Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 596 Tongtian Pill, Meet Qiu Cheng Again

Chapter 596 Tongtian Pill, Meet Qiu Cheng Again
Chapter 590: Tongtian Pill, Meet Qiu Cheng Again
Following Wang Zhangcheng's withdrawal, Xiaotianmojie hid once again.

Immediately afterwards, he made a move with the palm of his hand, and saw three extremely clear light curtains above the Demon Emperor City, all of which were also manifested. , the three major battlefields of the holy land.

This time, Wang Zhangcheng has put in a lot of effort in this grand gathering of demons. Even within the Little Heavenly Demon Realm, he has divided it into three areas, corresponding to the extraordinary battlefield, the king's battlefield, and the holy battlefield according to the degree of danger.

Between the three battlefields, it can be said that the differences are so clear that it is impossible to figure it out.

On the light curtain, figures have already manifested, which are the many geniuses who entered the battlefield.

This shocked Ye Tianchen and the others who had to stay on the square.

Lin Chen didn't know that Wang Zhangcheng had the ability to monitor the images inside the Little Heavenly Demon Realm. If he found out about this, Lin Chen would be hard-pressed to fly.

For a while, they all sweated.

Naturally, Lin Chen didn't know anything about it. At this moment, Lin Chen had already penetrated the turbulent demon energy outside the Little Heavenly Demon Realm, and plunged into the Little Heavenly Demon Realm.

Immediately, he felt the extremely strong devilish energy around him.

Compared with the black demonic soil of the entire demonic realm, this little heavenly demon realm is even more shocking. Everything here seems to be black, and even the air is filled with black mist that lingers.

"This little Heavenly Demon Realm is not easy!"

The Demon Sheep also lamented that such methods are not common even in the Great Thousand World.

The Devil Emperor is an extreme person. He transformed this small Heaven and Demon Realm into a world of demonic energy. Here, there is not even normal energy of the heavens and the earth, and what is there is only extremely thick demonic energy.

This has already involved the laws of this world. Obviously, the Devil Emperor has forcibly changed the laws of this little Heavenly Demon Realm.

This move, even if it is a lot of gods, can't do it.

"Boy, be careful. I feel that there seems to be eyes staring at the sky above. Don't show too many tricks to avoid being discovered. That old guy Wang Zhangcheng can't even see through me." The magic sheep reminded.

Lin Chen nodded, and also said: "Let's go to Qiu Cheng first, he should also be in this battlefield. As for Ji Xuan, he can only take a step and see."

Qiu Cheng should have the strength of a king, but Ji Xuan was already a strong man in the holy realm, so if Lin Chen wanted to kill Ji Xuan in the Little Heavenly Demon Realm this time, he had to find a way to cross over to that holy realm In the battlefield, the difficulty of this is simply unimaginable.

"Qiu Cheng should be in the south of you, let's go." said the devil sheep.

Hearing this, Lin Chen's figure also flickered, and he fled towards the south.

At this time, in Lin Chen's palm, there was already an extra black jade with a magic character on it, which should be the Battle Demon Jade. The magic energy in Lin Chen's body flowed into the Battle Demon Jade. Inside, a message immediately flooded into Lin Chen's mind.

"The Promise Profound Pill, ten War Demon Jade."

"Mixed Gold Demon Boring, thirty Battle Demon Jade."

"Slaying Heaven Demon Tome, fifty Battle Demon Jade."

Looking at these messages, Lin Chen couldn't help but be speechless. The things inside are all priceless treasures, but now, he only needs to get enough Battle Demon Jade, and he can exchange them. These warriors don't care about their lives.

After quickly flipping through the messages, Lin Chen also saw what he wanted.

"Indestructible magic vine seeds, one thousand battle magic jades!"

His eyes froze, and Lin Chen couldn't believe it. Just one seed required a thousand War Demon Jade. You must know that in the battlefield of kings, only 2000 people died, which meant that Lin Chen had to defeat Only half of the warriors took away their Battle Demon Jade in exchange for a seed of the Immortal Demon Vine.

"Don't exchange this thing. It takes hundreds of thousands of years for a seed to grow into the magic vine I need. Even if I can afford it, you can't afford it!" said the magic sheep.

"Then we can only try our luck to see if there are immortal vines growing in this little Heavenly Demon Realm..." Lin Chen shook his head.

"There is a Tongtian Pill in it, you can exchange it. The effect of this Tongtian Pill is to stimulate your potential in a short period of time, so that your consciousness can comprehend the true meaning at an unimaginable speed."

"Your world mysteries, combined with the secret code of the universe, have entered the realm very quickly. I infer that after you take the Tongtian Pill, there is a high possibility that the world's mysteries will reach the level of the earth."

The words of the magic sheep made Lin Chen's heart burn.

Didn't expect such a good thing to exist!
"Don't be too happy, although the Tongtian Pill is effective, but after using it, the body will be very weak, and if you dare to take the second one, your head will explode and you will die!" The demon sheep beat Lin Chen.

Nodding his head, Lin Chen checked it out. The exchange of the Tongtian Pill requires [-] Battle Demon Jade, which is not too expensive.

His body exploded and he headed towards Qiu Cheng. Lin Chen shuttled through the black mist and began to approach Qiu Cheng.

And along the way, there were also two blind kings, who wanted to attack him, but they were defeated by Lin Chen without a doubt, which also made the Battle Demon Jade in his hand reach the level of three.

"Hey, if I can use all my means, I will definitely have more than a dozen Battle Demon Jade at this moment!" Lin Chen looked at some warriors who fled away after hearing the wind, feeling a little annoyed.

At this time, he can only use some methods in a subtle way. He dare not use the power of the dragon soul or the stars. Fortunately, the magic sheep has taught him the nine-step magic fist and the sky magic spear, which are quite powerful and can deal with ordinary warriors. .

But when it comes to strong people, this is definitely not enough to watch.

"There will be a chance. The black demonic energy here is the key to monitoring. As long as you disturb the airflow, people outside will not be able to see your actions at all!" said the demon sheep with certainty.

"Disturb these air currents..." Lin Chen murmured, his brain spinning rapidly.

And under such a fast rush, Lin Chen could also see that not far ahead, under a waterfall, there were several figures fighting in a roundabout way, and one of them was Qiu Cheng!

For such a long time, Qiu Cheng hasn't changed much, but the curse-like indifference in his eyes has become deeper. At this time, behind him, a bloody moon hangs high, and a ferocious ghost king is stretching his eyes. With a giant hand, crush the enemy on the opposite side, turning it into a cloud of blood mist.

Qiu Cheng's strength was already terrifying to such an extent that warriors of the same rank were not his best generals at all!
Just after Qiu Cheng dealt with the two kings neatly, there was a sound of water coming from the waterfall behind him, and then, a gust of wind blew up, and a terrifying dragon with wings on its back opened its huge mouth, ruthlessly He bit Qiu Cheng hard.

Seeing this scene, Lin Chen's eyes sparkled!

(End of this chapter)

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