Chapter 576
Chapter 570 Eight Angels

A naked threat!

Obviously, in such a short period of time, the other party not only laid a net, but also knew Lin Chen's weaknesses like the palm of his hand.

The people around him are Lin Chen's biggest weakness.

No matter how strong a person is, once there is a tie, there will be a weakness.

What's more, Lin Chen at this moment is not much stronger!
The moment Zuo Lao was subdued by Duan Wuyan, Lin Chen understood that he had lost.

Throwing the hostage in his hand, Lin Chen put his hands behind his back.

"I surrender."

Hearing this, Duan Wuyan also looked at Lin Chen with a smile.

"This is a smart person, let's go, go back to the Holy Land of the Protoss, maybe you will become one of us."

After finishing speaking, Duan Wuyan brought Mr. Zuo and Lin Chen out of Qiming Mansion.

On the other side, that huge ninth-tier starship sailed directly into the city, but all the people on the starship were captured without exception.

"Ouyang Ao, Zhang Xixing, Dugu Wujing, Liu Yonghan, Elder Ningyu, and the digital masters of the Ten Thousand Flowers Holy Land were all captured?" Lin Chen was shocked and stared at the starship in disbelief.

"Hehe, are you surprised?" Duan Wuyan was a little proud, "I can only say that you are too careless. In the Ten Thousand Flowers Holy Land, there are naturally people from our Star Spirit Holy Land. You blocked all the communication before, but when you came to Qiming City , the internal response and the city guards have already communicated the secret signal, and under the combination of the internal response and the external, everyone has been infected with a strange poison and it is difficult to continue."

Nodding his head, Lin Chen also figured out his joints.

This time, it was really a mess!

Seeing Lin Chen's appearance from a long distance away, as well as Zuo Lao who was restrained by Duan Wuyan, and everyone on the starship, despair also arose in his heart.

A net is exhausted!
"It's over, these beasts in the Protoss Holy Land will definitely torture us to death."

"The young master of the Longmen is also restrained!"

"This time I'm dead..."

Suddenly, an atmosphere of despair spread.

Lin Chen's brain turned rapidly, thinking of a way to break the situation.

From the speechless words before, it can be deduced that they wanted to win Lin Chen over. Moreover, behind the Holy Land of the Protoss, there was only a so-called envoy of God, not the powerhouse of the divine way that Lin Chen had imagined.

This leaves a lot of room for recovery. Once the demon sheep wakes up and its strength soars, it is not impossible to break out of the encirclement.

"Don't even think about it, even if you can escape, the strange poison on these people can only be undone by the envoy. I will let you go now, do you dare to go?" Duan Wuyan seemed to be convinced of Lin Chen.

Ignoring him, Lin Chen walked straight and boarded the ninth-tier starship.

"I'm sorry, because of my negligence this time, everyone was hurt." Lin Chen looked at the crowd, and saw that there was an indissoluble black energy between their brows, gathering into a skull shape, which was extremely terrifying.

With a pale face, Ouyang Ao shook his head: "Young master, you don't have to blame yourself, you have done a good job, leave us alone, and leave as soon as you have a chance!"

The others looked at Lin Chen with the same meaning.

However, it was absolutely impossible for Lin Chen to escape by himself.

Looking not far away, Duan Shaojie and Duan Xinghe had already been rescued, and beside them was the internal response of the Protoss Holy Land who was placed in the Ten Thousand Flowers Holy Land, an elder with a high status.

"Let's go, return to the Protoss Holy Land!"

After Duan Wuyan ordered, he was in a very happy mood. This time, Lin Chen and his party were captured, and the Wanhua Holy Land was also wiped out. This is a great credit.

Following his order, the ninth-tier starship also immediately turned around and headed for the Protoss Holy Land.

Lin Chen and the others had already been reduced to prisoners, sitting cross-legged on the deck, many of them were in a state of embarrassment, their expressions extremely depressed.

And it was the first time for Lin Chen himself to be in such a field. He looked inside, and the Sen Luo Demon Stele did not respond at all, and the demon sheep did not move, but only fed back streams of pure star power from time to time.

"Lin Chen possesses a magic weapon, and he can also devour the power of a divine envoy!" Duan Shaojie told Duan Wuyan everything about the previous events.

When Duan Wuyan heard the words, his expression became even more surprised, and he looked at Lin Chen with a little more fear.

If Zuo Jinglong hadn't been restrained this time, it would be really difficult for Lin Chen to submit.

"Go back first, Lord God Envoy has his own decision, now, Lin Chen can't escape, Zuo Jinglong's life is in my hands, he definitely dare not act rashly." Duan Wuyan is very sure.

In fact, Lin Chen did not dare to do anything, if Zuo Lao died because of this, he would feel guilty for the rest of his life.

Two days passed in a blink of an eye, and there was nothing to say all the way. In order to prevent Lin Chen from acting too aggressively, everyone in the Protoss Holy Land did not provoke him.

And two days later, the ninth-tier starship traveled all the way, leaving the Ming Emperor's domain and arriving at Chendi's domain.

The Star Spirit Holy Land is in Emperor Chen's domain, and Emperor Chen is also a fierce man who stepped into the emperor's realm with a star soul master.

Like the Ten Thousand Flowers Holy Land, the Protoss Holy Land is also hidden in the space, very secretive.

Looking from a distance, the space opened its mouth wide and swallowed this Tier [-] starship into it. The power of space surged, and the group of people really entered the Holy Land of the Stars at this moment.

Suddenly, a pure black light enveloped from a distance, and in this aura, Lin Chen felt the strong aura of heavenly demon.

And within the black glow, a figure appeared, it must be the God Envoy.

"Greetings, Master God Envoy!"

Seeing this person, everyone in the Protoss Holy Land knelt down and worshiped him.

And the envoy of God stared at Lin Chen closely, as if he wanted to see through him. Immediately, Lin Chen's whole body felt as if it was being pricked by needles.

Behind the God Envoy, there is the Holy Lord of the Star Spirit. He saw the statue of the Goddess in front of the deck at a glance, and his eyes sparkled.

"Speechless, well done!"

The Holy Lord of Star Spirit praised Duan Wuyan.

Duan Wuyan smiled and bowed to the Holy Lord of the Star Spirit.

"Okay, this son has a big secret. The others will be detained first. I am the envoy, and I want to interrogate this son alone!" With a wave of the envoy's hand, Lin Chen was lifted up, and the black light surged, and he left. here.

The envoy turned into a black streamer, which disappeared in an instant, and disappeared into everyone's eyes with Lin Chen.

The others were imprisoned according to the orders of the envoy.

In the middle of the black light, Lin Chen's whole body was icy cold, and he felt mortal danger from this envoy's body.

"Boy, have you ever seen a black magic tablet?"

Throwing Lin Chen beside a dark pool of water, the envoy sat in the middle of the pool, staring at Lin Chen and asking.

With a tightening in his heart, Lin Chen understood that the other party was after the demon sheep.

(End of this chapter)

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