Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 260 Star Lock Vine

Chapter 260 Star Lock Vine

"Now, second-tier and third-tier star soul masters can enter!" Ye Xiao waved his hand, and a door of star light blocked the entrance.

Only second- and third-tier star soul masters can pass through this star light gate. This move will immediately stop those who want to fish in troubled waters.

They have some small tricks, but how can they hide from the detection of the country's lord?
That is an existence equivalent to a half-step holy realm!
And following his words, there were already many figures in the crowd that were about to move, and they kept jumping out, scrambling to rush towards the entrance, for fear that they would be a step too late and be taken the lead.

"Mengyue, genius, let's go." Seeing this, Lin Chen also said to the two behind him.

Except for Ye Tiancai, Ye Hua and Ye Yi, although they practiced hard, have never been able to enter the second level, so they missed this grand event.

But before getting [-] star stones from the old man Yepang, plus Lin Chen's teaching of star skills, this was enough for them, so although they were a little unwilling at the moment, they were relieved.

"Genius, follow Brother Lin Chen and work hard, maybe our lineage will be able to shine again because of you!" Ye Hua said, patting Ye Tiancai on the shoulder.

Convinced of Lin Chen, they have already called Lin Chen the eldest brother.

Ye Tian heard the words and also nodded: "Don't worry, Ye Hua, maybe I can refine the Star Tower!"

Lin Chen couldn't help smiling when he heard this, but he had to say that there were not a few people who had thoughts like Ye Tiancai's. After all, as long as he could refine the Star Tower, he would reach the sky in one step.

Bang bang bang. .

There are always people who are lucky and want to follow others through this star light gate, but they are directly pushed away by a strong resisting force, and they back away in horror.

Waiting no longer, Lin Chen took Ye Tiancai and Yan Mengyue and walked towards the light gate. The moment he touched the light gate, Lin Chen could feel a probing force flowing through his body. After attaining the cultivation base of a superstar soul master, the resistance disappeared, replaced by a gentle acceptance force, which allowed Lin Chen to enter the Star Tower unimpeded.

And as he stepped into the tower, even though Lin Chen was mentally prepared, he immediately felt a strong pressure, which hit his star sea, making his whole head feel extremely heavy.

The first floor of the seventh-order star tower is the test of Xinghai's endurance.

It should be noted that Xinghai is the foundation of a star soul master, and if Xinghai is very fragile, this star soul master is also very fragile, and it is easy to be destroyed by Xinghai, and his cultivation base will be destroyed overnight.

This kind of test is somewhat similar to the first chain in Suoxing City. Lin Chen stepped forward and immediately felt that the pressure was slowly increasing.

Difficult to run the power of the stars, it can also be found that under such heavy pressure, the power of the stars is slowly becoming more solid and more refined, and the entire star sea is also becoming stronger under the pressure.

Undoubtedly, meditating on this first floor will be of great benefit to the foundation of a star soul master.

The fact is exactly the same. Many star soul masters who have just broken through to the second level, knowing that they have no ability to break through, choose to sharpen themselves on the first level and stop moving forward.

But for Lin Chen, there is a reason to move forward!
Looking back at Yan Mengyue and Ye Tiancai, Yan Mengyue's condition is naturally okay, but in comparison, Ye Tiancai is much worse. After walking a few steps, he is already sweating profusely and his face is pale stand up.

"Genius, you need to stabilize your foundation on the first floor. You have just broken into the second floor, so don't go any further." Lin Chen said.

"No, I want to follow Big Brother!" Unexpectedly, Ye Tian refused straight away.

During this period of time, Ye Tiancai also gradually discovered that there were too many secrets and stories about Lin Chen, and that this young man carried too many things on his shoulders, which made Ye Tiancai feel ashamed.

In contrast, what else does he have besides a body of fat?

If he retreats at this moment, what can he achieve in his life?
Ye Tiancai is not reconciled, he has never been reconciled, since he is not reconciled, he must move forward!
Lin Chen wanted to say something else, but seeing Ye Tiancai's firm eyes, he had no choice but to nod.

