Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 537 Dragon City, die! ! !

Chapter 537 Dragon City, die! ! !

Chapter 530 Dragon City, Die! ! !
"Is a stick of incense... enough!"

When these words came out, the two Lin Chens stepped forward at the same time, turning into two lights and shadows, driving side by side, and heading towards the panicked Dragon City.

Everyone present was still deeply in the shock of the incarnation outside the body, and they didn't come back to their senses. The next moment, they saw that the two Lin Chen had already unleashed a tyrannical attack and rushed towards Longcheng .

The light wheel in Xing Chen Lin Chen's hands rotates. This light wheel, made up of the world's pinnacle sea of ​​stars and visions, can cut the space just by rotating. .

With a flick of the arm, immediately, the light wheel left his hand and shot out, bringing up a streak of stars, and in the circle, it had already enveloped the vital points of Longcheng's body.

On the other side, Lin Chen himself once again condensed a dark purple magic halberd with pseudo-divine power, and swept out with a full 33-fold force of the sky-opening halberd technique, with such momentum, it seemed that he could really split the sky.

36 re-opens the energy of the sky, Lin Chen can already use 33 weights at this moment, and he has a feeling that as long as he breaks into the king, he can use all 36 weights perfectly, and at that time, the power will also be doubled skyrocketed.

His face suddenly changed, and panic flashed in Longcheng's eyes. Lin Chen's display of the avatar outside his body had already shocked him tremendously. Then, the intensive attack was perfectly coordinated, and he had nowhere to hide.

"Give it to me!"

With a yell, the black vortex in Longcheng's palm expanded a little more, and it went towards the star light wheel, trying to destroy it immediately. This was transformed by Lin Chen's vision of the sea of ​​stars. Swallowing, Lin Chen's star soul master cultivation base will be abolished for most of it.

Seeing this, Lin Chen sneered.

"Overestimating one's abilities! My vision of the sea of ​​stars, how can you, heretics, be able to swallow it!"

Sure enough, immediately after, Longcheng was shocked to discover that facing this star light wheel, the Heavenly Demon Swallowing Yuan Dafa, which has always been invincible, was unable to complete the swallowing at all. Instead, under this sacred light, there appeared a phenomenon of melting sign.

"Idiot, the power of the stars is the purest, it can destroy all dark powers, and you actually want to devour the power of the stars with evil methods, you really want to die!" Tsing Yi also shook his head, he understood that Longcheng had already lost.

However, Longcheng, as the party involved, was naturally unwilling to admit defeat.

The swallowing power in the palm of the hand stagnated, and then, a slightly sinister force surged out, turning into a dark black sharp arrow, and shot out, grazing towards the star light wheel.

It's just that Lin Chen couldn't beat Lin Chen one-on-one, how could he have half a chance of winning with one against two?

The sharp arrow collided with the light wheel, and before he even had time to see the result, he shot again hastily, facing Lin Chen's Sky-opening Halberd.

The sound of explosions continued, deafening, and the smoke and dust filled the room. Everyone was staring at the battle circle, looking forward to the result.

Even the people below the Qingdi Sacred Mountain have noticed that there seems to be a big battle on the top of the mountain, and everyone can't help but get nervous.

This time, the perception of the Qing Emperor's Holy Mountain is unprecedented. Not only does he have a nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-foot man, but he also has the legendary ten thousand-foot blue light.

And if such a genius is killed or injured in the battle, it would be a huge loss.

"Young master, you must be fine!"

Zuo Jinglong murmured, his old face was full of worry, he was almost certain that someone shot Lin Chen, this would definitely affect Lin Chen's perception, and he didn't know what happened to the young master now.

Ji Ning on the side was full of confidence.

"Senior, don't worry, big brother Lin Chen will be fine, he is the most powerful person I've ever seen!" Clenching his fists, in Ji Ning's heart, Lin Chen was clearly deified.


The smoke and dust cleared away, and the people on the peak also saw the situation clearly, and couldn't help but gasped.

I saw that the solid bluestone ground had been blasted into a huge pothole, and rocks splashed everywhere, and in the center of the pothole, a figure in a state of distress also came into everyone's eyes.

Dragon City!

At this moment, Longcheng was half kneeling on the ground, his whole body's clothes were broken into strips of rags, covered with dust and blood, through these rags, one could still see that on his chest, A terrifying scar with a bone-deep scar spread all the way through his entire chest.


His palms trembled, he covered his chest, and coughed up two more mouthfuls of dark blood. Longcheng never expected that he would encounter such a disastrous defeat.

And in front of him, a figure in a blue shirt stood proudly, and beside him was a figure of a star holding a star light wheel, exuding a sacred aura, which moved people's faces.

With the cooperation of the avatar outside his body, Lin Chen defeated Longcheng in an instant, and he was powerless to fight back!
At this time, there is still more than half of the time before a stick of incense.

"Good boy, I didn't expect to be able to succeed in using the incarnation outside the body for the first time, and to achieve such a record, he is indeed the one chosen by me, Yang Xiao!" The demon sheep rubbed its hooves and said excitedly.

With a swipe of the palm, the avatar of the stars beside Lin Chen also collapsed directly at this moment, turning into the heart of the stars, the soul of the stars, and the vision of the stars, and returned to his star sea.

The longer the incarnation outside the body is maintained, the more it consumes. Although this time it was just a taste, Lin Chen already felt a wave of weakness in his body. If it is true that he persisted until the limit time of half a stick of incense, as the devil sheep said, then he will definitely die in the future. He will lose the power to fight again and collapse completely.

"Ahem... Lin Chen, you are cruel, next time, I will not lose to you again, absolutely not!"

Longcheng stood up with difficulty, and spit out a big mouthful of blood again, looking at Lin Chen with hatred in his eyes, and said.

Hearing this, Lin Chen frowned, and in the palm of his hand, there was also a terrifying pseudo-divine power flowing. At the same time, the world's true meaning reached its pinnacle and shrouded it, immediately locking the whole body of Longcheng.

"Next time? Are you so naive as to think I'll let you live?"

With a sneer, Lin Chen made no effort to hide his murderous intentions. Immediately afterwards, his figure flashed, and between the use of the Wuhen strategy, his figure seemed to have disappeared without a trace at all. in place.

Pupils shrank suddenly, and just as Longcheng wanted to dodge, he discovered that a slender palm completely covered by pseudo-divine power had passed through his chest, covered with blood, and came out through his body.

Seeing this, everyone in the audience couldn't help but shuddered all over their bodies.

Lin Chen really killed decisively and did not leave any retreat for the enemy. This kind of method is shocking.

"Uh... Lin, Lin Chen, you will regret it. The right guardian will not let you go, including you, and Zuo Jinglong. Everyone around you will die. You will come to accompany me soon!"

Long Cheng vomited blood, staring fixedly at Lin Chen, his pupils had already begun to dilate.

Hearing this, Lin Chen snorted coldly, and pulled out his palm, bringing up a wave of blood. Immediately afterwards, he slapped down angrily, blowing off Longcheng's head with his palm!

"Anyone who wants to attack me will not survive."

(End of this chapter)

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