Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 707 Hope of Resurrection!

Chapter 707 Hope of Resurrection!
Chapter [-] Hope of Resurrection!
Origin of God!

Once upon a time, Lin Chen thought that he must obtain the source of the beginning god to strengthen himself, but now, looking at the chaotic color crystal in front of him, there is only endless hatred in his eyes.

At this time, he also somewhat understood that the divine thought of the Lord of the Palace that day might not really want to take away Mei Wuer, but just wanted to let Mei Wuer die in this way, so as to separate her The heart of charm in the body.

Lin Chen's method is not necessarily unfeasible. If it continues, it is very likely that Mei Wuer will get the source of the beginning god. However, Lin Chen is undoubtedly the most suitable and qualified person in this world to obtain the source of the beginning god.

From the perspective of the lord of the Heavenly Palace, one must be a qualified person to obtain the source of the god of origin. Now, Lin Chen wants to transfer this opportunity to Mei Wuer. irrational.

Even if Mei Wu'er got the source of the beginning god, she might not be so powerful. She is still helpless in the face of a strong enemy. Therefore, in order to be able to protect this world, the Lord of Tiangong has worked hard.

The spirit of the palace looked at this scene that day, and he couldn't help sighing. He had followed the Lord of the Heavenly Palace for too long, and he knew very well the temperament of the Lord of the Heavenly Palace.

But in fact, the Divine Sense of the Lord of the Heavenly Palace entered Mei Wuer's body, and he did tell Mei Wuer about this fact, and this was the scene where Mei Wuer raised her sword to commit suicide.

Mei Wuer knew very well what to choose, so no matter how reluctant she was to part with Lin Chen, she had only this choice.

Lin Chen didn't want to see her die, so why did she want to put Lin Chen in danger?
If Lin Chen doesn't get the source of the God of Beginning today, then when the ten-year period comes, the iron hooves of the alien species will be the first to trample on this small world, causing the living beings to suffer.

Therefore, before Mei Wuer died, she would say such a sentence, don't blame him.

However, how could it be possible for Lin Chen not to blame the Lord of the Heavenly Palace, and Lin Chen also hated the source of the primordial god in front of him.

Raising the Dragon Emperor Sword in his hand, without saying a word, Lin Chen slashed towards the source of the god of beginning. The dazzling sword light streaked across and landed directly on this piece of chaotic colored crystal. The fluctuations spread, which also made this world a little bit crumbling.

At this moment, the entire Cloud Tomb Heavenly Palace has completely collapsed and turned into a white temple on the back of the giant scorpion. Only the Shenyuan Castle is still standing in the air, connected to the altar at this moment.

A loud noise spread, and everyone could see that on the sky, the dazzling golden sword light slashed fiercely on the source of the god of origin, trying to smash this piece of chaotic crystal.

It's just that this sword light, which is enough to kill the strong in the emperor realm, fell on the source of the beginning god, and it did not cause the slightest damage. Only a chaotic color flashed out from the source of the beginning god, meeting After seeing this sword light, he completely assimilated this sword light in an instant, and was swallowed by this chaos.

This scene once again deeply shocked everyone, countless eyes stared at Lin Chen above the sky, wondering what he would do next.

"Who the hell cares about your source of God, you give me back my Wu'er, give me back!"

Lin Chen roared angrily, raised the Dragon Emperor Sword, and slashed down with one sword after another. However, even though the altar began to crack at this moment, there was still not a single trace of that piece of chaotic color crystal. Cracks appear.

As if this is the most indestructible thing in the world, there is no way to destroy it.

Lin Chen didn't believe in evil, and urged the twin dragon souls, scattered all over the world, as well as the small world, the purple gold flame, all rushed towards the source of the god of beginning, however, the scene that shocked him appeared again.

Even though he tried his best, the source of the beginning god remained motionless, exuding a strong aura of chaos, assimilating all attacks.

It's like punching cotton with a punch and it has no effect.

Of course, Lin Chen believes that as long as this power is strong enough, it can still shake the source of the beginning god, but that probably requires a power that reaches the level of the beginning god.

Obviously, the current him is still far behind.

Staring at the source of the god of origin in front of him, his whole body felt slumped, Lin Chen was helpless, but the anger in his heart had nowhere to vent.

In the past, he always wanted to refine the source of the beginning god, but now, when the source of the beginning god was really placed in front of him, he was extremely resentful!
Fate played a big joke on Lin Chen. As early as in the East Pole Continent, he obtained the Immortal Machine Treasure Map, entered the Fox Immortal Palace, and got involved with the Charming Heart. Now, he finally He obtained the source of the beginning god, but how could he refine the source of the beginning god that he bought with Mei Wuer's life?
After a long time of silence, Lin Chen's whole being fell into an unprecedented trough at this moment, and he would even never recover from it.

Seeing Mei Wu'er die in front of him, it was a blow to him too much.

And that piece of the source of the beginning god was suspended in the air like this, quietly exuding the breath of chaos.

The whole world fell into silence at this moment. After a long time, finally there was a sigh of incomparable vicissitudes.

"Sigh, I never expected to meet such a person who values ​​love and righteousness. Boy, just see if there is a devil's wing in that charming heart."

The old voice, with a prehistoric aura, spread slowly, causing the whole world to tremble at this moment.

Looking along the voice, Lin Chen's whole body was shocked, he found that the person who spoke was actually that giant 鼍!
At the same time, what Ju Nai said made his whole body tremble, and it suddenly occurred to him that he also saw a miniature devil's wings in that charming heart earlier!

"how do I say this?"

Lin Chen asked immediately.

He felt that this seemed to be an opportunity to revive Wu'er.

Yes, Resurrection!
Ever since Wu'er died, Lin Chen has been thinking about how to revive Wu'er. As long as there is a glimmer of hope, he will do everything he can to fight!
"The charming heart merged into the woman's body, absorbed everything about her, including life, soul, and even the martial spirit, all gathered and turned into a mark of demon wings. As long as you can reach the realm of Shishen, you can Use the remaining soul in this imprint to revive this woman!"

The giant's words were like lightning from the Nine Heavens, and it hit Lin Chen hard, causing his whole body to tremble, and he looked at the piece of charming heart.

The altar collapsed, and the nine tokens were all suspended in the air. The other tokens were all dimmed, but there seemed to be a stubborn ray of light shining in this charming heart!
(End of this chapter)

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