Chapter 241

Compared with ten days ago, this guy could be said to have been completely reborn. Feeling the power of the mighty stars in the sea of ​​stars, Ye Cai had a fat face, and he never stopped giggling.

You must know that during this period, the city guard, Brother Ming, had been here before!
Originally, he wanted to ask Ye Tiancai why he didn't send the wolf skin for so long, so he could get close to Yan Mengyue, but when he found out that Ye Tiancai's cultivation had broken through, he immediately changed his face!
One genius brother at a time, as if Ye Tiancai was his own brother.

Not only did he guarantee that he would only enter and leave Xinghua City in the next night, he dared not ask for any benefits, and he even came to send some wine and meat to eat the next day.

Although he learned about Ye Tiancai's appointment with Zheng Jie, and he didn't like Ye Tiancai in his heart, no matter what, he didn't dare to offend a second-level star soul master!

In a blink of an eye, the ten-day period has come, and the area around the Dou Xing Terrace in Xinghua City has already been crowded with people.

In ten days, the news of the appointment had already been raging in the small town, and everyone was very curious, what kind of idiot Ye Cai would use to fight Zheng Ji?

Although he has the surname of Ye, he has nothing to do with the royal family. He belongs to the side branch and is the most marginal person. He also lives in the most fringe city of the Starry Sky Dynasty and lives at the bottom.

"The surname Yezi is placed on the head of the weak, and it will bring only disasters, and I don't want to go on like this..."

Walking towards the Dou Xing Terrace, Ye Cai murmured in a voice that only he could hear, his eyes were firmer than ever before.

He understands that this is destined to be a road with no retreat, and the current life-and-death battle at Dou Xingtai may be just the beginning, but he will never take half a step back!

"You're really here. I thought you'd avoid it and not fight. In the end, you were chased and killed by the law enforcement team like a stray dog." With his arms around him, Zheng Hao taunted him with some surprise on the platform .

Wow. .

As Ye Tian stepped onto the Dou Xing Terrace, the hazy starlight shield immediately surrounded the entire Dou Xing Dao, announcing to the two on the stage that this life-and-death struggle had begun!
Without the slightest hesitation, Zheng Jackal took a step, and a powerful force of the stars shot out, piercing the air and shooting towards Ye Tiancai's chest.

Although this blow was a test, it would definitely injure any junior star soul master. In Zheng Hao's view, this move was enough to solve the farce.

Not only did he have such thoughts, but everyone in the audience also felt that Ye Cai would never be able to accept this move. However, a scene that was beyond their expectations appeared.

With scorching eyes, Ye Tian felt that the blood in his body began to boil at this moment, and he couldn't wait to use this battle to prove himself.

The power of the stars flows, gathers, condenses, and punches out in one go, without any hesitation, when the punch is blasted out, it collides with this attack.

The imagined one-hit defeat did not appear, but with a bang, Zheng Jackal's attack collided violently with Ye Tiancai's fist, causing waves to ripple, and Ye Tiancai's body was completely motionless!


Turning pale with shock, Zheng Jack couldn't help but exclaimed. At the same time, Ye Cai slowly withdrew his fists, and from him, a wave that absolutely surpassed that of a junior star soul master escaped slowly.

"It's not just you who can break through to the second order!"

Already feeling the surprised eyes of everyone in the audience, Ye Cai stepped forward and launched a counterattack.

The grievances accumulated in my heart for many years all erupted completely at this moment, and the violent attack was like a storm, sweeping towards Zheng Jackal.

And this kind of offensive, accompanied by the mighty power of the stars, immediately made Zheng Hao fall into a passive position.

Lin Chen was not mistaken, Zheng Hao's star power is not stable, which is related to his breakthrough method, but Ye Tiancai stepped into the second level steadily, in comparison, Zheng Hao will naturally fall into the disadvantaged !

Being suppressed almost out of breath, and stepping back again and again, Zheng Jack was in extreme shock in his heart.

No matter what, he never imagined that the trash in his eyes not only broke through, but also had such fighting power.

"Damn it, thanks to my preparations, what Master said is indeed true!" A look of anger flashed in his eyes, and at this moment, Zheng Hao bit a pill in his mouth fiercely and swallowed it.

It seemed that at this moment, a flame ignited from his chest and rushed straight towards the sea of ​​stars between his eyebrows. Immediately, the power of the stars brought an unprecedented blaze and rage, which made Zheng Hao instantly feel his strength surge!
"Trash, I will tear you apart!"

With a roar, Zheng Jackal counterattacked like a jackal pounced on its prey, with five fingers forming claws, and on each finger was the power of a shining star. Too normal gray.

Under the Dou Xingtai, Lin Chen suddenly discovered that at this moment, the power of the stars in Zheng Jackal's body was completely different from before, and the intensity was already a level beyond that of Ye Tian!
A heart suddenly hung up, and Lin Chen secretly thought he was careless.

He was able to pass Ye Tiancai's hole card, so it's not surprising that Zheng Hao can have the hole card!

"It should be a secret method or medicine that catalyzes strength in a short period of time. I hope the genius can make it through..." Lin Chen murmured secretly.

But on the Dou Xingtai, the situation suddenly reversed. I saw Zheng Jack, who had been retreating steadily before, counterattacked ferociously, and instantly suppressed Ye Tiancai. .

Under Lin Chen's observation, he found that Ye Tiantian's momentum was almost ready, and the first dark energy of the triple star explosive energy was ready!

At the same time, he had been forced to the edge of the star fighting platform, with his back pressed against the star mask. This scene was surprisingly similar to the battle ten days ago!
But now, can Ye Tian fight back like that Sui Chao?
No one thinks so, after all, such a life-saving method is a star soul master's hole card, and it is absolutely impossible to pass it on to others easily.

Therefore, at the moment when Zheng Jackal grinned and slapped Ye Tiancai's head with his palm, and as an incomparably gorgeous starlight flashed out of Ye Tiancai's palm, everyone fell into an unparalleled panic at this moment. In shock!
Such a scene is no different from the battle ten days ago!
The two palms touched, and after the uproar in the audience, it fell into a deathly silence. Everyone's eyes were fixed on the star fighting platform, and needles could be heard in the audience.

With the power of the vision, Lin Chen saw that at the same time as the two equally powerful forces collided, Ye Tian's body bumped against the star mask, causing a layer of ripples, and on the opposite side, Zheng Hao's footsteps He stepped back, with a grin on his face.

It's just that only Lin Chen could see that a fierce dark energy had quietly flowed deep into his chest through this collision!
(End of this chapter)

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