Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 242 Lock Star City, Star Chain!

Chapter 242 Lock Star City, Star Chain!

"The night is over!"

"Yeah, although he has made a breakthrough, he is still no match for Zheng Jack!"

"I really didn't expect that this idiot could break through to the second-order star soul master, which is enough to enter the realm of the Star Tower, but he can only go so far."

"He was able to keep brewing this attack, which is exactly the same as the Jedi counterattack ten days ago!"

"It's useless, you see he has vomited blood and fell to the ground, Zheng Jackal can still stand, he lost,, what?!"

"God, what's going on?!"


Everyone thought that the battle had come to an end, Ye Tian was defeated, and the end could only be death, but the sudden scene stunned everyone.


Blood was flowing from the corner of his mouth, and he didn't even wipe it off. There was unconcealable furious excitement in his pupils, and Ye Cai stared at Zheng Jackal.

And following his explosive word, I saw that Zheng Jackal, who was still smug and ready to mock Ye Tiancai, suddenly heard an explosion from his chest, and flew to the entire Dou Xing Platform with the cracked flesh and internal organs above!

When the pain came, Zheng Jie slowly lowered his head, looked at the hole in his chest in disbelief, pointed at Ye Tiantian, and wanted to open his mouth to say something, but he could only spit out a mouthful of blood, unwilling to fall down.

Zheng Jackal, die!

Boom. .

The sound of the corpse falling to the ground resounded dully, and the blood flowed wantonly, staining the ground of the Dou Xing Terrace red, telling everyone that the scene in front of them was not illusory, but real.

"Ye Cai won?!"

"How could he be so powerful?"

"It's over, I once bullied him, I have to go!"


Surprised, there were also many people who fled, fearing that Ye Tian would think of something and come to revenge them.

It's just that Ye Tian at this moment naturally doesn't care about the little things before, and doesn't care about his own injuries, he just stares blankly at Zheng Jackal's corpse in front of him.

For him, this battle is not only a matter of life and death, but also a baptism of the whole body!
This was the first time he was proud, the first time he was so happy, the first time, killing people!
Even if you have hunted monsters before, killing monsters is different from killing people.

As a martial artist, he is destined to practice between blood and fire, he may be killed at any time, and he may kill someone at any time.

This is also one of the reasons why Lin Chen didn't do it himself. If this continues, even if Ye Tiantian's cultivation can be improved, he will still be bullied and looked down upon.

In this world where people eat people, if you want not to be bullied or stepped on by others, you must be tough, fight back, and resist!

Once upon a time, in the small Xia Family Manor, Lin Chen had been bullied and isolated by Xia Tian. What he experienced personally and what he wanted to teach Ye Tiancai were all involved in this battle.

There was only so much Lin Chen could do, and as for how much Ye Tian could learn, that was his own business.

With the end of the battle, the star mask slowly dissipated away, and while the crowd in the audience admired, an old man wrapped in a gray robe, with gloomy eyes, was not looking at Ye Tiancai, but at Lin Tiantian. dust.

"With such a talented person to help, my apprentice, I will not die unjustly, but since the person who killed me, how can I just let it go like this?"

Whispering softly, he turned around and left. As if he had noticed something, Lin Chen turned around, but he didn't see the figure of the old man disappearing among the crowd.

"Yeyue, thank you!"

Slowly walking down the Dou Xing Terrace, even though his body hurts, Ye Tiancai's body has never been so tall and straight, he no longer walks with his head bowed, but walks with his head held high!

Sensing his change, Lin Chen smiled slightly.

"Let's go, get ready, it's time to go to Wangcheng, and find a way to enter the Star Tower." After beckoning, everyone followed Lin Chen and left the Star Tower.

Indeed, after ten days of delay, the day when the Star Tower will be opened is getting closer and closer.

Different from the Dayan Dynasty, in the Starry Sky Dynasty, teleportation arrays can be seen everywhere. After all, there are star soul masters everywhere. If the teleportation arrays cannot be popularized, it would be unreasonable.

Xinghua City is small in scale and does not have the qualifications to directly teleport to Wangcheng. To reach Wangcheng, it needs to go through a transfer.

The next stop for everyone is the Starlock City!
This city is also special among the starry sky dynasty, because, in the center of this city, it is said that there is a Jedi locked, with a treasure handed down from generation to generation.

But the only entrance to this Jedi is the three chains of stars, and those who want to intrude can only have a chance to enter it if they step through the three chains of stars.

Since the establishment of the Star Dynasty, there have been many capable people who have passed through the three star chains, but no one has ever been able to come out after entering the Jedi.

Over time, except for some people whose time limit is approaching, or those who have nowhere to go, no one is willing to break through this chain of stars.

And Lin Chen had no such intentions. He did not come to the Star Dynasty to explore and hunt for treasure. His purpose was to find the pure heart of stars in the Star Tower.

After resting for another two days, amidst the wind and rain in the city, Lin Chen had already brought everyone, teleported away from this small Xinghua City, and came to Suoxing City!
Just when they had just teleported away, the old man in gray robe followed him quietly like a maggot attached to the bone, and also teleported to the Starlock City.

Wow. .

The brilliance of the teleportation formation flashed, bringing up a force of space, and the figures of several people had already appeared in Suoxing City, and they also saw an extremely shocking scene.

In the central area of ​​the city, three bright golden chains stretched across the sky. During the mediation, they twisted and twisted, and finally led to the ground, in front of a white stone gate, which was majestic and breathtaking.

The two ancient characters Suoxing written on the gate are also the origin of the name of Suoxing City.

Standing at the same spot, Lin Chen looked at the circling chains and the magnificent gate that was hundreds of feet in size. The vision in the sea of ​​stars also started to spin at this moment!

In my mind, there seemed to be three chains reaching the sky, and the intertwined chains seemed to contain the truth of the great way.

"Beside the stone gate, there is a stone tablet. On the inscription, the names and achievements of all the people who have broken through the star chains are recorded!" Ye Cai said slowly, with longing in his eyes.

You must know that those who can be ranked in the top [-] will be bestowed with titles by the dynasty, and their status is transcendent.

However, with his cultivation as a second-tier star soul master, he might not even be able to break through half of the first chain.

While talking, they also noticed that something was wrong with Lin Chen, and immediately looked at Lin Chen, only to see that there seemed to be stars flickering in his eyes, criss-crossing.

In the sea of ​​stars, star-studded visions are constantly flickering and rotating, as if they want to imprint the truth engraved in these three chains that reach the sky, constantly consuming the power of the stars in Lin Chen's sea of ​​stars.

However, the intense consumption quickly made Lin Chen pale, and it was no longer possible to maintain this kind of operation. In just half a stick of incense, Lin Chen's back was soaked with sweat, the power of the stars was exhausted, and the operation of the vision , also had to stop.

(End of this chapter)

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