"But don't be brave, if the Xinghai is broken, you will be ruined, you know?" Lin Chen finally reminded, and continued to move forward.

Although the pressure was great, for Lin Chen, he could still bear it.

Needless to say, the stability of his own star sea is natural, and the method of star sea vibration that he learned on the star chain before can effectively reduce the impact of pressure. After Lin Chen got used to it for a while, his walking was no different from normal walking up.

And this scene also shocked Yan Mengyue and Ye Tiantian.

Looking at the entire first floor, except for a very small number of second-tier top star soul masters, only third-tier star soul masters can walk normally, and Lin Chen has just broken into the second rank not long ago!

As expected, no matter where this guy went, he couldn't use common sense to judge him.

All the way forward, Lin Chen could already see that there was a staircase in the distance leading to the second floor, and many star soul masters were rushing towards that staircase, more or less quickly.

However, what he didn't notice was that among the crowd, there were already many hostile eyes staring at him.

"Lin Chen, in this star tower, I want to see how the old man Astrolabe can keep you! The first floor is empty, but the second floor is much more secretive. This time, I will let you die without a place to die! "Ye Chenxing gritted his teeth, wishing he could kill Lin Chen immediately.

Ye Xiao actually told him not to be an enemy of Lin Chen, which made Ye Chenxing's murderous intent even stronger. His father, instead of helping him kill Lin Chen, asked him not to kill Lin Chen in turn. For Shen Xing, it was simply unacceptable.

In addition to Ye Chenxing, there was also the old man in gray robe who had been quietly following Lin Chen, waiting for the opportunity to strike.

While Lin Chen looked into the distance, he found a figure in white clothes in front of him, which was very conspicuous.

Wind white!

Mei Wu'er was taken away by force that day, so she didn't ask any more questions, but now, when she met Feng Bai, she might be able to get an answer. After all, although the old man Xingpan had no malicious intentions, Lin Chen was not very relieved.

Feng Bai also walked very fast, this pressure was nothing to him at all.

Soon, he stepped on the ladder, and at this time, there were already many third-level star soul masters who had entered the second level.

He quickened his pace, and after a while, Lin Chen also stepped onto the second floor. Although Yan Mengyue had some difficulty, she was able to keep up, but Ye Tiancai was already left behind by a certain distance.

In fact, the pressure on the first level is just the simplest test, and there is nothing dangerous in it. Its function is to separate the people, so that those who do not have the strength to break through the second level, honestly Really stay on the first floor.

This is the simplest watershed, but also the most effective. In less than half an hour, there are already more than half of the star soul masters, who have no chance for the next test, and are forced to stay where they are and hone the star sea.

And when they reached the top of the stairs, a door of light appeared in front of Lin Chen and Yan Mengyue. They stepped into it, and the scene changed. Before they could even see the surrounding scene clearly, there was already a piercing sound, which made people's skin a tight.

Swish swish!
All of a sudden, arm-thin dark red vines swept from all directions, making the sound of an explosion, making it impossible to doubt what would happen if they were hit by these vines.

"It's the star-locking vine, flash!"

ps: Post a qq2291361578, this person joined my book friend group, forwarded curses, quit the group after being banned by me, and scolded and slandered me in the book review area.Writing a book is not easy, how can I care about these idiots, and it has no other meaning, I will talk to my readers and tell everyone.I'm really angry. I'm going to write a few more chapters today, but I'm not in the mood anymore. I'm sorry everyone.

 Post a qq2291361578, this person joined my book friend group, forwarded curses, quit the group after being banned by me, and scolded and slandered me in the book review area.Writing a book is not easy, how can I care about these idiots, and it has no other meaning, I will talk to my readers and tell everyone.I'm really angry. I'm going to write a few more chapters today, but I'm not in the mood anymore. I'm sorry everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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