Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 589 Li Funan Appears!

Chapter 589 Li Funan Appears!
Chapter 590 Li Funan Appears!

Ahead, in the dark sea, two scarlet eyes suddenly opened, like two huge lanterns on the dark seabed.

These are the eyes of the leader of the Golden Horned Shark!

The sea water became more and more turbulent at this moment, and a terrifying ominous power, accompanied by a powerful force, caused the space under the sea water to shatter out of thin air.

"Found it, Fan Zhenhao is in the mouth of the leader of the golden horned giant shark!" Dugu Wujing sensed Fan Zhenhao's position immediately.

And in order to respond to his words, immediately after, the leader of the giant golden horned shark opened his mouth and let out a roar. Suddenly, the space collapsed, and amidst the surging sea water, Lin Chen and others also saw that in the mouth of the giant shark, A figure dressed in white sat cross-legged, it was Fan Zhenhao!

Beside Fan Zhenhao, a vajra with dazzling light patterns all over its body stood upright, and it happened to be stuck between the teeth of the leader of the golden horned giant shark, making it impossible for his sharp fangs to bite together.

"Is this the treasure?"

Ye Tianchen let out a sigh. With his knowledge, he couldn't recognize this treasure for a while, but Lin Chen's eyes lit up. He felt that the several holy land tokens on his body were all shining at this moment. Guanghua.

"This is actually a holy land token!" Lin Chen was shocked.

Goddess Statue, Star Spirit Basin, Charming Heart, Heavenly Thunder Cauldron, Punishing Soul Seal, Fangyuan Compass, these are the six holy land tokens that Lin Chen has at the moment. Among them, the Charming Heart is in Mei Wuer's body and cannot be taken out. The other five pieces were all on Lin Chen's body.

Apart from these six pieces, the Locking Star Stone Gate is in the East Pole Continent, that is to say, there are two more pieces that are missing.

And now, the vajra in front of him is one of them.

Obviously, Li Funan's target was the vajra, and the only thing that could make him do it himself was probably the token related to Yunmu Tiangong.

"Lin Chen, do you recognize this thing?" Ye Tianchen was a little surprised when he saw Lin Chen's appearance.

"That's right, this is one of the tokens of the nine holy places in the Little Thousand World, and it's a very important thing." Lin Chen didn't elaborate, and he quickly approached the leader of the golden horned giant shark while dodging the oncoming turbulent water.

Ouyang Ao and Dugu Wujing also rushed towards the leader of the Golden Horned Shark. Ye Tianchen's handprint changed, and behind him, a black dragon shadow manifested, hovering around the dragon shadow. A black chain came straight out at this moment.

Unlike Lin Chen's Supreme Tribulation Dragon, Ye Tianchen's Trapped Dragon Martial Soul was not that advanced, and the chain was not turned into any secret technique, but was used as a weapon.

However, the hardness of this chain is far beyond ordinary treasures, and it is invincible and indestructible.

At this time, the chain broke through the sea water, creating a vacuum, and hit the face of the leader of the golden horned giant shark.

And as the dragon shadow manifested, a wave of dragon prestige filled the air. The golden-horned giant shark only felt that the blood in its body was frozen and frozen, and its huge eyes were full of panic. Long Wei, however, does not have the slightest ability to resist.

What's more, Ye Tianchen's ferocity, unparalleled ferocity, and bloodthirsty blood, made the leader of the golden horned giant shark feel extremely afraid.

Once this guy releases his aura, he is even more intimidating than a beast!

Including Dugu Wujing and Ouyang Ao, they were all shocked. Although they had always heard that the might of the Demon Dragon Venerable was unrivaled in the world, but when they saw it today, they really realized the strength of Ye Tianchen.

Of course, seeing the fear of the leader of the golden-horned giant shark, everyone was not very happy. They knew that the next thing they had to deal with was Li Funan, who had the combat power of an emperor, and he was far beyond the reach of this monster.

"Fan Zhenhao, come out!"

Ye Tianchen shouted loudly, and Fan Zhenhao, who was in the mouth of the leader of the Golden Horn Shark, also flew out with the vajra in his hand at this moment.

However, Lin Chen's pupils shrank, and he noticed that at this moment, Fan Zhenhao didn't have any energy fluctuations all over his body. He looked very sluggish, and it was very difficult to move forward in the sea water.

On his skin, there are streaks of light flickering, as if with a natural sealing force.

"I'm sealed!" Fan Zhenhao seemed to have exhausted all his strength before he said this. Immediately afterwards, his figure was like a rootless duckweed, drifting in the sea, and even There is no control over the direction of progress.

"I just said how come you can't even deal with the leader of a giant golden shark!" Ye Tianchen didn't know that Fan Zhenhao was sealed until now.

However, when Lin Chen heard the words, his brows suddenly frowned.

That being the case, how did Fan Zhenhao subpoena Ye Tianchen, or why didn't he inform Ye Tianchen of being sealed during the subpoena?
In the blink of an eye, Fan Zhenhao's body surged along the current and drifted towards Lin Chen's place. Lin Chen looked at Fan Zhenhao's eyes.

"He's not Fan Zhenhao!"

His whole body tensed up suddenly, and his hairs suddenly rose. Lin Chen retreated quickly, but he was a step slower after all.

I saw that Fan Zhenhao made a palm move, and from the tip of the Vajra in his hand, countless complicated light patterns shot out suddenly, and in an instant, he came to Lin Chen, turning into a prison of light, covering Lin Chen's body. The shape was wrapped, and then, during the contraction, these light patterns were directly imprinted on Lin Chen's skin.

In an instant, Lin Chen felt that all the power in his body seemed to be firmly sealed, and he could no longer exert it at all.

"Who are you?!"

Ye Tianchen exclaimed in surprise, he hadn't seen Fan Zhenhao for hundreds of years, and he was eager to save people, so he didn't think much about it, but he didn't expect that this would be the way of the other party.

"I'm not Fan Zhenhao, of course it's... Li Funan!"

When this person opened his mouth, his voice also changed. Immediately afterwards, his face was distorted, and his figure was raised a bit. He turned into another person at this moment!

Li Funan! ! !
Until now, Lin Chen really saw this legendary figure for the first time.

His nose bridge is high, his eyes are small, his eyebrows are straight, and his face is narrow, giving people a very fierce feeling, but Lin Chen did not expect that this person is so strong that he does not have the pride of a strong man. Instead use such means.

"This way of appearance is really disappointing..."

In the depths of the pitch-black sea, the young man laughed, and immediately after, a darkness that could not be erased even by such a deep black appeared in his eyes!
At this moment, the Senluo Demon Stele roared, lines and lines manifested, and the black brilliance surged, easily erasing the power of the seal.

With such a treasure by his side, it can be said that Lin Chen is not afraid of any means at this moment, unless it is absolute crushing in terms of strength.

"Sen Luo Demon Tablet... Lin Chen, I have been waiting for you for a long time."

(End of this chapter)

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