Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 708 Retreat!

Chapter 708 Retreat!

Chapter [-] Retreat!


The emerald green brilliance of this charming heart has long since dissipated, and the only thing that will not go out is the black demon wing imprint!

Picking up this charming heart and holding it in the palm of his hand, Lin Chen could feel a sense of familiarity in his soul, no doubt it was Mei Wuer!

"Wu'er, is that you?"

Lin Chen asked excitedly, but how could such a charming heart give him any answer?

The devil's mark could only stubbornly emit a glimmer of light, as if there was a little light in the endless darkness, making Lin Chen see hope again.


Reaching the realm of Shishen will be able to revive Wu'er!

At this moment, the source of the beginning god was placed in front of him. This was the essence of a beginning god's lifelong cultivation. By refining it, Lin Chen's path to the divine way would be much smoother.

At this time, Lin Chen finally no longer resisted the source of the primordial god, but chose to refine it again.

"Wu'er, don't worry, I will definitely work hard to cultivate, Shishen, I will definitely achieve it!"

After all, he carefully put away his charming heart, and Lin Chen once again turned his attention to the source of the god of origin.

After all, he intends to start refining the source of God.

"Don't lie to me, otherwise, I won't let you go." Lin Chen looked at Ju Mo.

"Hehe, I've lived for so long, why should I lie to you, a junior, my time is running out, the master died to protect this world, I hope you have refined the source of the beginning god, and can resist the invasion Enemy of this world!"

Ju Mo's righteous words also made Lin Chen nod solemnly.

If there were no such things as so-called alien species, why would he bother so much?

He would not agree to this alien species wanting to invade this world. Power represents responsibility. With his current strength, he must be the leader. What's more, there are so many people behind him who need to be protected. What does he have? Reason to back off?
"You don't need to say that, I have something I want to protect, and for this, I will spare my life."

Lin Chen's categorical words also made Ju Mo deeply surprised by this young man again.

"If you say that, I'm relieved. I don't have much power left. I will continue to sleep, and I will wake up when necessary. Next, it's up to you." Ju Mo said, looking deeply at Lin Chen After one glance, he slowly closed his eyes.

Immediately afterwards, that huge body actually slowly disappeared, disappearing into the sky. This scene, like a miracle, deeply shocked the entire Xiaoqian world.

Lin Chen stared at the direction where the giant demon disappeared, and he realized that there was a huge mysterious power that he couldn't match, and he couldn't explore it.

After a long time, he slowly came back to his senses, looked at the source of the beginning god, with a complex expression, he slowly stretched out his palm, and took the source of the beginning god into his hand.

With a long sigh, his figure slowly fell, Lin Chen looked very tired, at this moment, he was really exhausted physically and mentally.

"Let's go, go back to Dragon Emperor Domain first."

After waving his hands, Lin Chen led the crowd and headed straight for Longdiyu.

After returning to the Dragon Emperor Domain, he left these things to other people, and Lin Chen retreated directly.

Now that he has reached the emperor's realm at this moment, he is going to start refining the source of the primordial god and march towards a higher level. The time left for him is really running out.

There are only six years left to the ten-year agreement with the alien species, and the time required to refine the source of the beginning god is definitely not just six years.

Therefore, Lin Chen thought of Bei Luo Zetian.

With Bei Luo Zetian's current ability, it is already very easy to create an environment similar to the flow of time in Shenyuan Castle, so Lin Chen invited Bei Luo Zetian to help.

As for Bei Luo Zetian, although he did not get the source of the beginning god, it is impossible to say how much he hated Lin Chen. After all, the two have always been enemies and friends. Tianxin was convinced, and he was not stupid. At this moment, only by letting Lin Chen refine the source of the primordial god can he have hope to deal with the coming catastrophe.

Therefore, he didn't refuse, but he readily helped Lin Chen, and arranged an environment where the flow of time reached 80 times faster. If he cultivated here, Lin Chen could practice for [-] years in one year in the outside world!

This is already terrifying. Looking at the whole world, there is no one who can do it like Bei Luo Zetian.

However, the price is that during this period, Bei Luo Zetian must stay close to each other in order to maintain it.

Regarding this, Lin Chen thought for a while and did not refuse. Moreover, this was also an opportunity for Bei Luo Zetian to exercise. While maintaining the flow of time, his cultivation base would continue to improve.

What's more, Lin Chen is here to refine the source of the god of origin, and Bei Luo Zetian is on the side, saying that there is no benefit, that is impossible.

Therefore, Bei Luo Zetian also has a little selfishness.

Lin Chen didn't point out this, so the two began a long retreat.

As for the outside world, under the management of everyone in the Holy Dragon Hall, everything was in order. After seeing Lin Chen's strength, those who had some thoughts at first also calmed down.

What's more, under Lin Chen's behest, news about the imminent invasion of alien species spread throughout Xiaoqian World, causing everyone to be in danger, and all warriors worked hard to cultivate, presenting a thriving scene. scene.

The Xiaoqian world at this moment is united like never before.

As for the strong man who was comparable to the Devil Emperor before, after some weighing, he actually directly joined Lin Chen's Holy Dragon Alliance. With his presence, and the low-level continent, there are constantly a lot of resources entering the Xiaoqian world , the strength of all warriors has soared in a short period of time.

Time passed quickly, and Lin Chen already knew that the scene of the sky-watching treasure box was unstoppable, that is to say, the scene of the alien species invading the Holy Dragon Palace and killing Ouyang Ao was real.

However, it is impossible for him to tell Ouyang Ao now that he is about to die, it is too cruel.

He just made up his mind that in the future, he will use all his efforts to bring back all the people who died in this war.

Therefore, under the eighty times the speed of time, he practiced desperately to refine the source of the god of beginning, and gradually changed his own small world.

Lin Chen didn't really understand the cultivation after the emperor's realm, and he didn't ask the magic sheep, but followed his inner instinct, and evolved this small world in the direction of one universe, with the secret code of the universe in his body, This is the best teacher. Even today, the scene of the birth of the universe still deeply shocked Lin Chen.

If one day his small world can truly become a universe, then Lin Chen can definitely sweep everything away!
(End of this chapter)

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