Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 553 The Predicament of Ten Thousand Flowers Holy Land

Chapter 553 The Predicament of Ten Thousand Flowers Holy Land

Chapter 550 The Predicament of the Ten Thousand Flowers Holy Land
Immediately afterwards, Lin Chen and the others wanted to follow Elder Ning Yu and enter the statue.

However, Elder Ning Yu stopped, turned around at this moment, pointed at Lin Chen, and said coldly: "You come in, others, wait."

Seeing this, everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, unexpectedly, only Lin Chen was allowed to enter.

Nodding his head, Lin Chen said to everyone, "Everyone is waiting for me here."

After all, Lin Chen resolutely followed Elder Ning Yu into the statue, and then, the stone gate was closed suddenly, completely isolating everyone from Lin Chen.

"This Ten Thousand Flowers Holy Land is really weird everywhere." Ouyang Ao's face was a little ugly, thinking that he was one of the top figures in the Dragon Emperor Domain back then, but now in this Ten Thousand Flowers Holy Land, he actually received such treatment.

Liu Yonghan and Ji Ning have never seen much of the world, especially Ji Ning, who was so shocked by this statue that he was speechless.

Che Li and Xiao Yu were more concerned about Lin Chen's safety, wishing they could rush in.

As for Lin Chen, as Elder Ning Yu walked into the statue, in the darkness, there were suddenly night pearls lit up, and they brought out bursts of strange fragrance, which also allowed Lin Chen to see the scene in front of him clearly.

There are all kinds of exotic flowers and plants in sight, Lin Chen alone knows, there are no less than dozens of very precious flowers and plants, and there are many more, Lin Chen has never seen before.

"Tsk tsk, blue medium flower, mustard tree, ice spirit fruit, there are everything in it. This sacred place of thousands of flowers is really not simple." The demon sheep was also surprised.

And surrounded by many exotic flowers and plants, there is also a natural staircase made entirely of vines, leading directly to the top, on an ancient altar.

"The Wanhua Bodhi fruit you want is on the top." Elder Ning Yu said, motioning Lin Chen to go up, and stopped moving.

"Senior, won't you go up?" Lin Chen asked.

Shaking his head, Elder Ningyu stood where he was, like an old monk in meditation, but he closed his eyes slowly, and put on that weird worshiping posture, motionless.

Seeing this, Lin Chen gritted his teeth and stepped directly up the vine ladder.

Creaking... This vine ladder looks very strong, but when he stepped on it, it was a little shaky. Lin Chen didn't dare to be careless, and walked up step by step.

And as he walked, he gradually approached the altar, and he could see some clues.

I saw that the altar was hundreds of feet long, standing horizontally in the sky, it seemed to be suspended, but in fact, it was supported by countless vines, which was very mysterious.

Lin Chen could vaguely feel that all the essence of plants and trees in the statue seemed to be flowing towards the altar, as if they were providing energy for some reason.

"Boy, there should be Bodhi fruit growing on this altar. This kind of fruit requires the nourishment of the energy of tens of thousands of strange flowers before it can grow. Inside this statue is the best growing environment for Bodhi fruit. .” Said the devil sheep.

Hearing this, Lin Chen was also a little surprised. Could it be that he really wanted to get the Ten Thousand Flowers Bodhi Fruit so easily?
What is so strange here?
And when Lin Chen was full of doubts and vigilance, and finally stepped onto the altar, he finally knew the answer.

While being shocked in his heart, Lin Chen saw that on the altar, there were two jade bodies lying horizontally, lying on a bed made entirely of flowers, just like the sleeping beauty in the painting.

One of them has an extraordinary charm, like a ripe peach, just looking at it can make a man's blood boil, while the other is shy and pure, but it is Su Jin'er!
"Extraordinary ninth level, it's still too weak."

At this moment, a soft sigh came to Lin Chen's ears.

Turning around, Lin Chen looked around, but didn't find anyone there.

Immediately, he concentrated his eyes on the charming woman again. Could it be that she was transmitting the sound?

"Boy, it's her. She and your little lover seem to be in the same state!"

Lin Chen was startled by the words of the devil sheep.

Su Jin'er's soul has dissipated. Could it be that this charming woman also has the same strange disease?

"Don't look, it's me who is communicating with you."

The woman continued to transmit voices, which also confirmed Lin Chen's thoughts.

"If I'm not wrong, you should be the Lin Chen that Jin'er is thinking about. I already know about you. Although the holy dragon soul can suppress the dissipated sky soul, this method is feasible, but it can't last for too long."

"More importantly, with this method, Jin'er can't be too far away from you. She was accidentally teleported outside my Ten Thousand Flowers Holy Land, and was brought back by me, separated from you. The power will naturally lose its effect."

Hearing this, Lin Chen suddenly realized.

"Senior, this junior is willing to help you and Jin'er to calm down the Heavenly Soul again," Lin Chen said.

At this time, he had already seen a radiant fruit growing between Jin'er and the woman's body, that is the Bodhi Fruit of Ten Thousand Flowers.

If he didn't guess wrong, the other party asked him to come here in order to get Lin Chen's help on the condition of Wanhua Bodhi Fruit.

After all, even in Xiaoqian world, it is very difficult to have twin holy dragon souls.

"No, you are too weak now, you can barely help Jin'er, but if you help me, your martial soul will be finished." The woman sighed.

"This Ten Thousand Flowers Bodhi Fruit is probably the only one that can be cultivated by me in the entire Little Thousand World. It is extremely precious." The woman said, "This one has been grown for a hundred years, and it should be able to suppress the poison of the Seven Killing Palm, but, In exchange, I have one condition."

With a shock in his heart, Lin Chen understood that the critical moment had come.

I don't know what kind of conditions the other party will propose.

"You have also seen my current situation. For the past hundred years, most of the time, I can only lie here and use the energy of the Ten Thousand Flowers to delay the disappearance of the Heavenly Soul as much as possible. There is no genius in the entire Ten Thousand Flowers Holy Land who can Coming to the altar to study further, this also led to a lack of acceptance."

Speaking of this, Lin Chen finally understood why the Ten Thousand Flowers Holy Land looked so strange.

"Stand still, it won't last for long, but there is no other way. Once my current situation is known to outsiders, the Ten Thousand Flowers Holy Land will definitely be doomed." The woman's voice was very mature and charming, but full of worry.

"Jin'er is destined to be with me. I want to train her to become the next Lord of the Holy Land. I think it will be a help to you, but you must help Jin'er to become the next leader. Moreover, in half a month, the old enemy of Wanhua Holy Land , the Protoss Holy Land will send a genius to have an annual exchange. Our Wanhua Holy Land has lost eight times in a row. If we lose again for the ninth time, this goddess statue will be taken away by the Protoss Holy Land! "

Lin Chen nodded. It seems that this woman regarded him as a savior, letting him deal with the next martial arts exchange.

"Senior, don't worry, this junior will definitely do his best to help Ten Thousand Flowers Holy Land tide over the difficulties. My Longmen will also form an alliance with Ten Thousand Flowers Holy Land to grow together!" Lin Chen weighed and made a decision.

(End of this chapter)

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