Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 534: Demon Sheep Shot, Evil Soul Armor!

Chapter 534: Demon Sheep Shot, Evil Soul Armor!

Chapter 530 The Sixth Demon Sheep Shot, Evil Soul Armor!
Extraordinary eighth order!

Like a broken bamboo, Lin Chen directly broke through to the eighth level of extraordinary, but at this moment, the majestic blue beam of light was still thousands of feet away, unable to enter Lin Chen's body.

When the handprints were pinched, the blue light burst out, and Lin Chen's whole body was covered with a thick layer of blue.

After breaking through the eighth level of extraordinary, the energy in his body surged and became more powerful, and he began to naturally march towards the ninth level of extraordinary.

This ten thousand zhang blue light, no matter the quantity or quality, is far beyond what others can imagine, and the abundant energy contained in it is enough for people to complete several breakthroughs.

Moreover, in the blue light, Lin Chen's perception of the true meaning of the world is suddenly enlightened.

This kind of opportunity can be said to be once in a thousand years.

"The ten thousand zhang blue light, after all, who caused it?"

"Could it be the Young Emperor in Tsing Yi who draws out the vast blue light, besides him, who else can there be?"

"Oh my god, the entire Qingdi City is completely covered by blue light!"

Shouts of exclamation, one after another, resounded throughout the entire Qingdi City, and the faces of many masters, looking up at the turbulent sky, also changed dramatically.

Although I always thought that Tsing Yi was definitely the strongest, and the blue light that could be triggered was by no means comparable to others, but for some reason, the hearts of everyone present were a little shaken at this moment.

Zuo Jinglong's expression was tense and dignified. He hoped that Lin Chen would cause the blue light, but he couldn't believe it.

Ye Gai and Dao Guantian looked at each other in dismay, and they also had a faint feeling in their hearts that the situation seemed to be out of control.

Even Nie Qianlou's face was cloudy and uncertain, and he couldn't guess who caused the blue light.

"What a boy, what a boy, I even lost my eyes on this deity. This Qingdi boy is playing well, and he still keeps such a trick. It can only be said to be your chance!" The devil sheep rubbed its hooves, very excited .

The stronger Lin Chen is, the more hope he has to condense his body and see the light of day again.

But in a flash, he continued to murmur: "The situation is not good, this Dragon City actually hides such a trump card, the wild beast spirit, even in the world, it is extremely rare, I don't want to meet one here!" .”

"Boy Lin Chen is busy breaking through, and he will definitely suffer a big loss. If he gives up breaking through, he will miss this opportunity. Alas...he has it!"

With a flash in front of his eyes, the demon sheep moved its hooves, and suddenly two black shadows appeared in front of him.

Geng Li, Dai Xichao.

That day, the demon sheep absorbed a large amount of magic power and was able to manifest it. He also conveniently collected the souls of the two people into the magic tablet, planning to use them in the future. Now it seems that it is time.

Looking at the two of them, the demon sheep could feel the fear in their hearts, and couldn't help feeling proud.

Everyone is a soul body, but it is obvious that the devil sheep is the real big devil, which makes people afraid.

In the end, the demon sheep's eyes fell on Dai Xichao, which made Dai Xichao tremble all over.

"You should be Lin Chen's enemy, so I'll choose you."

The devil sheep spoke, and the words were cold and without any emotion.

After all, with a move of his hoof, a deep purple energy has been shot out suddenly and entered Dai Xichao's body. Suddenly, Dai Xichao's whole body twisted. He wanted to let out a painful roar, but he was powerless at all. With such means, it is impossible to cry out in pain!
Seeing this scene, I was also very terrified, and secretly rejoiced that I chose to be loyal to Lin Chen, otherwise, his fate would not be much better than that of Dai Xichao.

"I haven't used this evil soul armor for a long time, and it's actually quite unfamiliar. However, it's okay for Lin Chen to make do with it." The demon sheep nodded, and with a flick of its hoof, suddenly, the person in front of him was no longer human. Dai Xichao surged out, turning into a purple armor, covering Lin Chen's body.

The demon sheep intentionally used divine power to disguise it to envelop the aura of the demonic way, otherwise, Lin Chen would surely become the target of public criticism and be regarded as an evil spirit.

Longcheng's figure was approaching, and he was already close at hand. At this moment, a purple armor suddenly appeared on Lin Chen's body surface, completely enveloping his whole body, forming an airtight protective layer.

However, this protective layer will not affect the empowerment of Qingguang.

It has to be said that the method of the devil sheep is really superb. With the appearance of the purple armor, Lin Chen found that the barren power of the dragon city could not affect him immediately.

"Damn, what is this?!"

Longcheng's pupils shrank suddenly, he shouted angrily, and slapped his palm, a withered yellow beam of light shot out fiercely from the gap in the wild beast's eyes behind him, shooting straight at the purple armor.

However, to everyone's surprise, the withered yellow light beam hit the surface of the purple armor like nothing, without causing the slightest impact.


There was a series of gasping voices in the audience, and many eyes looked at Lin Chen in disbelief again. Unexpectedly, at the time when he was at his weakest point of breakthrough, he still had the means to perfectly block the enemy's attack.

The moment after Dragon City launched an attack, Lin Chen once again made a breakthrough, and his momentum soared. He also reached the level of the ninth level of extraordinary at this moment. Moreover, at the same time, he had already reached the bottleneck of the true meaning of the world, and he entered it logically. Reached the pinnacle, and took another step.

"We can't let him break through again!"

Longcheng's eyelids twitched, and he felt a feeling that things were out of control.

I thought that Lin Chen's comprehension would fail, but Lin Chen sparked a blue light. I thought that after Lin Chen's comprehension, he and others could definitely injure or even kill Lin Chen, but at this moment, even his defense was attacked. Not broken!
"Lin Chen, if you want to break through, well, I'll kill your brother and woman in front of you. I'll see if you can sit still!"

With a roar of anger, Longcheng gave up on Lin Chen directly, turned around and shot a withered yellow light beam, which hit Xiaoyu's chest, directly seriously injuring Xiaoyu.

Immediately afterwards, Longcheng, Ye Fan, and Dao Yu joined forces, and in just a few breaths, they suppressed Luo Shuirou so powerlessly that he was unable to fight back. He retreated steadily and was already seriously injured.

The murderous thoughts in his heart soared, Lin Chen gritted his teeth, and at this moment, the blue light on the top of his head was empowered to the most important moment, and he was really unwilling to give up at this time.

However, they couldn't just watch Luo Shuirou and Xiaoyu fall into the hands of the enemy.

"Lin Chen, leave me alone, I'm from Qingquelou, they dare not kill me!" Luo Shuirou shouted.

Indeed, both Ye Fan and Dao Yu are from Qingdiyu, and they understand the background of Qingquelou. This is definitely not as simple as a place of fireworks. Even if their family has a great career, they dare not do anything to Luo Shuirou.

Similarly, when Longcheng squinted his eyes, he also knew the joints.

So, he stretched out his hand and strangled Xiao Yu's neck directly.

"Lin Chen, I can only count to three, if you don't move, I will send your brother on the road first!"

 The old book "Wu Zun Myriad Realms" has been unsealed, book lovers can go and read it, the writing is not as good as Shenglong, but it's good for pastime in your spare time.

(End of this chapter)

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