Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 533 Ten Thousand Zhangs of Blue Light, Immortal Blue Sky

Chapter 533 Ten Thousand Zhangs of Blue Light, Immortal Blue Sky
Chapter 530 The ten thousand zhang blue light, the immortal blue sky

The blue light is so bright!

Such a scene can be said to be incomparably shocking.

All eyes were focused on that ray of blue light, and at this moment, the entire Qingdi City was completely rendered under a layer of sacred blue.

The beam of light shot straight into the sky, as if it wanted to pierce through this piece of sky. Such awe-inspiring, domineering, but no one can give birth to the slightest resistance.

Immediately afterwards, under the gaze of the entire Qingdi City, this ten thousand zhang blue light swooped straight down, rushing towards Lin Chen's body.

Boom boom boom!
Wherever the green light passed, the space was cracked, and Lin Chen's body shook, and he immediately suffered terrible pressure.

This blue light has reached a size of [-] feet. Although it is only [-] feet more than Tsing Yi, at this moment, the qualitative change has caused a quantitative change. It can be said bluntly that [-] feet is compared with [-] feet. Zhang, that is completely different, there is no comparison at all.

On the surface, Tsing Yi only lost by a small margin, but in fact, he suffered a crushing defeat.

And just when the blue light began to hit Lin Chen's body, within his pupils, the blue Sanskrit characters scattered in all directions finally converged into five ancient characters with incomparable Shenao, accompanied by bursts of singing The voice brought Lin Chen an indescribable sense of sublimation.

The Indestructible Blue Sky Sutra.

Who would have imagined that what is hidden in this blue letter is the scripture that the Qing Emperor once dominated the Xiaoqian world, the scripture of immortal blue sky!

Only those who are firm in heart, unparalleled in talent, and excellent in perseverance can spark a bright light behind the footprints of the seat, and there is no other way.

Coincidentally, Lin Chen met all these conditions.

Therefore, at this moment, he has truly obtained the inheritance of the Indestructible Blue Sky Scripture, even including the many insights left by the Qing Emperor. To a certain extent, he can already be called half of Qing Emperor's disciple.

The ten thousand zhang blue light, the immortal blue sky!
There is no doubt that Lin Chen is the biggest winner in this trip to the Qing Emperor's Holy Mountain. Even Tsing Yi failed to obtain the complete Indestructible Blue Sky Scripture, but now it has fallen into Lin Chen's hands.

Staring at Lin Chen, Tsing Yi's eyes were full of jealousy.

It never occurred to him that Lin Chen could surpass him, trigger a vast blue light, and obtain the Indestructible Blue Sky Scripture.

"Lin Chen..."

Quietly clenched his fist, between Tsing Yi's fingers, a space crack appeared.

"Do it!!!"

Although Tsing Yi relied on his status and would not take action against Lin Chen, but at this moment, with Lin Chen's comprehension completed, the three of Longcheng immediately chose to do so without hesitation.

Shouted words full of murderous intent, in an instant, three auras belonging to the king's mighty momentum crushed towards Lin Chen in front of Luoshui and Ruan Xiaoyu. the most violent attack.

Ye Fan stomped hard on the ground. Although he only had one arm, the murderous intent he brewed was the strongest.

Between the palms and fingers, a long sword condensed entirely by the power of space slashed straight down. Cooperating with his own Martial Soul, King's Profound Truth, Ye Fan hit the strongest blow when he met him face to face.

As if facing a formidable enemy, Xiaoyu waved her palm, and the black-golden flames, accompanied by the sound of the beating wind, faced the long sword.

On the other side, Dao Yu made fierce moves and fought Luo Shuirou into a ball. The collision of each move caused the space to collapse. Although Yu was at a disadvantage, Luo Shuirou's momentary In the meantime, he couldn't beat him.

As for Dragon City, it charged directly at Lin Chen, and there was an extremely ferocious withered yellow beast behind it.

shortage! ! !
In ancient times, there was a strange beast named Huang, which had one eye. When the eye was opened, thousands of miles of barrenness appeared, like the passage of time.

The grade of this martial soul has also reached the level of the holy rank, and combined with the barren secret that has evolved to the level of the king's secret at this moment, the combat power of Dragon City has also skyrocketed to a terrifying level.

"Lin Chen, put your head down!"

While Longcheng shouted angrily, his handprints pinched, and a gap between the eyebrows of the desolate beast behind him slowly opened.

Although this gap is as thin as a hair, the terrifying meaning of desolation conveyed in it is instantaneous, causing the entire peak of Qingdi Sacred Mountain to fall into a terrible desolation.

Feeling that kind of power, Longcheng himself felt a strong shock in his heart.

Everyone knows that his martial soul is a holy rank martial soul steel-winged flying dragon, but no one knows that he also possesses a second martial soul, which is this desolate beast!
Like Lin Chen, Longcheng is also the owner of twin holy rank martial souls!
The reason why the power of the desolate beast has never been displayed is not because Longcheng is unwilling, but because only when the true meaning of desolation has reached the level of the king's profound meaning, can the power of the desolate beast be truly revealed.

This person is really amazing!
The desolate beast let out a roar, and immediately, the withered yellow light waves visible to the naked eye scattered, and everything that passed by began to be completely barren.

The stone floor under everyone's feet also began to turn from blue to yellow at this moment, losing all vitality and strength, giving people a feeling of complete death!

Bearing the brunt, Lin Chen received a strong impact amidst everyone's horrified expressions.

Even the ten thousand zhang blue light has been greatly affected, and the energy in it is also disappearing rapidly, leaving it barren.

"Hahaha, Lin Chen, so what if you realize the boundless blue light, I only need one thought, and I can turn you into dust!"

Longcheng's face was ferocious, and he roared at Lin Chen.

But Lin Chen, as immobile as a mountain, turned a deaf ear to all this, but the speed at which he squeezed his handprints reached an unprecedented speed.

The Dao Sanskrit was quietly sung, and a touch of extreme blue brilliance slowly diffused from Lin Chen's body. Almost instantly, the barren power of Dragon City was resisted.

The Immortal Blue Sky Sutra!
Facing such desolate power, Lin Chen cast the Immortal Blue Sky Sutra immediately, and such scriptures did not disappoint him.

If desolation represents death, then the Immortal Blue Sky Sutra represents endless vitality, just like the eternal blue sky, which is immortal.

Boom boom boom.

As if he understood Lin Chen's situation, this majestic green light immediately rushed towards Lin Chen's body against the clock, and the violent force even caused Lin Chen's body surface to explode. A streak of blood.

Almost instantly, an invisible shackle in Lin Chen's body was blown away, and the green light turned into billowing Yuan force, flowing through his limbs and bones, which also allowed his realm to completely break through to the eighth level of extraordinary at this moment.

However, everything is far from over!

ps: The old book "Wu Zun Myriad Realms" has been unsealed, book lovers can go and read it, the writing is not as good as Shenglong, but it's good for pastime in your spare time.

 The old book "Wu Zun Myriad Realms" has been unsealed, book lovers can go and read it, the writing is not as good as Shenglong, but it's good for pastime in your spare time.

(End of this chapter)

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