Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 299 In-depth

Chapter 299 In-depth
Chapter [-] In-depth
Not daring to hesitate, the four immediately backed away, looked around, but still couldn't find any existence.

He secretly sighed at Lin Chen's strength, as if no matter what kind of environment he could deal with, such a character was really unheard of before he left the family.

He raised his hand and shot out one after another stars, faintly wailing, stinging people's souls, causing people to have a headache, and even a feeling of fainting. It's hard to imagine, if they were unprepared, what would happen if they were attacked by these ghosts? what consequences.

After all, if a warrior wants to reach the level of the soul in cultivation, he must at least reach the level of the king's power. Therefore, for people below the king, such a place of extreme yin is almost a dead zone.

Even if the power of the stars is pure and holy, it is extremely effective against these **** things, but it must have the ability to sense where the ghosts are. Big loss.

It's like those corpses scattered all over the place in the distance, they all accidentally broke into this place and were attacked by ghosts to death. The death conditions were extremely tragic and terrifying.

With a dignified expression, he held the white-eyed little tiger in one hand and shot out starlight in the other. While the starlight in Lin Chen's eyes was flickering, he also noticed that more and more erratic ghosts were coming from all directions in this extremely gloomy land. Coming from the movement, the shrill roar passed through the eardrum and directly acted on the soul of the person, making one feel extremely uncomfortable.

Among these ghosts, there were not only those who looked like humans, but also many beasts. Without exception, when they smelled the breath of strangers, these ghosts all rushed over and wanted to swallow Lin Chen's soul.

Lin Chen gritted his teeth. These guys are extremely difficult to deal with. The little star sword pierced them without being affected in the slightest. Only by blasting them with the absolutely powerful power of stars can they be completely killed. Although Lin Chen's star soul at this moment The teacher's cultivation is not what it used to be, but it is undoubtedly impossible for one person to kill thousands of ghosts here.

Lin Chen already had the intention to retreat in his heart. Although the power of the white-eyed tiger to peek at the soul is rare, it must be done with life. If he is rash at this moment, there is a high possibility that he will die here.

And at this moment, the white-eyed tiger who was knocked unconscious by Lin Chen before quietly woke up, and slowly opened those white eyes.

In an instant, a wave of milky white light appeared to radiate, surging away in all directions, and wherever it passed, a series of blue and black ghosts were immediately revealed.

Peep the power of the soul!

Affected by the power of the white-eyed tiger's soul-peeping power, these ghosts suddenly became invisible and completely appeared. Even Tang Ke and the others could easily see these ghosts.

Heartbroken, Lin Chen looked at the white-eyed tiger in his hand, eager for such power even more.

Maybe you can't see anything at the current state, but at the king's level, or even a higher level, the study of the soul and above is of great benefit to the cultivation of the warrior, and the power of the white-eyed tiger to see the soul , is undoubtedly extremely valuable.


A series of shrill roars and howls came from the mouths of these ghosts. Lin Chen was shocked to find that being illuminated by the white-eyed tiger's eyes not only made them appear, but also caused terrifying damage.

In an instant, most of the ghosts roared mournfully, their bodies were pierced by white light, as if they had encountered a natural enemy, they disintegrated and went away, only a very small number of powerful ghosts fled in haste and disappeared from Lin Chen's sight.

"woo woo woo woo.."

He was still immersed in the shock, but Lin Chen was startled by the white-eyed tiger's cry, he came back to his senses, and looked at this little guy.

I saw that a pair of milky white eyes showed a pleading intention, and at the same time, there were milky white teardrops surging and dripping out!

Subconsciously, he let go of his palm, and put the little tiger on the ground. Lin Chen felt that deep in his soul, he had been affected, and unconsciously got close to the little tiger.

The figure jumped forward and turned into a white light and shadow, heading towards the depths of this extremely dark place. The little tiger turned back and called Lin Chen, which made him feel even more turbulent.

This speed is far faster than before!

It was clear in his heart, perhaps, this white-eyed tiger was caught by him on purpose, even if Tang Sheng didn't bring him here, this little tiger would try to lure him here!
But what purpose does it serve?

Intuition told Lin Chen that this was probably a chance, and the little tiger had no malice, and the curiosity in his heart drove Lin Chen to follow him quickly.

"You wait for me, don't act rashly!"

After leaving such a sentence, Lin Chen stepped forward and followed the little tiger, leaving only the four members of the Tang family looking at each other.

"Sure enough, the white-eyed tiger was born with soul-peering eyes. It is a very special and powerful alien species among the alien beasts of heaven and earth. It is absolutely unreasonable to be captured by Lin Chen like this. There must be something strange in it!" Tang Sheng unfolded the folding fan, Seriously.

"Damn!" Tang Yi spat out the blade of grass, and tossed his hair with disdain on his face, "Why didn't you say it earlier, now fools can see that something is wrong."

Tang Ke and Tang Mei secretly laughed, looking at the direction where Lin Chen was leaving, looking forward to it.

Hoo hoo. .

There was wind in his ears, and Lin Chen followed the little tiger in front of him. He felt that the yin energy was getting heavier and eroded into his body. In the end, he even had to carry up the star gauze to resist, and the little tiger's body surface was full of blood. A layer of white brilliance flickered, this yin energy could not be eroded at all, and wherever it passed, all ghosts were avoided!
Soon, Lin Chen followed the little tiger into the depths of this extremely shady place. There were no weeds growing here, and there was a faint blue-black mist, and few ghosts were seen.


Letting out a roar, still looking a little immature, the little tiger stopped with sadness in his white eyes.

And piercing through the blue-black mist, Lin Chen looked intently, and was instantly stunned by the scene in front of him.

I saw a huge pure white tiger body tens of feet lying quietly on the ground. While breathing, white air currents swirled, but it was bloody, which shocked Lin Chen, no? This big white-eyed tiger is full of terrifying blood holes all over its body!
The technique was extremely ruthless, every blood hole completely pierced through the body of the white-eyed tiger, severely injuring its viscera, at first glance, the number of such injuries was no less than several hundred, it was extremely cruel.

It was obvious at a glance that this white-eyed tiger was dying, and Lin Chen also saw a beautiful bright red flower lying on the ground in front of it. Just one glance captured all of Lin Chen's mind and made him intoxicated by the beauty.

It blooms for 1000 years and falls for 1000 years, and the flowers and leaves will never meet.

The other side of the flower!
(End of this chapter)

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