Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 718 Tears of Chaos

Chapter 718 Tears of Chaos
Chapter 710 Tears of Chaos

Hearing the words of the king of alien species, Wang Shaowei's heart sank.

At this time, although he has the strength to wipe out all the alien species, if he is to face the existence of Shishen level, he is still somewhat powerless.

The power of Daoyuan may be able to deal with false gods and true gods, but it is undoubtedly not enough to face Shishen who has reached the peak.

"Dragon Emperor, why do you want to be called emperor? Isn't he a powerhouse at the level of the Divine Dao?" Lin Chen asked.

Hearing this, the King of Alien Species looked very yearning, and his eyes were full of excitement.

"The realm of the divine way has three levels, false gods, true gods, and Shishen. Among the levels of Shishen, the most powerful one is called the god emperor. This word emperor is the real emperor, representing the ultimate, far away. It is not comparable to the so-called imperial realm."


Lin Chen finally understood why the Golden Dragon Shishen called himself the emperor. It turned out that he could call himself the emperor even in the divine way!
"Then who is the most powerful person in our great world?" Lin Chen asked.

He didn't know much about this, and now, the King of Alien Species is undoubtedly the best answer.

The situation is stronger than people, how dare the king of alien species not answer truthfully.

"The Great Thousand World is really a magical world. The cultivation environment in this world is not very good, and it is obviously heading towards exhaustion, but there are still many amazingly talented and powerful people born."

Having said that, the King of Alien Species took a special look at Lin Chen, Wang Shaowei, and Bei Luo Zetian.

These people are all the best in the past and the present. Born in any era, it would be a nightmare for others, but now, they were all born in the same era.

"Back then, in the Great Thousand World, there was a God Emperor sitting in town, known as the God of War Equaling the Heavens. My alien race, with a large number of gods, died in his hands. In the last battle, he and the Golden Dragon God Emperor fought against each other from the Great Thousand World. Above the sky, outside the world, it has never appeared again."

Monkey King!

"What a domineering name..." Lin Chen read the name of the Monkey King, as if he could already imagine the fierceness of that battle.

The Golden Dragon God Emperor is still in the universe outside of the East Pole Continent at this moment, and his eight-clawed Golden Dragon Martial Soul and the star-studded phenomena are all from his handwriting.

At this moment, the Golden Dragon God Emperor still has one breath left, so, is the Equaling Heaven God of War still alive?

Lin Chen's thoughts had drifted away.

At the same time, Wang Shaowei looked at the King of Alien Species and asked a question.

"The Motian tribe is so tyrannical, what chance do we have of winning? Even if our two tribes join forces, we will not be opponents. In this case, I might as well kill you first and get rid of a threat."

Such words are so murderous that people have no doubt that Wang Shaowei will violently kill people in the next moment.

Seeing this, the King of the Alien Species turned cold all over, and hurriedly said: "No, no! The one who arrived first was only a legion, and the strongest in the legion was only at the level of the true god. At the beginning, there was a Shishen who had been Kill the Golden Dragon God Emperor!"

"And with your strength, we join forces, and when they arrive, we will definitely catch them all. Even if they pass the news back, it will be a thousand years later when the army arrives. By then..."

Having said that, the King of Alien Species set his sights on Lin Chen.

Obviously, what he meant was that by that time, with Lin Chen's talent, he would definitely be able to match Shishen, and it would even be possible to step into the realm of God Emperor.

After all, he had never seen a person with infinite possibilities like Lin Chen.

More importantly, Lin Chen possessed both the power of the alien race and the power of the Motian tribe. The power of these two tribes was not a threat to Lin Chen!
Perhaps, this was also the original intention of Jinlong Shishen. What he wanted was to cultivate a person like Lin Chen to deal with today's situation.

With his foresight in the realm of a god emperor, he may have already expected such a day.

Of course, what to say now is just a guess. In this situation, we can only take one step at a time.

Taking a deep breath, Lin Chen looked at the Alien King, his brows still frowning.

"Having said so much, I still can't fully trust you."

Indeed, even if it was hype, it was all just one-sided words of the King of Alien Species. As for whether it was true, who else could Lin Chen ask?
Gritting his teeth, the King of Alien Species said sincerely: "I assure you of the Alien Species, there is nothing false in what I said, and I can give you a great benefit!"

Staring at this person, Lin Chen wanted to see what he could come up with.

As if he had made a lot of determination, the alien king spread out his palm, and a chaotic color appeared in it. Immediately afterwards, a piece of chaotic crystal, which can be called a skillful creation, appeared in front of everyone's eyes.

Immediately, all the colors in this piece of heaven and earth seemed to be replaced, and what was left was just that smear of chaos!
"The reason why my alien race suffered annihilation is because of this tear of chaos."

"At the beginning, a true god of our clan traveled to the universe. By chance, he got this piece of Tears of Chaos in the place where Chaos originated. A brutal massacre!"

"In the past few years of fleeing, although I tried my best to understand, I still didn't gain much. Maybe it's my alien race, which is not friendly enough to be chaotic, but your human race is different. People like Lin Chen have infinite strength. possible!"

"I give you this piece of Tears of Chaos, which is enough to show my sincerity!"

As the King of Alien Species said, he actually threw this piece of Tears of Chaos directly to Lin Chen.

After receiving the Tears of Chaos, Lin Chen felt the aura that was much thicker than the original source of God, and his whole heart was filled with astonishment.

How could such a precious thing be given to yourself in such an understatement?

As if seeing Lin Chen's question, the King of Alien Species smiled wryly, and said, "In the eyes of others, this thing is extremely precious, but for my alien race group, it is a disaster!"

"If it weren't for the Tears of Chaos, we wouldn't have to suffer the catastrophe. In order to protect it, too many people have died. I'm really tired, and I don't want to refine it anymore. In the eyes of our alien species, this thing unknown!"

Nodding his head, he could understand this kind of psychology. Lin Chen accepted the tears of chaos and looked at the King of Alien Species again. The hostility in his eyes was no longer so strong.

In the final analysis, this person was just forced to seek a continuation hope for his race.

"Since this is the case, then I will reluctantly trust you once. Let's join hands to deal with the upcoming Motian clan. I want to see how capable they are!"

(End of this chapter)

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