Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 313 Beast Tide, Assembly Point

Chapter 313 Beast Tide, Assembly Point
Chapter 310: Beast Tide, Assembly Point

It's getting dark!

All the people who were still on this wasteland couldn't help but feel their hearts sinking suddenly, and it seemed that to match the darkened sky, the roars of beasts in the distance seemed extraordinarily ferocious at this moment!
"Don't panic, everyone, we can definitely find this assembly point." Lin Chen forced himself to calm down and comforted everyone. At the same time, he also tried his best to sense the surrounding situation.

Although he couldn't use his own strength, for Lin Chen, he still had a lot of means.

At the very least, the power of the white-eyed tiger, the magic power of escaping shadows, and the natal soul skill of Jielong Bian can still be used, which is not a small advantage.

A white light flashed in the depths of his pupils. Immediately, the scene in front of Lin Chen also changed at this moment. The original visual impact caused by the dark sky also had no effect. Lin Chen saw that on the endless wasteland , as far as the eye can see, there seems to be a faint fortress-like building standing up.

"Southeast direction, go!"

Withdrawing his gaze, Lin Chen immediately led the crowd towards the southeast direction, heading straight for the assembly point of the fortress.

The roar of the beast in the distance became more and more intense, and it made people feel goosebumps all over their bodies. They had to hide in the assembly point in order to safely spend the night in this dead and silent place, and the capacity of each assembly point was also extremely high. Limited, so casualties are inevitable.

Only by seizing the opportunity can we survive.

Everyone was racing against time and resorted to all means, but Lin Chen noticed that besides them, there were actually two other groups of people, and they also found the direction he had found and rushed away.

Sure enough, there are still capable people and strangers who can find a rallying point, but Lin Chen is not the only one.

And some people who can't find their target are not stupid. When they see someone running towards the distance, they immediately follow closely. Immediately, the people who were teleported to this dead and silent plain were also divided into three groups. Obviously, there should be assembly points ahead of these three directions.

Ho Ho. .

A series of beast roars came from a distance, and the cold wind blowing at night made one's heart tremble even more. Soon, there were vague shadows in front of him, and several mottled wolf shadows appeared from nowhere, flashing out.

On the grassland, how can there be so few wolves?
Scarlet eyes stared at the crowd in front of them. There were five wolves with saliva dripping from their mouths, paws scratching the ground, and growling.

In normal times, for these geniuses, these wild beasts can be destroyed with just a few fingers, but now it is different, with all their power suppressed, these geniuses are almost no different from ordinary people Well, for some weaklings, these few wolves are enough to kill them.

Stopping, Lin Chen frowned.

Although these wolves are not to be feared, this is not a good sign. According to his understanding of the wolves, these wolves should come to take the lead. Soon, there will be more wolves, and even other wolves. Beasts, one after another!

But now, there is still a distance from that assembly point.

Without hesitation, with a wave of his palm, he took out the Senluo Demon Halberd. The hideous shape of the Demon Halberd looked even more terrifying under the darkness of night. Subconsciously took a few steps back, with a gurgling sound in his throat.

"This halberd..." The faces of the four members of the Tang family also changed suddenly, especially Tang Sheng, who seemed to have thought of something, his pupils shrank suddenly, and his eyes were full of disbelief.

Swish swish!
Without any hesitation, Lin Chen raised his hand and swung the magic halberd like lightning. Everyone felt that the five wolves' bodies had already been separated, and the stench of blood spilled all over the ground.

However, there was still no trace of blood stain on the cold magic halberd, which was shocking to see.

"Hurry up, the beast horde is coming, we must reach the assembly point before the beast horde arrives," Lin Chen said.

Although there are many people present who can easily kill these evil wolves with confidence, but no one can pat their chests and guarantee that they can do an understatement like Lin Chen, and most of them even don't see clearly who he is. How to do it.

This is really a bit surprising in the case of being unable to use Yuanli.

A real strong man cannot be weakened by any harsh environment.

Hearing Lin Chen's words, everyone's hearts tightened, and they immediately quickened their pace and followed him forward.

At the same time that Lin Chen's eyes flickered with white light, he also saw shadows approaching at a high speed in the distance. Even the ground under their feet trembled at this moment. These are definitely thousands of beasts. Tide, among which there are powerful monsters.

The Road to Fengyuan imprisoned the abilities of many geniuses, but the monsters who grew up here were not affected in the slightest!
The fortress ahead was getting closer and closer, and under the darkness of night, everyone could even see its appearance clearly, but those roars of endlessly wild hungry beasts were still in their ears!

The beast tide is coming soon!

Swish swish!
Suddenly, the ground under his feet cracked open, and black shadows shot out. Without any precautions, many people were already thrown on the face by the black shadows, their necks were directly gnawed off, and the blood was soaring. It shot out, with a hot bloody breath, accompanied by panicked screams, which immediately plunged the scene into panic.

Raising his hand was a halberd, and knocked away a black shadow that was flying towards him. Lin Chen's face was also a little ugly. He had already tried to release the fire unicorn and Xiao Yu, but he found that the space here was extremely stable, and he couldn't do it at all. Open the crouching beads and release them.

Moreover, the difficulty of the army of monsters and beasts is probably beyond his imagination.

The first wave of attacks was the gold-eating rats that did not expect them. Their sharp teeth could crush gold and stones, not to mention the necks of these poor guys.

And as the corpses fell one after another, the rushing beast tide had completely arrived in front of everyone, completely blocking the assembly point of the fort in front of them.

The ferocity is overwhelming, the roar of the beast is deafening, and everyone's heart is covered with a shadow of death at this moment. Without being able to use their own strength, how many people can survive in the face of the ferocious beast horde? ?
In other words, they are very likely to be wiped out.

This is definitely not alarmist talk, after all, such a thing has happened before.

At this time, if you want to enter a safe assembly point, you must rush through the beast tide, and if you want to rush into the crowd of thousands of monster beasts with the current few hundred people who cannot use their energy, it is undoubtedly a dead end.

For a moment, everyone seemed to be in a situation of no solution, and at the same time, most people's eyes quietly turned to the figure in the green shirt holding a black halberd at the front of the crowd.

(End of this chapter)

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