lin Chen didn't notice it. Instead, he devoted himself to training and instructed Ye Tiancai to use the triple star power. The ten-day period is coming soon, and Ye Tiancai at this moment is not just a second-level star soul master. The state of the body is completely stable, and it is already possible to exert a dark force.

Completely different from before, Ye Tian at this moment is full of confidence all over his body!

For the upcoming life-and-death battle, he has changed from initial fear to anticipation!

(End of this chapter)

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