Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 554 Succeeded [Part 3]

Chapter 554 Succeeded [Third Update]

Chapter 550 Success

Seeing that Lin Chen agreed, the woman was also relieved, with a smile on her face, she could be called a charmer.

A mediocre person compares a woman to a flower, but the woman in front of her is more beautiful than any other flower in the world, and she can be called peerless.

Even though the eyes are still closed, but this smile alone can be called upside-down sentient beings.

"Heal Jin'er first. There are tens of thousands of flowers nourishing the essence here. It is a natural formation. It will be more effective when combined with your holy dragon soul. This method should be thought of by the sage doctor Xian Surang. " said the woman.

Nodding his head, Lin Chen also came to Jin'er's side.

At this time, Jin'er didn't have any bad changes from when she was teleported back then, but due to the nourishment of Wanhua's essence, her cheeks were actually a little rosy.

"Come out."

Squeeze the handprint, and immediately, behind Lin Chen, a golden eight-clawed golden dragon and a deep blue supreme robbery dragon have manifested.

The two dragon shadows entangled with each other, releasing the most original power at the same time, surging towards Jin'er's eyebrows.

"Mr. Su, don't worry, I will definitely cure Jin'er."

While whispering, the two spirits behind Lin Chen gave out low dragon chants, and that pure dragon power made the space inside the statue a little unstable.

And the woman at the side also secretly manipulated the essence of these flowers, coordinating with the power of the dragon soul, to pour into Jin'er's body.

In an instant, a large number of exotic flowers and plants below were withering at a speed visible to the naked eye, and even turned into powder.

At this time, Lin Chen has reached the ninth rank of extraordinary, and his physical strength is not the same as before. However, it is still very hurt to treat Jin'er by consuming the source of his martial soul. The woman on the side, his martial soul, is probably about to collapse.

At the very least, one has to reach the peak level of a king, so that one can be confident in treating this person.

His complexion began to turn pale, but Lin Chen was so stubborn that he never stopped. Following his movements, Jin'er's complexion became more rosy, her eyelashes fluttered, and finally she slowly opened her eyes.

"Lin... Lin Chen."

Jin'er was a little confused, her memory was still at the time when she suddenly fell ill and grandpa Su Rang took her to Xingnan College to look for Lin Chen, but looking around, she knew that there must be a lot of things in it. tortuous.

"Well, Jin'er, rest first, there are many things, I will tell you slowly." Lin Chen said, and began to withdraw his martial soul.

Shortness of breath, his back was already drenched, Lin Chen had once again exhausted himself and needed to make up for it slowly.

"This is a bottomless pit. This kind of suppression can't last long after all, and the effect will become poor as the distance increases, unless this girl is always by your side." The magic sheep said.

"Then you should think of a way, tell me what to do." Lin Chen said angrily.

The magic sheep fell silent immediately. According to his temperament, if there was a way, he would have said it a long time ago. If there was no way, he kept silent.

This also confirmed a terrible conjecture in Lin Chen's mind.

This kind of disease seems to be incurable. Even the gods and demons in the world are helpless, and it cannot be eradicated by suppressing it alone.

"The three souls of heaven, earth and man are more mysterious than martial souls. They are the level that you can only start contacting when you reach the realm of the divine way. This girl and this woman both have the disappearance of the heavenly soul, and the heavenly soul needs to reach the supreme realm of the beginning god to be able to use it." Those who can comprehend, even I, was just a true god at the beginning." The demon sheep sighed.

False God, True God, Beginning God!

These are the three divisions of the realm of the divine way. Of course, this is still too far away for Lin Chen now.

Perhaps, when he reaches the supreme Shishen state, he will be able to comprehend the method of eradicating these diseases, but there is no doubt that that day is really too far away. Perhaps, whether it is Jin'er or Lin Chen, I can't make it to that day.

Lin Chen crossed his legs, adjusted his breath for a while, and then he was relieved, but the two martial arts in his body became weak at this moment, and if he wanted to recover, it would not happen overnight without the treasures of heaven and earth. things.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Chen continued to take the elixir, and while resting, he also told Jin'er about these things in detail.

Jin'er looked at Lin Chen with beautiful eyes, and she understood that although the young man's words were concise and clear, every word contained a huge danger, and if he was a little careless, he would be crushed to pieces.

But he still broke into here abruptly!

"Jin'er, take this Ten Thousand Flowers True Ring. With this ring in your hand, it's as if I'm here in person, declaring to the outside world that during my retreat, all matters will be decided by you and Elder Ningyu." The woman's voice became louder. Weaker and weaker, as if every word at this moment is a huge burden on the soul.

"Senior, let me relieve you a little bit first!"

Lin Chen stood up and wanted to help the woman, but the woman sighed softly.

"It's useless. I'm much more serious than Jin'er. Let's talk about it when you become stronger. If you take this Ten Thousand Flowers Bodhi Fruit, you can use the rich energy in it to attack the realm of the king." The woman said .

Obviously, she thinks that this Ten Thousand Flowers Bodhi Fruit is more valuable when used on Lin Chen.

"Old Zuo has been so kind to me as a mountain. He is the most precious person since I came to Xiaoqian World. He is also a teacher and friend. If I don't save him, he will be like a beast." Of course, Lin Chen would not choose to refine Wanhua by himself. Bodhi fruit.

Stepping forward, he stretched out his hand to pick off the Ten Thousand Flowers Bodhi Fruit. In an instant, the fragrance was so strong that Lin Chen felt that the energy in his body was ready to move.

"Thank you senior, this junior is going to treat Elder Zuo, so I'm sorry." Lin Chen clasped his fists and thanked him again.

He didn't expect to get the Bodhi Fruit of Ten Thousand Flowers in this way.

"Go ahead, take Jin'er away too, and leave the rest to you." The woman said, her voice was inaudible in the end.

Lin Chen took a deep look at her, took Jin'er, walked down the vine stairs, and came to Elder Ningyu again.

Seeing the living Jin'er beside Lin Chen, and the Wanhua Bodhi fruit in Lin Chen's hand, even though Elder Ning Yu had received the woman's message, there was still a hint of surprise in his eyes.

Unexpectedly, this young man actually succeeded.

In other words, when he is strong enough, the Holy Master will be saved!

Thinking of this, Elder Ningyu's icy eyes finally brought a little warmth to Lin Chen when he looked at Lin Chen, which made Lin Chen feel a little uncomfortable.

"I see that you have consumed a lot, and I will take you to the Ten Thousand Flowers Essence Pond to soak and repair later!" Elder Ning Yu became enthusiastic.

Nodding his head, Lin Chen still felt weird.

"Elder Ningyu, let's go out first, I want to treat Elder Zuo."

Hearing this, he nodded, Elder Ning Yu took a deep look at the altar above, and once again assumed that weird worshiping posture, then opened the stone door, and walked out with Lin Chen.

ps: It's the third update, please support!
(End of this chapter)

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