Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 314 The Bear of the Earth

Chapter 314 The Bear of the Earth
Chapter 310 Five Bears of the Earth

Unknowingly, in the hearts of everyone, Lin Chen has been regarded as a leader by default. Although it has something to do with him taking the lead all the way, it is also inseparable from the leadership temperament in him.

There is a kind of person who is born to be convincing invisibly, which is also the reason why Lin Chen can have so many determined people around him.

Indeed, at this moment, Lin Chen was also frantically thinking about how to break the situation.

In this road to Fengyuan, he couldn't release the fire unicorn, and he couldn't summon Mr. Su for help. He could only rely on himself, and he couldn't use any power. The situation was undoubtedly extremely serious.

Once, one man with one halberd swept across an army of tens of thousands of corpses, but at that time Lin Chen relied on the sharpness of the magic halberd and the mystery of the halberd technique. Now he can't use his power, and even his physical strength has been weakened a lot. What's more, among the beast tide ahead, there are several extremely fierce auras, which may be comparable to extraordinary powerhouses.

However, in such a situation, he did not allow him to think about it at all. The swarm of beasts rolled up, rolling up smoke and dust all over the sky, and they had already rushed in. Lin Chen could even smell the stench from the mouth of the most ferocious monitor lizard.

With an angry shout, the magic halberd in his hand has already been thrust out. At this time, the only thing to do is fight!

There is no possibility of any tricks, the only chance is to rush to the past, as for who can survive, who will be bitten to death and trampled to death in such a beast tide, it depends on the luck of the individual.

A halberd was inserted into the monitor lizard's mouth, and at the same time as the blood spurted out, Lin Chen exerted force with his arm, and picked up the terrified and howling big guy. At the same time, the giant lizard was thrown out violently, and all the beasts within tens of meters in front were swept away!

This scene once again shocked everyone present. Lin Chen is simply a fighting machine for being able to display this level of combat power under the suppression of Fengyuan Road!
With Lin Chen taking the lead, the fighting spirit in everyone's hearts also increased at this moment, and they took action one after another, using all means to deal with the herd of beasts in all directions. Only by passing through thousands of beasts can they survive in this dead and silent plain. down.

Bang bang bang!
The sound of attacking one after another is endless, accompanied by the roar of beasts and screams, in this night, scenes of tragedies are staged. Without Yuanli, these many geniuses are almost invincible to ordinary people in the face of ferocious beasts. Unexpectedly, these beasts, which they usually see as vulnerable, have become existences that threaten their lives!
Taking the lead, Lin Chen pierced into the army of beasts like a sharp blade. No matter what was in the way in front of him, he could not resist his blow.

Although he couldn't use Yuanli, the subtlety of the halberd technique is still there, and even his extraordinary true intention is still there. Even if it is severely suppressed, it can still play a role. In addition, Lin Chen's eyes have completely turned white, appearing in front of his eyes The picture in front of him is no longer fierce beasts, but points one by one. He only needs to use the Senluo Demon Halberd to attack the weakest points, and he can easily kill the fierce beasts in front of him!
In the blink of an eye, Lin Chen had already rushed a full hundred meters. Beast blood splattered wherever he passed, screams spread, and shadows of beasts flew upside down, sweeping away a group of ferocious beasts.

Following Lin Chen closely, Starry Sky Dynasty, Dayan Dynasty, and the Tang family, they always pay attention to the movement behind them, serving as the rear of Lin Chen's palace. With this posture, it is not impossible for their group to rush out of.

And the reason why such an effect can be achieved, to a large extent, is because of the sharpness of the Sen Luo Demon Halberd!
A magical weapon, at this moment when it is unable to use its power, it also shows its value to the greatest extent. The direction of the halberd is invincible!

As if chopping vegetables, almost none of the monsters standing in front of Lin Chen were his generals. While wailing, they fell under the magic halberd one after another. The large army followed Lin Chen and had already sprinted into the beast tide. Among them, head towards the fort assembly point.

However, such a charge cannot be sustained for a long time. Lin Chen alone has limited physical strength. What's more, in this wave of monsters, there are definitely not only these cannon fodder, but also a powerful beast king with truly extraordinary strength. !
A violent roar full of murderous intent spread at this moment, and even the ground trembled a little. Then, a huge figure rushed towards it quickly, trampling down with its soles, and some weak monsters who had no time to dodge It was even directly trampled into meat paste.

Earth Bear!

Known for his absolutely violent brute force, and even more so with his rough skin and thick flesh, this big guy is not an opponent that warriors like at any time. Lin Chen's face darkened, and he could only go up to him while gritting his teeth.

If they retreat at this time, it will only cause everyone to be besieged in the beast horde, which will greatly increase the casualties, and may even wipe out the entire army.

Go all out, then decline again, and exhaust three times. At this time, you must not be discouraged, but you must rush to the past even more bravely.

"The weak point of the Earth Bear is its back door, which is also the only weak point in its whole body!" Tang Sheng shouted.

And Lin Chen nodded. Under his pair of white eyes, the biggest flaw in the Earth Bear's body was located at its back door. Immediately he rushed up with the magic halberd in his hand. A Beastmaster is extremely helpful in rushing out of the beast tide and reaching the assembly point.

dong dong.

Every step the Earth Bear took left a huge foot print on the ground. The dull sound seemed to hit everyone's hearts. Immediately, many people turned pale with fright.

Monster beasts with extraordinary strength are not easy to deal with even when they have the power, not to mention the situation of being suppressed now, and even some weak ones have already collapsed on the ground, trembling all over.

Lin Chen didn't have much confidence, he rushed forward, and he also shouted to everyone: "Everyone, go up together, find an opportunity to attack it, and attack its back door!"

Tang Ke was the first to rush out. Although the sword in his hand was not as good as the Senluo Demon Halberd, it was still a rare sharp weapon. If the Earth Bear took a sword, it would definitely not feel good.

Tang Mei took out a whip from her waist and danced it. The others also used their own means to follow Lin Chen and rushed forward. At this moment, the Earth Bear finally rushed over, and slapped the big palm of the cattail fan directly, bringing There was a sound of explosion, and it went straight to Lin Chen. At the same time, it opened its huge mouth, and a khaki spherical object shot out from its mouth, bombarding it with a majestic and heavy feeling. .

How could it be possible for a big guy who has reached the extraordinary level to only use brute force to attack. This road to Fengyuan has suppressed the cultivation of many warriors, but he is extremely tolerant towards this big guy. Under the double attack at this moment, Lin Chen's The situation suddenly became extremely dangerous!

(End of this chapter)

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