Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 362 The Freshmen's Challenge

Chapter 362 The Freshmen's Challenge

Chapter 360 Third Freshmen's Challenge
Xingnan College, the first peak.

Every new student who is admitted to the hospital will be arranged on this first peak, and will be dispatched to various peaks in the future. At this moment, amidst the hustle and bustle, the top of this first peak is already full of people.

Not only were there 950 people who joined Xingnan College this time, but there were also many students who came to watch the excitement. After all, it is also very interesting to see the new rookies and recall the original self.

And after giving the rookies a general explanation, they also have a general understanding of Xingnan College, and brought them to the first peak. Next, it is necessary to select each mountain and hall.

Everyone was looking forward to it, eager to try it out, but Lin Chen stood in the crowd, but he still didn't find Xia Xinxuan's figure. When he was disappointed, he didn't have much thought about the next choice.

He didn't even know which mountain peak or palace Xia Xinxuan belonged to.

"The first peak is the head of the nine peaks. Of course, needless to say, the geniuses who can be on top of this first peak are all true inner courtyard students, peerless and extraordinary!" Wu Han, one of the four guardians, said.

At this moment, Wuhan's injury has almost recovered, and there is a fierce aura exuding from him, which is very majestic and awe-inspiring.

This is the natural temperament of the owner of the white tiger martial soul. The master of the white tiger is fierce, and Wu Han's temperament is fierce and majestic.

The inner court!

That's right, Xingnan College has always been divided into the inner court and the outer court. It is obvious that the treatment and various training resources that people in the inner court can enjoy surpass those in the outer court. There is a saying that only by joining After entering the inner courtyard of Xingnan College, one can truly be considered as joining Xingnan College.

In Xingnan College, people from the outer court wore white uniforms, while those from the inner court wore blue uniforms. This also caused many people from the inner court to feel superior to others.

However, in the college, there is no high-level executive to take care of these matters. As long as it is not excessive, the people in the inner court will just turn a blind eye to the bullying of the people in the outer court. As an incentive, every student in the outer court is cultivating desperately in order to be able to enter the inner court.

"Geniuses who have mastered the true meaning of the extraordinary in the innate period can directly enter the first peak, but, in order to sharpen you, the high-level officials of the academy have decided that you can only enter the first peak after you have truly advanced to the extraordinary level!" Wu Han's words spread widely, and made many people feel disappointed.

I thought that after grasping the true meaning of Chaofan, I could directly enter the inner court, but I didn't expect that I would have to wait until I was promoted to Chaofan!
Hehe smiled, very satisfied with this reaction, Wuhan waved his hand: "Of course, if anyone among you is not convinced, you can challenge any person from the inner court, as long as you win, you can join the inner court. "

When these words came out, the atmosphere suddenly became a little turbulent, and there was a touch of excitement in the eyes of many geniuses below, and they were eager to try.

And Wu Han glanced around, waiting for someone to stand up.

Under the heavy reward, there must be a brave man, and soon, a young man with a strong physique stood up.

"I want to challenge!"

Seeing this, Wu Han glanced at him casually, and chuckled lightly: "Teng Nuo's true intentions? Who is willing to try it? Let's talk about it first. There are at most three moves. Don't lose face as a genius in the inner courtyard!"

These words were extremely casual, but they instantly made the hearts of everyone present sink, especially the young man who stood up, his brows were tightly frowned.

Wuhan is worthy of being one of the four great protectors, and he can see his extraordinary true intention at a glance. Moreover, this Tengniao true intention, which is extremely good at dodging, still cannot withstand the three moves of any inner courtyard student in Wuhan's eyes?

It was said that these onlookers in the inner courtyard geniuses were also scrambling to come out and try their hand.

Why not bully newcomers and rookies?
They also came here in the same way back then, so now, everyone is willing to teach the elementary school students the principles of life.

"You? Zhou Neng, why don't you come out and be ashamed, just your half-baked extraordinary sincerity?!"

"What are you talking about, Liu Qing, don't think you are a woman, I will let you go! You are not Xia Xinxuan!"

"Stop arguing, you two, I'll come!"


After some debate, almost all the students in the inner courtyard present were a little bit red-faced, and in the end, Wu Han made a final decision and chose a student named Li Jian to deal with the new student.

Although they were very dissatisfied, others did not dare to refute Wu Han. After all, the identity of the four guardians and his strength are beyond doubt. What's more, Wu Han is still in charge of Daoyin Peak , no one dared to offend him.

"Xingnan Inner Courtyard, Li Jian."

"Hu Rong!"

Everyone evaded one after another, giving the two people room to fight. After the two stood still, they also reported their family background. Compared with Li Jian's calmness, neither humble nor overbearing, this Hu Rong showed his sharpness.

Staring at Li Jian on the opposite side, Hu Rong's eyes were full of fighting spirit, and in a flash, he had already launched an attack!
I saw that there seemed to be an invisible wave spreading around him, and his figure also moved at an incredible speed in an instant, almost in a breath, and the battlefield was covered with him. Afterimage.

Extreme speed!

Teng Nuo's true intention is to go to an extreme, relying on extreme speed to fight against the enemy, but such a method is not enough in the face of absolute strength.

After all, Hu Rong is too immature, what he pursues is too flamboyant, and in a real battle, it is undoubtedly fatal.

What's the use of hundreds of afterimages?

Li Jian stood at the same spot, motionless, and the hundred afterimages were moving towards him. Hu Rong's real body was in the hundreds of afterimages, ready to attack Li Jian at any time.

Under the watchful eyes of the audience, Hu Rong also exerted the true intention of maneuvering to the extreme. Suddenly, behind Li Jian, an afterimage leaped high, and a tyrannical aura spread out, directly Attacked Li Jian.

However, Li Jian was unmoved by this, and stood calmly on the spot.

Immediately afterwards, this afterimage hit Li Jian's back in a fake and real way, but it dissipated instantly. There are hundreds of people besieging Li Jian, which is amazing.

At this time, Li Jian finally made a move.

In the siege of hundreds of afterimages, he didn't choose any one, but took a step. At the same time, his aura was released, as if a peerless beast that had been sleeping for a long time suddenly awakened, covering the whole audience!
(End of this chapter)

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