Chapter 555

Chapter 550 Seventh Rescue Zuo Lao, Enter the Sperm Pool

And when Lin Chen appeared, there was a beautiful and beautiful woman behind him. Except for Che Li and Xiao Yu, everyone's eyes were wide-eyed.

"Lin Chen, you don't look well." Ouyang Ao said.

Shaking his head, although Lin Chen was pale, there was uncontrollable excitement in his eyes.

"I'm fine, save Elder Zuo first!"

After shaking the Ten Thousand Flowers Bodhi Fruit in his hand, Lin Chen stepped in front of Old Zuo.

It was only then that everyone noticed that Lin Chen was holding a gorgeous fruit with a strange fragrance in his hand.

"You really got the Bodhi Fruit of Ten Thousand Flowers?!" Zhang Xixing was extremely surprised.

"How is this possible?" Dugu Wujing couldn't believe it, but immediately afterward, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Now that Lin Chen had obtained the Ten Thousand Flowers Bodhi Fruit, at least Zuo Jinglong would not die, and his own life was guaranteed.

Thinking of Lin Chen's methods again, he still felt shuddering.

"Magic Sheep, what should I do?" Lin Chen asked the Demon Sheep.

"Give this fruit to old man Zuo." The demon sheep was quite helpless, he wanted to let Lin Chen refine the fruit, but based on his understanding of Lin Chen, even if he killed Lin Chen, it would be impossible.

"It's that simple?"

"Nonsense, don't you still want to arrange a formation, hurry up!" the demon sheep said angrily.

Hearing this, Lin Chen also sent the fruit in his hand to Zuo Jinglong's mouth, and the next moment, something miraculous happened.

As soon as the Ten Thousand Flowers Bodhi Fruit touched Zuo Jinglong's lips, it turned into a brilliant stream of light, entered Zuo Jinglong's mouth, and spread all over his body.

Immediately afterwards, Zuo Jinglong's entire body exuded layer upon layer of radiance at this moment, his old skin became somewhat younger, and the wrinkles on his face also decreased a lot.

And the most important thing is that in his body, the ubiquitous Seven Killing Palm Poison was unexpectedly suppressed by the Ten Thousand Flowers Bodhi Fruit, and even part of it dissipated directly.

If there are a few more Ten Thousand Flowers Bodhi Fruits, it is not impossible to directly eradicate the poison of the Seven Killing Palm.

Of course, getting one of the hard-to-find treasures in this world is already a fluke, and Lin Chen didn't dare to hope to get it again.

What's more, to wash away the toxin that penetrated into the bone, it still needs the Nine Heavens Star Spirit Spring.

"The Holy Land of the Stars will come to the Holy Land of Thousand Flowers in half a month, and there will be an exchange battle among the younger generation. If you want to go to the Holy Land of the Stars, this is the way. Perhaps, there is a chance to get the Nine Heavens Star Spring. "Lin Chen was a little excited.

To save Lao Zuo, the crucial first step has been completed.

The magic sheep has already helped him calculate that the potency of this Ten Thousand Flowers Bodhi Fruit is enough to help Zuo Jinglong suppress the Seven Killing Palm Poison for at least half a year, and now that the toxin has decreased, Zuo Jinglong himself can continue to suppress it.

Therefore, for a long time, Zuo Jinglong's life will not be in danger.

"Brother Lin Chen, follow me to the Ten Thousand Flowers Essence Pond to recuperate first." Elder Ning Yu, who was at the side, saw Lin Chen feeding the Ten Thousand Flowers Bodhi Fruit to Zuo Jinglong, and said the same thing.

Immediately, everyone present was shocked again.

This statue-like woman actually cares about Lin Chen? !
Is there any mistake, what did Lin Chen do inside that statue?
Seeing everyone's questioning eyes, Lin Chen smiled helplessly.

"Well, everyone settle down first, I'll tell you what happened, and then I'll go to recuperate."

Hearing this, Elder Ning Yu nodded immediately, led Lin Chen and his party, and settled them down.

And along the way, there were quite a few people who cast curious eyes and sized up these outsiders.

Seeing this, Lin Chen also sighed lightly.

In such a closed environment, it is really difficult to give birth to a real strongman, which has also led to the lack of success in the entire Ten Thousand Flowers Holy Land. Although it is still very mysterious and powerful from the outside world, in fact, it is It is already strong outside.

If you want to come to the Protoss Holy Land, you must have discovered the situation of the Ten Thousand Flowers Holy Land, and you are plotting to annex the Ten Thousand Flowers Holy Land.

It is not difficult to see that the huge statue of the goddess is the core of the Ten Thousand Flowers Holy Land. If even this core thing is lost to the Protoss Holy Land, then the entire Ten Thousand Flowers Holy Land will exist in name only.

Therefore, it is really not an easy task to stop the Protoss Holy Land.

Along the way, Lin Chen looked at the buildings in the Ten Thousand Flowers Holy Land, and he also briefly explained the matter to everyone. There were almost no mortals present, so they immediately understood the key points.

The entire Ten Thousand Flowers Holy Land is dying, and Lin Chen is the rescuer sent to the door, and it can be said to be the last hope.

"The Holy Land of the Protoss is even more mysterious. It is rumored that their Holy Land was built in the place closest to the starry sky, and no outsider has ever been there." Zhang Xixing said.

"The Protoss Holy Land has shown its fangs, if you intervene at this time, you will definitely be attacked violently." Dugu Wujing said.

From Dugu Wujing's point of view, since Wanhua Bodhi Fruit has been obtained, it is natural to leave, but since Lin Chen agreed to him, he will never go back on his word.

Relying on the Ten Thousand Flowers Holy Land to rescue Jin'er, and to send out the Ten Thousand Flowers Bodhi Fruit, this kindness must absolutely be repaid.

What's more, if Lin Chen wants to get the Nine Heavens Star Spirit Spring, contact with the Star Spirit Holy Land is unavoidable.

"Okay, everyone settle down for now, I need to recuperate." Lin Chen said, his complexion was really ugly.

Martial soul is the foundation of a martial artist's cultivation, using the original power of martial soul to suppress Jin'er's heavenly soul, this kind of consumption is not insignificant.

After all, under the leadership of Elder Ningyu, Lin Chen came to a very secret valley, and in the middle of the valley, surrounded by thousands of flowers, there was a colorful and fragrant pool.

This is the so-called Ten Thousand Flowers Essence Pool. Even in the Ten Thousand Flowers Holy Land, only the disciples who have made great contributions can enter it to practice. Moreover, the water in this Essence Pool is also needed for the growth of the Ten Thousand Flowers Bodhi Fruit. Extremely precious.

"Go." Elder Ning Yu still didn't say much, but he was already extremely enthusiastic towards Lin Chen.

Nodding his head, Lin Chen didn't show any pretense, and stepped directly into the Ten Thousand Flowers Essence Pool.

Immediately, a strong and rich aroma hit, pouring into his limbs and bones, and the feeling of deep fatigue was greatly relieved in an instant, and the pure energy of plants and trees poured into Lin Chen's whole body. , making up for the previous consumption.

Lin Chen sat down immediately and entered the deepest level of cultivation.

Elder Ningyu looked at it for a while, then turned and left. Immediately, the whole valley fell into silence, only the figure in the blue shirt was still cultivating quietly.

(End of this chapter)

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