Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 261 Doomsday

Chapter 261 Doomsday
Lock star vine!
It should be noted that on the second floor of the Star Tower, it is no longer like the first floor, only pressure, but full of danger.

Moreover, there is only one entrance from the first floor to the second floor, but there are many entrances from the second floor to the third floor, and they are hidden in different directions. Every time it is opened, the location will change.

The test on the second level is mainly about various strange plants with the ability to attack, and there is no doubt that this star-locking vine is one of the most powerful ones.

Once bound by this rattan, the star soul master will not be able to continue to exert the power of the stars, and even the entire star sea will be tightly locked up, and will eventually be trapped until death.

Star soul masters who died on the second floor of this star tower are not in the minority. If you look carefully, you will find a lot of bones, piled up on the ground, all of which have been weathered away.

And if you want to deal with the star-locking vines, you must not be entangled by these weird vines!
Knowing this information for a long time, before Lin Chen took a step, a pitch-black magic halberd with a hideous shape appeared in his hand. Even if he couldn't use his power, but with such sharpness alone, these vines must not be able to resist it. of.


Sure enough, with a sweep of the magic halberd, all the star-locking vines that had opened their teeth and claws before were broken under the edge of the halberd, and foul-smelling mucus flowed out from the cuts. Immediately, the vines in front of Lin Chen began to shrink back.

Obviously, this rattan also possesses the ability to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages. After realizing that Lin Chen is a tough guy, he also chose to escape.

On the other side, Yan Mengyue was also attacked by the star-locking vine for the first time. However, she did not panic. With a move of the jade hand, a set of jade-colored double blades appeared. Broken the cane in front of him.

After meeting each other, the two counterattacked under the attack of the star-locking vine, the vine retreated, and Lin Chen also looked at the place where the two were at this time.

After passing the first floor, when entering the second floor, random teleportation will be carried out. If ordinary people are teleported to the star-locking vine area, it is really a bit tricky, especially if one is accidentally entangled, it is very likely die here.

At this time, the role of some magical weapons is very great. The most powerful thing to deal with the star-locking vine is the sharp attack.

Looking around, there are dense and ugly vines in all directions, each of which is as thick as an arm. If you look closely, there are some small spikes on the vines, which glow with a faint purple light, obviously containing poison .

And the vines that were cut off by the two before fell on the ground, and they were also emitting foul-smelling mucus, and even slowly volatilized and dissipated into the air.

"We were not very lucky. It seemed that we were teleported to the central area where the star-locking vines were densest. Moreover, the more vines were cut, the more the mucus volatilized. Inhaling the gas would affect the operation of the power of the stars!" Yan Meng Yue Dai frowned and said to Lin Chen.

Lin Chen also noticed this situation, and his face was a little dignified. Although he had refined some poison of ten thousand resentments, it was still far from being able to use Yuanli, nor could he use the Koi Martial Soul. Otherwise, for the Jin For the carp martial soul, what are these toxins?
"Break out as soon as possible, I will take the lead to cover you, and you save the star power. I don't need to use the power of the stars to chop these things." Lin Chen clenched the Senluo Demon Halberd tightly, and had already taken a step.

Yan Mengyue pursed her lips tightly, looking at the young man standing in front of her, it seemed that no matter what the situation was, he could have a way to deal with it, and he would always be so fearless and powerful.

Except for her father Yan Nantian, she had never felt this from anyone.

Swish swish!
Without hesitation, finding a direction, Lin Chen had already rushed out, the magic halberd in his hand turned into an afterimage, and cut off more than a dozen vines in an instant, and these star-locking vines avoided the place they passed. Back away, like a tiger or wolf.

Following Lin Chen closely, looking around cautiously, for some reason, Yan Mengyue always had an ominous premonition in her heart.

"This vine is getting thicker and thicker..." Lin Chen frowned. He found that after traveling nearly ten miles all the way, the star-locking vine he cut off was getting thicker and thicker. It was only about the thickness of an arm before. Now it has the thickness of two arms.

You must know that a strange plant like the star-locking vine can grow continuously. The weakest star-locking vine is only as thick as a finger, but it is unimaginably powerful.

According to historical records, on the East Pole Continent, someone once discovered a giant star-locking vine that was thick and thick, and even a fourth-level star-soul master would not dare to confront it head-on.

Similarly, Yan Mengyue also noticed this change, and the two became more vigilant.

Just when Lin Chen and the two were rushing into the star-locking vine, a large number of star soul masters passed the first floor, stepped into the second floor, and looked for the passage to the third floor.

Those who are lucky may find the passage just after entering the second floor, while those who are unlucky, like Lin Chen, will be in danger and fight hard.

Many more people have died.


Cut off a thick vine again, at this moment, the half vine dripping with mucus hanging in front did not flinch, but swayed and continued to fling towards Lin Chen!
Obviously, the strength of this star-locking vine has reached the level where it is not afraid of Lin Chen.

At this moment, while many star soul masters were fighting hard in the Star Tower, outside, in the Starry Sky King City, night had slowly fallen, and the night sky was still very dim, with not many stars.

Ye Xiao stood in the sky, sensing his natal star.

Auxiliary star, Qingyang star!

As the master of the starry sky dynasty, Ye Xiao's strength is naturally not weak. High realm is one aspect, and communicating with the auxiliary star is another aspect.

The power of the auxiliary star is far beyond that of the ordinary star, and the connection between the auxiliary star and the star soul master is even closer and stronger, but even so, at this moment, Ye Xiao still feels the connection between himself and the natal star , getting weaker and weaker.

His complexion was extremely ugly. During this time, Ye Xiao hadn't closed his eyes. He was already extremely tired.

I also contacted some friends from other places, but the results made Ye Xiao's heart sink to the bottom of the valley.

This kind of situation only appeared under the rule of his starry sky dynasty, but there is no such situation in other places in this East Pole Continent!

"Could it be that the sky is going to destroy my starry sky dynasty?" Looking up at the starry sky, Ye Xiao sighed.

And just as his sigh fell, the entire starry sky became increasingly dimmer, and finally fell into complete darkness, and the connection with the natal stars, which had already been weakened to the extreme, disappeared completely at this moment!

This feeling is like stepping on the third chain of Suoxing City, and you can't feel your own natal star anymore!

There is no doubt that such a situation will immediately blow up the entire Starry Sky Dynasty.

"The end, the end is coming!!!"

The deep shock, after a brief silence, finally erupted completely with the howling of panic from nowhere, causing the entire Starry Sky Dynasty to fall into panic at this moment.

At this very moment, a sudden change occurred in the entire Star Tower!
(End of this chapter)

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