Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 538 Killing Ye Fan, piercing the sky!

Chapter 538 Killing Ye Fan, piercing the sky!

Chapter 540 Killing Ye Fan, piercing the sky!

"Anyone who wants to attack me will not survive."

Lin Chen shook off the blood on his hands, and said lightly.

Such words immediately caused an indescribable sense of fear in everyone's hearts. Forgive them for giving them a few more courage, and they would not dare to offend Lin Chen.

As for Ye Fan and Dao Yu, they were trembling all over, and they couldn't keep stepping back.

Turning around, Lin Chen helped Xiao Yu who was seriously injured, his face turned cold again.

Being driven into the dantian by a barren force from Longcheng, if he were an ordinary warrior, his cultivation would have been ruined long ago, but Xiaoyu is different, the body is a monster, even if it is transformed into a human form, it is still fundamentally different from a human being.

The core of a human warrior's cultivation of Yuanli is in the dantian, but the demon core of a monster is usually in the brain. After turning into a human form, the core is still in the brain. As long as the head is not blown, it is generally possible recovered.

This is the unique and powerful vitality of the strong monsters.

But the desolate power of Dragon City is too overbearing, even if Xiaoyu's life is safe, she is still seriously injured, and her body is in chaos, requiring continuous recuperation to recover.

Putting Xiao Yu down, Lin Chen looked at Ye Fan and Dao Yu again.

How dare they hold Luo Shuirou hostage at this time, they have already released Luo Shuirou, they couldn't help but retreat, wanting to escape.

However, how could Lin Chen tolerate these two people.

Not to mention Yu, but Ye Fan alone has long been a must-kill for Lin Chen.

"Lin Chen, Lin Chen, you can't kill me. I belong to Ye Sheng's family. If I die, Ye Sheng's family will definitely not let you go. You spare me. I don't say a word after I go back. You killed me!" Ye Lingtian, I won't hold you accountable for taking the Flame Prison Sword!"

With a plop, Ye Fan knelt down directly, begging for mercy.

It's not that he wants to kneel down and beg for mercy, but because his legs are weak and he can't stand up anymore.

Longcheng's death was too miserable, and the fear in Ye Fan's heart reached its peak.

He didn't want to die, even if he broke his arm at this moment, he would still have a way to regenerate it in the future, but if he died here, there would be nothing left.

"You won't pursue it with me? Can you be the master?" Lin Chen looked at Ye Fan with a half-smile.

Nodding desperately, Ye Fan hurriedly said: "Yes, yes, I guarantee that Ye Sheng's family will not embarrass you, as long as you let me go, spare my life. Moreover, this matter was originally Dao Yu who has been instigating me to let I dealt with you because of Dao Yu!"

In a panic, Ye Fan directly poured a basin of dirty water on Dao Yu's body.

Hearing this, Dao Yu's complexion changed drastically, and he immediately pointed his finger at Ye Fan's nose and cursed.

"Ye Fan, you bastard, you are bloody, when did I encourage you, it was always you who advocated dealing with Lin Chen, you idiot, how could you be able to match the young master of the Longmen?" , you are looking for death, don't pull me!"

"Lin Chen, you took my jade seat before, and I just shot it just to vent my anger. Don't deal with me. After I go out, I will personally compensate you with a million yuan crystals and a demon-killing spear!"

Dao Yu hurriedly said to Lin Chen.

Compared to Ye Fan, Dao Yu is much smarter.

He did so in his own name, because he knew that he could not influence the entire Taoist school, so no one would believe what he said so that the Taoist school would not deal with Lin Chen.

What's more, compared to Ye Fan, the grievances between Dao Yu and Lin Chen are not very serious. Moreover, Lin Chen obviously wants to kill Ye Fan, which is bound to offend Ye Sheng's clan. If he continues to offend the Taoists, I'm afraid Lin Chen will have to shed his skin if he doesn't die.

Lin Chen is a smart person, so Dao Yu can be sure that he will not attack him again.

Sure enough, after hearing the words, Lin Chen also nodded.

"I took brother Daoyu's jade seat earlier, and I was wronged first. This compensation... I am really embarrassed to take it."

Dao Yu suddenly patted his chest, and said happily, "There's nothing to be ashamed of, I've always admired someone like the Young Master of the Longmen, these things are just gifts, you must accept them!"

After all, Dao Yu directly took out a wooden building sign and handed it to Lin Chen.

As a result, the wooden sign was built, and Lin Chen swept it away, and also saw the million yuan crystal in it, as well as a jet-black long spear, exuding mysterious light patterns all over the body.

With a swipe of the palm of his hand, Lin Chen directly took out the demon-killing gun, and swept across, creating a wave of air, which was very mighty.

He had snatched Liu Jisong's purple gold stick earlier, but Lin Chen couldn't use it easily, so he put it on hold. The Senluo Demon Halberd was not easy to take out, but at this moment, this Demon Slayer Spear is quite good.

Obviously, Dao Yu also saw that Lin Chen lacked a convenient weapon, so he offered the Demon Extinguishing Spear.

"Good gun!"

Lin Chen smiled and nodded at Dao Yu.

"Brother Daoyu and I don't have any enduring grievances, it's really too polite of you to do this."

Luo Shuirou immediately gave Lin Chen a blank look, this guy, sometimes, is really shameless.

But she also understands that this is the best choice right now, Lin Chen can't offend all the two major forces in the Qingdi domain, he is not that stupid.

As for Ye Fan, he figured out the joints and immediately cursed angrily.

"Dao Yu, you dog, you are a Taoist genius, you are shameless, even kneeling and licking Lin Chen, why don't you just lick the soles of his shoes, you have completely embarrassed the Taoists!"

"Hehe, I don't know who is more like a dog now, Ye Fan, stand up if you have the ability, don't kneel like a dog!" Dao Yu was more ruthless, and directly countered.

Hearing this, Ye Fan's face turned red, and he struggled to stand up, but found that under the pressure of Lin Chen's aura, he had no strength left.

"You don't have to stand up." Lin Chen said lightly.

Immediately, the demon-killing gun in his hand moved forward a little, and an extremely gorgeous spear shot out, cutting through the space, and directly hitting a bloody hole between Ye Fan's eyebrows.

The fierce force strangled Ye Fan's brain into blood foam in an instant, and Ye Fan's whole body softened, and he died on the spot.

The audience was silent, and everyone understood that this time, Lin Chen really broke the sky.

Leaving aside the killing of Dragon City, the Dragon Emperor is as high as the emperor and the emperor is far away. He doesn't have to worry about it for the time being. Ye Fan of Ye Sheng's family alone must not die. This is No. 2 on the Extraordinary Gold List. Geniuses bred.

Ye Fan's death will definitely arouse the unquenchable anger of Ye Sheng's senior management, and it will also cause him to pursue Lin Chen endlessly!

What's more, Lin Chen even killed Ye Lingtian, which immediately killed almost all the top talents cultivated by Ye Sheng's clan.

As long as Lin Chen dared to step half a step out of the Qingdi Holy Mountain, he would immediately be violently attacked by Ye Sheng's family. Even if he was the young master of the Longmen, he would definitely not be safe and sound.

For a moment, needles could be heard on the entire Qingdi Sacred Mountain.

But at the foot of the mountain, in Qingdi City, there was a furious roar.

"Who killed me, Ye Fan?!!!"

(End of this chapter)

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