Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 577 Wu'er!

Chapter 577 Wu'er!

Chapter 570: Wuer!
"Boy, have you ever seen a black magic tablet?"

Hearing this, Lin Chen's heart shuddered, but he did not show any emotion on the surface, and slowly shook his head.

"I do not know."

While answering, Lin Chen also tried to detect the aura of the envoy, but he couldn't do it at all.

The opponent's body seemed to be shrouded in a layer of black mist, and he couldn't see anything clearly.


Being able to use his own strength to make the entire Protoss Holy Land do things for him, this envoy is definitely not an ordinary person. As Duan Shaojie said, this person is at least a strong man in the imperial realm.

"Hehe, I heard that you can absorb my power."

The envoy smiled, and the face shrouded in the black robe gradually became clear.


In an instant, Lin Chen's eyes met the pupils of this person, and in the pupils of the envoy, there were actually two jet-black skulls, lifelike!

In an instant, Lin Chen's brain exploded, and his consciousness became a little fuzzy, but after all, his will was strong and he did not sink.

"It's interesting." Seeing this, the envoy was quite surprised, but still smiled, and stretched out his palm, and in his palm, a black skull spun and flew towards Lin Chen's eyebrows.

"Don't think about resisting, as long as you have the slightest movement, I will kill your subordinates immediately!" The envoy said viciously.

Lin Chen was anxious, but there was nothing he could do.

He could only watch helplessly as the black skull reached between his eyebrows and sneaked in.

Immediately, he felt like the world was spinning in his mind, as if his consciousness no longer belonged to him, a black glow started from the center of his eyebrows and spread to his whole body.

On Lin Chen's face, there are jet-black lines flowing, like tentacles, very terrifying.

Just when the black energy was about to spread to the dantian, a sacred sound of dragon chant suddenly spread, and then, a glaring golden glow surged away, directly dispelling the black energy, All melted away.

"What a powerful martial spirit!"

The envoy was finally moved for the first time, even though he, and he, had never seen the power of a martial soul that could resist this weird heavenly demonic aura.

At this moment, on the ninth-tier starship in the distance, at the place where the Goddess statue is, a tyrannical force suddenly exploded, and the rich fragrance of flowers diffused, and Duan Wuyan and the others all changed their expressions. .

"Hmph, what kind of waves can a woman with a dissipated soul make!"

The envoy shouted angrily, looked at Lin Chen, grabbed Lin Chen's shoulder with one hand, and threw him into the pitch-black pool. Immediately, complex and intertwined pitch-black chains appeared out of thin air. , locked Lin Chen firmly.

Immediately afterwards, the envoy's figure flashed, and he headed towards the ninth-tier starship.

Lin Chen tried for a while, but couldn't break free, so his heart sank.

This time, they really lost everything.

"Demon sheep, please come out and help, if you don't wake up, we will be wiped out." Lin Chen said helplessly.

Along the way, he tried to call the magic sheep many times, but there was no movement at all.

But this time, after Lin Chen finished speaking, an extremely weak thought flooded into his mind, it was the voice of the devil sheep!
"Don't worry, kid. This is a danger, but also a great opportunity. My nemesis didn't come to Xiaoqian World, but I just found a guy to be his messenger. As long as I kill this envoy, we will be saved!" Lin Chen's heart was shocked by the words of the devil sheep.

"Can you kill him?!" The power of the envoy is at least in the emperor's realm, but the devil sheep, although it can become much stronger this time, it is impossible to reach the emperor's realm.

"Not yet, but I can absorb the energy in this pool. Moreover, I feel that the entire Protoss Holy Land is extremely difficult. If I find an opportunity, I will definitely be able to make another breakthrough!"

"Besides, this envoy is nothing more than a fox pretending to be a tiger. He is not a god, nor an emperor, but a guy from the holy realm. He is a wolf in sheep's clothing!"

The magic sheep continued to speak, and Lin Chen also had a glimmer of hope in his heart.

The opponent is only a strong man in the holy realm. In this case, the magic sheep may be able to deal with it!

There was a loud explosion in the distance, and the black light shot up to the sky. The pure black brilliance shrouded the divine envoy's hand, wrapping the statue of the goddess in it. Immediately, the miraculous fragrance of flowers was isolated.

Then, a beautiful figure flashed out, it was the Lord Ten Thousand Flowers!
Lin Chen's heart suddenly tightened.

With the situation of the Lord Ten Thousand Flowers, how can he be the opponent of this envoy, if he makes a move at this moment, he may only die.

"Senior Ningmei, don't!"

With a roar, Lin Chen was about to burst into tears, but, far away, the Lord of Thousand Flowers did not hear Lin Chen's words.

A look of determination flashed across her face, she looked at the envoy opposite, she waved her jade hand, and unleashed all the strength of the master of the holy realm, attacking the envoy.

"Hmph, over your own strength!"

The envoy snorted coldly, and the black glow turned into a demonic claw, grabbing at Ningmei, and the Holy Lord of the Star Spirit at the side also shot at the same time, and the two besieged Ningmei. Poor, Ning Mei immediately fell into a disadvantage.

"Don't worry, kid, I'm trying to absorb the power of this pool of water... There's something under the pool of water!"

The sound of the demon sheep made Lin Chen raise his brows. Could it be that there is another world under this pool?

"It's a door, it smells so familiar, boy, isn't this your lover?!" The magic sheep's voice was also surprised, and Lin Chen was startled, and immediately ignored the pull of the chain and went under the pool .

The magic sheep had great eyesight, and immediately absorbed and refined the chain, making Lin Chen's figure dive to the bottom of the pool.

Only then did he realize that there was really another world at the bottom of this pool.

I saw that the pitch-black pool water was blocked by an invisible energy, and there was an emerald green color below, which was faintly familiar. Immediately afterwards, Lin Chen looked over and saw the source of this green color.

On a stone bed, a jade body lay horizontally. The black outfit was close to the skin, outlining a hot curve, and the skin all over the body was glowing with a strange emerald green.

Lin Chen's eyes turned red instantly, and there was a bang in his head, as if the whole world had exploded.

Rose dancer!
No matter what, he never thought that he would see Mei Wuer here!
The woman I have always cared about, the woman who always teases and calls me a little man, the woman who has been captured by that charming heart for myself, Mei Wuer!


With a roar, Lin Chen rushed down the pool recklessly, but was isolated by the invisible energy, making it difficult to get in.

His eyes were red, Lin Chen made a move with the palm of his hand, and he was already holding the Senluo Demon Halberd. The next moment, he used all his power, and slashed down angrily. With a loud noise, the entire pool was blown up at this moment!
(End of this chapter)

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