Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 536 Incarnation Outside the Body!

Chapter 536 Incarnation Outside the Body!

Chapter 530 Incarnation outside the body!
Longcheng should never have, never should have used Xiao Yu to threaten Lin Chen.

For Lin Chen, this is a reverse scale that must never be touched.

Boom boom boom!
The violent punches kept smashing down, even if Longcheng was a powerful king at the moment, it would be difficult to completely block it, not to mention, with the mysterious magic of pseudo-divine power, combined with the Xuanhuang policy, the golden scale transformation, the attack power, There has been a geometric explosion.

How can a guy who has just become a king be able to stop him?
Not long after, the steel armor on Longcheng's body was already covered with cracks.

This scene also made everyone present gasp.

Extraordinary ninth-order violent beating king power.

Such a picture, if you hadn't seen it with your own eyes, I'm afraid no one would believe it.

Spitting out a mouthful of blood, the steel armor on Longcheng's body shattered away, and his figure shot out backwards, smashing the ground into a big hole, and the gravel flew.

"Is he really of the ninth rank of extraordinary?"

Dao Yu opened his mouth wide and looked at Lin Chen, his heart was full of horror. This kind of battle had far exceeded his expectations. The fighting power displayed by Lin Chen was by no means comparable to that of ordinary kings.

At this moment in Longcheng, although he has just become a king, he has a holy martial spirit, his peerless true intentions, and his combat power is absolutely not bad, but he is still completely helpless when he is beaten by Lin Chen.

Standing in the air, Lin Chen's eyes widened with anger, like a Shura, he stared at Longcheng, the pseudo-divine power in his palm condensed and turned into a ferocious magic halberd, the sharpness on it made people feel chills all over.


While shouting angrily, Lin Chen swung his arm violently, and immediately, the pseudo-divine magic halberd shot through the space and pointed directly at Longcheng's face.

If this halberd hits, Dragon City will undoubtedly die!


The space was broken, and the magic halberd turned into a dark purple lightning. In an instant, it had arrived in front of Longcheng, and it was constantly enlarged in his pupils.

However, there was not much fear in those eyes.

"It actually pushed me to this point, Lin Chen, you can do it, but in the future, you won't have any chance."

With a gloomy expression, Longcheng stood up and pressed his palms in the air. Immediately, the menacing magic halberd seemed to have encountered great resistance, and could no longer advance an inch.

The pupils shrank suddenly, before Lin Chen had time to react, the demon sheep exclaimed.

"Boy, be careful, he wants to use the Heavenly Demon Swallowing Yuan Dafa!"

Heavenly Demon Swallowing Yuan Dafa? !
Lin Chen frowned. The name alone seemed extremely evil. It should be a technique of the Demonic Dao, which can release the soul of the Demonic Dao Dai Xichao. Dragon City is indeed related to the Demonic Realm.

hum. .

In the palm of Longcheng, a pitch-black vortex emerged, and the swallowing power billowing in it, constantly surging, also attracted the pseudo-divine magic halberd stagnant in midair.

Immediately afterwards, without any resistance, the pseudo-divine magic halberd was directly swallowed by the vortex and disappeared. Lin Chen saw that on Longcheng's arm, there were dark purple lines forming, transforming into a majestic figure. The power has entered his body!
"Tsk tsk, no wonder it's so powerful, it's such a high-level power, Lin Chen, I'm getting more and more curious, but you must die today!"

Long Cheng said grimly, as he absorbed the false divine power and the magic halberd, his injuries also recovered at an unimaginable speed, within a few breaths, he was as good as before.

"Heavenly Demon Swallowing Yuan Dafa, Longcheng, as a member of the Dragon Emperor Territory, you actually used the method of the Demon Realm. I think you need to explain this matter." Lin Chen said in a deep voice.

Others may not be able to recognize this Heavenly Demon Tunyuan Dafa, but Lin Chen has a demon sheep, so he can naturally tell it at a glance.

His eyelids twitched, unexpectedly being recognized by Lin Chen, Long Cheng's heart sank, but then he sneered back.

"This is a method I got by chance, and how can it have anything to do with the Demon Realm? Also, why do you insist that this is the so-called Heavenly Demon Swallowing Yuan Dafa? Could it be that you, Lin Chen, are from the Demon Realm?"


Lin Chen snorted and didn't say any more, but his Yuan force was tumbling, brewing an attack.

"People who are about to die, it is useless to talk too much!"

"If you think that an evil method can defeat me, you are too naive!"

While shouting angrily, Lin Chen pinched his handprints, and the star-scattered phenomenon that originally covered the entire peak of the Qingdi Holy Mountain suddenly shrank, and finally returned to Lin Chen's head.

Immediately, Longcheng felt that the restraints around his body were eased a lot.

Part of the reason for the previous defeat was the suppression of the vision of the star sea. At this moment, Lin Chen actually took back the vision. Could it be that he was worried that he would not be able to swallow it?

Longcheng stared at Lin Chen, while the fingerprints changed, there was a star on his chest, which became brighter and brighter.

The next moment, the starlight came out from the body and appeared in front of everyone's eyes. It was unexpectedly a star heart!
And then, under the unparalleled shocking eyes of everyone, this star heart slowly squirmed, and the pure star power surged, and in the blink of an eye, it turned into a human form, completely composed of star power , with that appearance, it is even more indistinguishable from Lin Chen.

Afterwards, in Lin Chen's sea of ​​stars, the star souls spun and poured into the mind of this star figure, as if it suddenly gave birth to a soul, with energy and spirit!
The audience watched this scene in silence, Lin Chen's handprints continued to move, and the star-studded phenomenon above his head also continued to shrink at this moment, and finally turned into a whirling star light wheel, falling into the hands of the stars and figures.

Incarnate outside!

Everyone was speechless. Lin Chen used this series of miraculous skills, which was the legendary incarnation!
When a warrior reaches a certain level of tyranny, he can use his own strength to condense another body, which is equivalent to two people fighting at the same time. At critical moments, he can completely reverse the situation of the battle.

However, such an incarnation outside the body is really too rare.

The conditions that need to be met are even more unimaginable. The hearts of the stars are scattered all over the world, and there is that seemingly weak but extremely tenacious star soul, coupled with the help of the magic sheep, which makes Lin Chen successfully display this. An external avatar.

Of course, this is still a huge burden for Lin Chen at this moment.

His complexion was a little pale, and there were beads of sweat on his forehead. Looking at the figure in front of him that was completely condensed by the power of the stars, Lin Chen was also full of shock.

"Magic sheep, how long can this incarnation last?"

Even though Lin Chen was confident, he would not naively think that this incarnation could last forever, and he had to completely defeat Dragon City before the incarnation dissipated.

"Probably... a stick of incense." The devil sheep replied.

Then, the two figures raised their heads at the same time and looked at the opposite Longcheng. Suddenly, an indescribable violent aura permeated the entire peak of Qingdi Sacred Mountain!
(End of this chapter)

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