Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 597 Devil Emperor

Chapter 597 Devil Emperor
Chapter 590: Devil Emperor

Winged Demonic Flood Dragon!

Lin Chen's eyes lit up, looking at this monster, he suddenly had a plan.

Strictly speaking, this kind of monster has the strength of a king, but it is proficient in the two powers of ventilation and water. Therefore, its combat power is much stronger than that of an ordinary king, and it is better at escaping. There is a high chance of successful escape.

However, the two forces of wind and water, in Lin Chen's view, are the best choices to disturb the black mist!

This two-winged dragon must be subdued!


Lin Chen's body exploded, and he had already come under the waterfall. Here, the black mist became thinner obviously. Lin Chen guessed that the water in this waterfall could completely hide from outside detection.

And in fact, it is.

On the outside light curtain, the picture of the waterfall area is already somewhat blurred, and the underwater situation is even more impossible to see.

"This Martial Soul is interesting."

Wang Zhangcheng's eyes were on Qiu Cheng, and he was very interested.

Even through the light curtain, he could still feel the terrifying power of the curse. This kind of Martial Soul is really too rare.

What's more, he felt a trace of familiarity in Qiu Cheng's body. However, even though Wang Zhangcheng had wisdom like the sea, he never imagined that the heart of the devil emperor was in Qiu Cheng's body.

At this time, Lin Chen had already changed his appearance, so Qiu Cheng only felt that Lin Chen had a familiar smell, but he did not expect that he was Lin Chen.

And the two-winged dragon had already opened its mouth wide, biting towards Qiu Cheng.

The demon dragon let out a roar, and the stench from his mouth spewed wildly, causing the black mist to dissipate a lot, and also made the external light screen image more blurred.

Qiu Cheng's complexion changed, and at the same time as his figure retreated, the Blood Moon Ghost Monarch's Martial Soul made an attack. That strange round of blood moon turned directly, cut the space, and swept towards the wings on the back of the magic dragon.

As long as the wings of this monster are cut off, it will die.

The Demon Jiao naturally sensed Qiu Cheng's intentions, flapping its wings, it was extremely dexterous, directly dodged the blood moon, and spit out a black light from its mouth, shooting at Qiu Cheng.

Monster beasts that have reached this level all have a lot of means. If it is not absolutely suppressed, it is difficult to kill them.

Lin Chen looked anxiously from the sidelines. No matter which side Qiu Cheng and Mo Jiao suffered casualties, it was a sight he didn't want to see, so he moved forward and rushed up immediately.

"Hey, this little guy, is he trying to snatch the Winged Demon Flood Dragon?"

Although the picture is blurry, Wang Zhangcheng still looks at it with gusto. Obviously, he is very interested in Qiu Cheng.

"Lin Chen..."

Seeing this scene, the accompanying people couldn't help feeling tense. At this moment, Lin Chen had also entered Wang Zhangcheng's field of vision. Once he saw something...

Lin Chenren was in the air, and he had quickly blasted nine punches across the air, forming nine black magic fists, which condensed into one, and finally turned into a huge black fist, bombarding the head of the magic dragon.

Hearing a loud noise, the demon dragon wailed and fell downwards, about to fall into the water.

At the same time, Qiu Cheng turned his head and looked at Lin Chen with a sullen expression. In his eyes, this person was naturally an enemy.

Seeing this, Lin Chen smiled helplessly. Following the fall of the magic dragon, his body was also close to the head of the magic dragon, and he quickly punched, which also made the magic dragon continue to fall, twisting its body continuously, and the wings behind it frantically flapped to create a strong wind. The surrounding black mist was completely blown away.

So far, nothing can be seen on the screen of the light curtain.

Seeing this, Wang Zhangcheng also frowned, but he didn't say anything. Instead, he shifted his gaze to other areas. As for the waterfall, he has been paying attention, as long as there is any movement, he will look.


On Lin Chen's side, as the black mist cleared, his face showed joy, and he fell into the water directly with the magic dragon. At the same time, Qiu Cheng followed closely behind, it seemed that he wanted to capture Lin Chen Dust's battle magic jade.

"Qiu Cheng, it's me!"

Lin Chen stood on top of Mojiao's head, looked at Qiu Cheng, and finally spoke.

Hearing this voice, Qiu Cheng was shocked, and immediately understood that the person in front of him was actually Lin Chen!
"Lin Chen! Why are you here!"

In the world of Xiaoqian, he had also heard the name of Lin Chen, the young master of the Longmen. At first, he thought it was just a duplicate name, but as Lin Chen's deeds became more and more, he also confirmed that this Lin Chen was Bi Lin. dust.

"Let's talk about this later, Qiu Cheng, I want to tell you now, the devil's heart in your body hides the consciousness of the devil emperor, and he will definitely do everything possible to take you away. This is a time bomb, and the surrounding black fog, It has the function of monitoring, and I have many methods that I can't use, we must cooperate to make a profit!"

When Qiu Cheng heard this, there was a wry smile on his face.

"The consciousness in the devil's heart has already begun to erode me. At this moment, most of my soul has been controlled by him. It won't be long before my consciousness will be erased." Following Qiu Cheng Opening his mouth, Lin Chen's pupils shrank suddenly, and he found that there was a domineering black air between Qiu Cheng's brows, which was spreading and spreading towards his entire face.

"Hehe, it seems that the Demon Monument is on your body, and the remnant of the Demon Emperor's Saber is also on your body, boy, now that you surrender to the Emperor, I can spare your life and accept you as a protector. You are on the rise!"

As Qiu Cheng's entire face turned black, he spoke again, but his voice had changed.

Devil Emperor!

Obviously, it was the Devil Emperor's consciousness that spoke at this time!

On the other hand, Qiu Cheng's face was distorted, his eyes were struggling, and he was struggling to regain control of his body.

"Dreaming! Qiu Cheng is my friend, you don't want to occupy his body!" Lin Chen made a move with his palm, and the magic halberd was already in his hand. The body of Qiu Cheng on the opposite side.

"Don't eat the toast, eat the fine wine, I think your body is more suitable for seizing the house, and I want your body today!" The devil yelled angrily, his palms danced, and the black air turned into strange at this moment. The rope entangled towards Lin Chen.

"Sure enough, it's still the same, with an air of self-importance. The one who failed is someone like you!" The figure of the devil sheep manifested, looked at the devil emperor coldly, and sighed.

The pupils shrank suddenly. This was the first time that the devil sheep had manifested in front of the devil emperor. The devil emperor was very surprised, but immediately after, he reacted.

"You are the guy inside the demon tablet!" The devil emperor's expression became even more ferocious, "If it weren't for you, how could I have fallen short in the first place, I want to kill you!"

"The failure is due to your arrogance. What have I to do with you? If you hand over your demon heart now, I can still save your life. Otherwise, you will have to die!" The demon sheep was not polite.

Hand over the magic heart?

The devil emperor became even more furious, and with his gestures like thunder, he was attacking the devil sheep.

(End of this chapter)

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