Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 361 Official Admission!

Chapter 361 Official Admission!

Chapter 360 Official Admission!
The scriptures of Nirvana appeared on the body surface, helping Bei Luo Zetian recover from his injuries, but his complexion was still ugly.

He knew very well how terrifying the power Lin Chen displayed at the last moment was definitely the most top star sea vision!

Although the martial artist who cultivated both the power of Yuanli and the stars is more difficult to cultivate, his combat power is also double that of ordinary warriors. What's more, Lin Chen never used Yuanli from the beginning to the end.

Bei Luozetian knew very well that Lin Chen definitely possessed a holy rank martial soul. Such an opponent was undoubtedly extremely terrifying. Once he unleashed his origin power, the combat power would be unimaginable.

Still immersed in the shock, Che Wenhai finally spoke, looking at the two people below, even though he was respected as a strong man in the holy realm, he couldn't help feeling a lot of emotion.

"Lin Chen and Bei Luo Zetian are tied for No. 1! Congratulations to the 950 of you who have become students of my Xingnan College!"

The voice reverberated and resounded continuously. After a short silence, there was finally an overwhelming sound of cheers.

There are more than 950 geniuses from the entire Northern Territory, who have been selected through layers of selection, and in the end, only less than [-] survived, and only [-] of them successfully entered Xingnan College!


Although there have been huge changes in the road to Fengyuan this time, in previous years, the number of people who could finally enter Xingnan College has never exceeded [-].

Those who successfully obtained the quota were all rejoiced, and their joy was beyond words, while those who missed it were extremely annoyed and very envious.

Looking at such a scene, Che Wenhai didn't have much trouble. After all, he had seen too many such situations.

Even if you can't join Xingnan College, some of these eliminated geniuses may give birth to unrivaled powerhouses. The road of cultivation is like life. You never know what the future will look like, and this is its charm .

For these geniuses, today's joy or frustration is just the beginning of the road of life, the road of cultivation, the road is still very long, and there are still many, many things they need to experience.

While Xingnan College can guide them in cultivation, it cannot perfectly teach everyone how to behave. Moreover, in this world where the jungle preys on the jungle, it is often full of various injustices that cannot be changed.

With a wave of his hand, he handed over the matter here to the four guardians and the elders. Che Wenhai disappeared in place in a flash. He still had a lot of things to deal with.

It's like the two strong men who have appeared outside Xingnan College at this moment.

The patriarchs of the Wang clan and the Song clan have already arrived. At this moment, there are still many powerful people who have already left to come to Xingnan College to discuss an explanation.

Although it is very common to have casualties in previous selections, the death rate this time is unprecedented, and it has also caused the fall of many geniuses. You must know that these dead geniuses, among the forces they belong to, can They are all the existence of the stars, how can they just die so casually?

Just like Wang Kai, although he practiced the true meaning of death and went mad, but his identity is there, he is still the top genius of the entire Wang clan, and Song Da, his archery skills are unique among his peers, and he has been practicing If it continues, it will definitely be a giant, supporting the next generation of the Song clan.

But now, they just died on the road to Fengyuan, how can these patriarchs let it go?

The figure appeared outside the academy, and when he saw the person coming, Che Wenhai couldn't help sighing, the one who should come has come.

People are already dead, so the purpose of these people coming here is naturally to make Xingnan College make up for their losses to the greatest extent. This time, there must be a hemorrhage.

Although Xingnan College is powerful, which of these big families and powers that have been rooted in the Northern Territory for thousands of years is easy to provoke?
After talking to these two people for a few words, waves of spatial fluctuations spread, and figures appeared here. Che Wenhai also called everyone to go to discuss together.

After all, with such a giant in person, you can't let him be right at the gate of the academy.

At the same time, the four guardians and the elders also began to deal with the aftermath. After all, the selection of qualified geniuses was only the beginning, and there were still many things to be arranged. This was undoubtedly a very complicated process.

Lin Chen got a Xingnan Token in his hand, and his consciousness penetrated into it, and he had already had a slight connection with him. Lin Chen noticed that on this Xingnan Token, there was a number of one thousand. Under the elder's explanation, , he also understood that this is the so-called star point.

As No.1 alongside Beiluo Zetian, he got a thousand star points and a lot of authority.

The competition within Xingnan Academy is very fierce. Here, everything needs star points. If you want to obtain cultivation resources, spiritual essence, martial arts, etc., you need star points to exchange.

There are also many ways to obtain star points. You can go to the academy law hall to accept various tasks, or through various transactions, etc. There is another method, which is to enter the Nine Peaks list.

In Xingnan College, there are nine peaks together, and nine peaks in turn. Each mountain will have a list, and every six months, there will be a ring battle to determine the list ranking of each peak. It is possible to obtain huge star points.

In addition, Xingnan College also has many halls, such as the alchemy hall, which is responsible for the alchemy of the entire sect, and the martial arts hall, which is in charge of martial arts competitions.

The nine peaks also have their own characteristics. Under the explanations of the elders, everyone is also excited. Xingnan College is indeed a famous holy place for cultivation in the Northern Territory and even the entire continent. The potential of every genius is here. It will be discovered to the greatest extent, which is why countless people are flocking to it.

It's just that Lin Chen was a little absent-minded about these things. He looked far away and searched over and over again among the crowd of onlookers, and even used the power of the white-eyed tiger regardless of the overdraft at the moment. This result has disappointed him time and time again.

Xia Xinxuan was not among the crowd.

Logically speaking, knowing that Lin Chen would be admitted to the hospital during this selection, Xia Xinxuan would be there no matter what, but she didn't come, which also made Lin Chen feel unspeakably disappointed.

To put it bluntly, Lin Chen came to Xingnan College purely for Xia Xinxuan.

After repeated searches to no avail, Lin Chen finally let out a sigh. It is estimated that Xia Xinxuan must have something very important, or she is in seclusion, so she did not appear.

Shaking his head, Lin Chen devoted himself to repairing his injuries, refining toxins, and began to understand the situation of Xingnan College.

No matter what, it was finally officially admitted to the hospital!
(End of this chapter)

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