Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 719 Broken Miniature Universe

Chapter 719 Broken Miniature Universe
Chapter 720 Broken Miniature Universe
Accepting the Tears of Chaos meant that at this moment, Lin Chen and the others had reached an alliance with this alien species.

Of course, Lin Chen was not so naive as to seriously think that the two sides had turned enemies into friends.

He remembered very clearly what Gai Jiuyou said back then.

In this world, there has never been an eternal enemy, nor an eternal friend.

At this moment, the alliance with the alien species is just forced by the situation. Lin Chen doesn't think that the alien species has only this ability. You must know that the Golden Dragon God Emperor outside the East Pole Continent must have set up an extremely perfect backhand. Even if Wang Shaowei wants to It may not be possible to kill all the alien species!
Lin Chen still knew the reason why the poor should not chase after them.

If this alien species is pushed into a hurry today, they will jump over the wall in a hurry, and the members of the Holy Dragon League present will definitely be difficult to take care of.

This was Lin Chen's biggest concern.

Seeing that Lin Chen agreed to the alliance, the King of Alien Species also breathed a sigh of relief. If they really wanted to fight to the death today, their Alien Species might really be wiped out.

But right now, such a result is naturally the best for both parties.

"Since this is the case, you should go back first. Our side also needs to adjust." Lin Chen waved his hand and said.

In this battle, there were also many casualties on the side of the Holy Dragon League, as strong as Ouyang Ao was already smashed to pieces, and the rest of the fighters suffered heavy casualties.

Many people looked at the many alien species in the sky, wishing to eat their flesh and blood, and some people did not understand the actions of such an alliance, and hated Lin Chen and others.

Watching the many different species leave, Lin Chen didn't feel so relaxed. He knew that things in the future would be even more difficult.

"I'm going to take a trip to the East Pole Continent."

With a low voice, Lin Chen still had a lot of doubts in his heart, so he could only go to the Golden Dragon God Emperor for verification.

At this moment, Lin Chen has transformed into a butterfly from a cocoon, and has perfectly broken into the emperor's realm. For him, it is already very simple to go back and forth between the East Pole Continent and the Lingxiu Small Thousand Realm.

After all the alien species had left, Lin Chen arranged a little more, arranged some things, and then left without stopping.

His figure tore apart the space, and he shuttled through the turbulent flow of space, heading towards the East Pole Continent.

The body surface releases the small world guardian. Although the small world is quite severely damaged at this time, it is quite easy to deal with such spatial turbulence.

After reaching the Emperor Realm, Lin Chen finally took the real initiative for the first time in this turbulent space. He released his consciousness and explored in all directions.

The alien species and the Motian tribe, as well as the Senluo Demon Tablet in his body, and the sky-watching treasure box, all come from outside the sky, in a distant world, and in this world, apart from the East Pole Continent, there are other low-level continents, the same, Outside of the Lingxiu Small Thousand World, there are also other Small Thousand Worlds.

At this time, Lin Chen released his thoughts to explore these secret places hidden in the turbulent flow of space.

And this kind of investigation, unexpectedly has the effect very quickly.

Lin Chen was shocked to find that behind the turbulent flow not far away, there was actually a stable space channel. Behind that channel, there was a faint sense of summoning, which made a certain force in his body feel a little ready to move.

There was a flash of light in his eyes, Lin Chen thought for a while, and then flew towards the passage.

The world is so big, every place contains great opportunities, like that Mo Fan, just because he refined a piece of Tianjiliuyin, he can block the attack of the king of alien species!
Although Lin Chen had many opportunities and treasures, no one would think too much of such things.

What's more, Lin Chen was also very curious about the summoning feeling behind the passage, so he rushed in directly.

And as he entered the passage, the ubiquitous spatial turbulence disappeared immediately, replaced by an extremely powerful coercion, which made it difficult for Lin Chen to breathe.

Shocked in his heart, Lin Chen felt that if he was a strong man in the Holy Realm, he might be crushed and turned into minced meat just after entering here!

Even though he is in the imperial realm at the moment, every step he takes is extremely difficult.

However, Lin Chen didn't have the slightest intention of retreating, on the contrary, his heart became hot.

There is no other reason, it is because at this moment, he clearly felt that the Dragon Jielong Martial Soul in his body roared excitedly, causing his body to glow with blue light, faintly and deep in the passage, there was a wave of connect.

"This place is actually related to the Motian clan!"

His heart beat a little faster. Until now, Lin Chen had never really come into contact with the so-called Motian clan. He never thought that under this accident, traces of the Motian clan could be detected.

Knowing one's enemy and knowing one's own will never end in a hundred battles. Lin Chen's understanding of the Motian clan is pitiful, and it may be difficult to tell the truth about the alien species. Therefore, this exploration is very important!
Lin Chen quickened his pace, and soon, he saw a dilapidated miniature universe at the end of the passage!

"Death, the universe is immortal, this is a strong man in the realm of true gods!"

Lin Chen took a deep breath.

The miniature universe in front of him is obviously extremely dilapidated and has no owner, which proves that the owner of this miniature universe has long since died, and at least he is also a strong person in the realm of true gods.

You know, the opportunity to observe the miniature universe is very rare. What's more, in this miniature universe, it is very likely that there are inheritances or treasures left by the original Shinto powerhouse!

Lin Chen's small world wrapped his body, took a step, and entered this miniature universe.

And within this miniature universe, it is filled with endless blue chaotic air currents, and there is a destructive power in it, which makes people frightened.

Jielong Wuhun let out a roar, and automatically emerged. Immediately, the blue energy around him surged into the body of Jielong Wuhun crazily, as if he had found a vent.

With a movement in Lin Chen's heart, he clapped his palms, and there were already streaks of purple-gold domineering flames enveloping Jielong Wuhun's body. Immediately, within these blue air currents, there were crackling sounds, streaks of black The destructive gas was burned out.


Lin Chen was secretly startled.

There is already a destructive force in the power of the Motian clan. After being burned by the karmic fire, Jielong Wuhun no longer has such characteristics, but if these forces are absorbed at this moment, I am afraid that it will make Jie Long Wuhun's fierceness was even worse, which was definitely not what Lin Chen wanted to see.

Although it is his own martial soul, what Lin Chen wants is absolute control over it. If the Jielong martial soul turns against him when he is dealing with the Motian clan in the future, it will definitely be a big deal for Lin Chen. hit.

Therefore, there is no room for sloppyness.

Between waving hands, more and more purple-gold flames emerged, refining the cyan airflow, and the refined airflow became clear and very gentle, after being absorbed by Jielong Wuhun, making this Wuhun , there is a change again.

(End of this chapter)

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