Chapter 590
Chapter 590 The second is for you

"Sen Luo Demon Tablet... Lin Chen, I have been waiting for you for a long time."

When these words came out, Lin Chen's heart was shocked again.

He didn't expect that Li Funan could point out the name of the Senluo Demon Stele so accurately. Could it be that he also understands this?

"Hehe, are you curious, why do I know this treasure?" Li Funan said to himself, but at this moment, Lin Chen had already used the power of the magic tablet to break the seal, and quietly asked the magic sheep in his heart.

However, the magic sheep is also at a loss about this.

In his impression, there were many owners of the magic tablet, but none of them really controlled it, and there was no one like Li Funan among them.

"Are you asking about the existence in this magic tablet? Don't ask, he doesn't know." Li Funan said, "You are a man of destiny who was born at the right time, and I am going against the sky Alright, take your fortune!"

A fierce light flashed in the small eyes, revealing greed, Li Funan stared at the blackness in the depths of Lin Chen's eyes, feeling very longing in his heart.

"In the 8000 years of the Shinto calendar, there was a divine stone that came from outside the sky and fell to the vast world, with a radius of thousands of miles, a piece of scorched earth, and black light soaring into the sky for three years."

"Three years later, all the powerhouses of the Divine Dao in the Great Thousand World came out to compete for the sacred stone. Among them, Yang Xiao and Gai Jiuyou were the most fierce, and they launched a shocking battle."

"This battle shocked the entire world. No one expected that these two people had already touched the threshold of Shishen, and were about to reach the legendary realm. The two fought fiercely for more than two years, and the sky was dark. But the divine stone didn't change at all throughout the whole process, and he remained unmoved. In the end, Yang Xiao was inferior in skill and lost to Gai Jiuyou, but he performed 36 changes in the [-] Mysterious Skills and took advantage of the chaos to snatch the divine stone and disappeared in the world. "

Listening to Li Funan's words, Lin Chen's heart trembled. He didn't ask the devil sheep, but his intuition told him that what Li Funan said should be exactly right.

"Who are you?" Lin Chen asked in a deep voice.

"My name... Li Funan!" Li Funan said quite proudly, but the second half of his sentence surprised Lin Chen, "I am the spirit of this god stone!"

Spirit of God Stone!

That is the spirit of Senluo Demon Tablet!
Before, Lin Chen had always believed that there was a stele spirit in the Senluo Demon Stele. He used to think that the demon sheep was the stele spirit, but now it seems that this stele spirit is someone else.

"The god stone fell into the world. In order to protect myself, I fled to a low-level continent, and finally reincarnated in this person's body. As he stepped into the martial arts, my consciousness gradually awakened and I learned everything."

"So, Lin Chen, this sacred stone should always be mine. Now hand it over to me, along with all the tokens of the Holy Land on your body. I promise not to embarrass you." Li Funan finally said own purpose.

Hearing so much from him, Lin Chen felt a little relieved.

Since his debut, apart from Li Funan and Bei Luo Zetian, he has never met anyone with a talent and opportunity comparable to him, and now, the legendary Li Funan is actually the spirit of the magic tablet, so it's easy to explain.

"The Mobei recognized me, not you." Lin Chen said lightly.

He also had a plan in his heart at this moment.

Since this Li Funan was once the spirit of the Demon Tablet, no matter what, he must not be able to get rid of the imprisonment of the Senluo Demon Tablet, and this must be his fate!
"Boy, what he said should be true. The origin of this monster tablet is bigger than I imagined. The monster tablet came to this world, and you came into being. This is a great fortune that everyone will be jealous of." , and now, this guy wants to turn against the guest and take away your fortune!" said the demon sheep quickly.

"Take my good fortune... Not to mention my Lin Chen practice, I never for good fortune, let alone believe that anything came into being! But, this is not something you can just take it!" Lin Chen stared at Li Funan, all the time Said every word.

Hearing this, Li Funan smiled instead of anger.

"Hehe, I knew your temperament a long time ago, so I naturally stayed behind." Immediately, he made a move with the palm of his hand, and the two previous strongmen in the holy realm also appeared at this moment. Fan Zhenhao.

"This person should be kind to you, and you, Lin Chen, are the most affectionate, otherwise you would not appear here. If you don't give me something today, I will kill Fan Zhenhao first, and then return to the east. Extreme Continent, kill your relatives, I also know the location of a secret door, and I can travel freely between the Eastern Extreme Continent and Lingxiu Small Thousand Realm!" Li Funan said this, and Lin Chen suddenly had a murderous intent!
"Also, don't think about using the demon tablet to shackle me. At this moment, I am no longer the spirit of the demon tablet, but... Li Funan!"

After saying this, Li Funan picked up Fan Zhenhao, looked at Lin Chen coldly, and waited for his decision.

"Lin...Lin Chen, leave me alone...uh" Fan Zhenhao struggled to speak, but at this moment, it was very difficult for him to even speak.

Naturally, Lin Chen couldn't just let it go, what's more, even if he didn't care about Fan Zhenhao's life or death, what about his relatives and friends on the East Pole Continent?
That was his Achilles' heel.

Once he knelt down for his father, and he embarked on the road of cultivation, in order to protect his relatives and friends. As for dominating the world, he never thought about it.

This kind of struggle made him very tired, and one after another, the so-called missions were forced on him, which made him very tired all the time.

Including this magic stele, Lin Chen admitted that he was very happy to be recognized by such a treasure, but he had heard the words that he came into being more than once, which made him feel very uncomfortable.

He is who he is, not born for anything, he is an independent person, and will not be influenced by these illusory things, even if it is the treasure that shakes the entire world, it is the same.

"Since you want it, I'll give it to you."

The corner of Lin Chen's mouth raised a smile, and his palm was lifted up in the astonished eyes of everyone. The next moment, under the dark deep sea, a magical monument to the extreme appeared, and the light patterns on it flowed, attracting everyone. human eye.

And the next moment, Lin Chen caressed the monster tablet with his palm, blood overflowed from his fingertips, and with a light stroke, he wanted to cut off his connection with the monster tablet at this moment!

"Don't!!!" Li Funan seemed to have thought of something, exclaimed in surprise, wanted to stop Lin Chen, but was still a step too late.

The blood-colored brilliance flashed, and the blood overflowed and stained the monster tablet. The next moment, the glaring scarlet penetrated deeply into the runes of the monster tablet.

However, what shocked everyone was that following Lin Chen's actions, the magic tablet did not sever any contact with Lin Chen at all, but all the runes on it broke away from the magic tablet at this time and flew away In this sea water, they condensed together and turned into a pattern that no one could understand at all.

That seemed to represent the ultimate.

(End of this chapter)

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