Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 727 Longyou is big!

Chapter 727 Longyou Daqian!

Chapter 720 The eighth chapter of Longyou Daqian!
Skyscraper Ancient Seal!

With the appearance of this ancient seal, it seems that in the whole world, there is only this dark blue ancient seal that can be said to be extremely powerful.

The Mosha clansman stood in place, facing such an attack, he was completely locked, and it was even difficult for him to move.

His whole body trembled, and he looked at the ancient seal in disbelief, his eyes full of disbelief.

"Mo, the Motian clan...how is this possible, how can you have the power of the Motian clan..."

This is the absolute overlord in one star field, blessed by nature, even if it is other demon killers, they dare not offend the slightest bit.

It is as strong as a foreign species, and it is not that under the pursuit of the Motian clan, it is almost exterminated, but now, this human race has an extremely rare Motian ancient seal even among the Motian clan!

How can this be?

The whole person felt dizzy, and the Demon Killers looked at Lin Chen in a daze. In his world, there was only a deep blue skyscraper ancient seal in front of him, which rapidly enlarged in his pupils.

It exploded like thunder, and the Motian ancient seal came to the front of the Mosha people in an instant, and exploded suddenly, bursting out an aura that can be called heaven and earth. If it was not for the resistance of Lin Chen's miniature universe, I am afraid that at this moment The entire Little Thousand World was about to be blown up.

It is no longer a fantasy, but it is indeed possible to be so strong that you can destroy a continent and a small thousand worlds with just a few gestures!
And under such a powerful attack, the body of the demon killer clansman exploded in an instant, turning into a puff of black mist, but this time, the black mist could not condense again up.

The dark blue power seems to contain the most domineering power in the entire world, frantically strangling the black mist, and in just a few breaths, all the mist has been covered by the dark blue, without any trace , and the aura that belonged to the demon-killing clansman also completely dissipated, leaving nothing behind.

At the same time, in the entire Xiaoqian world, all the people who were affected by this person's evil energy also returned to normal at this time.

Lin Chen was still a little uneasy. After confirming again and again that he was indeed dead, he breathed a sigh of relief, and his face turned pale.

This Motian ancient seal is too domineering, even if he has reached the realm of the divine way, it is still a bit reluctant to use it. During the process of using it, he suffered a little backlash, and at the same time the energy and blood in his body surged, his strength was consumed a lot .

However, fortunately this time, this guy was still solved.

Otherwise, this would definitely be a huge disaster for the entire Xiaoqian world.

Slowly putting away the miniature universe, Lin Chen's figure looked in the direction of the giant's death, and bowed deeply.

"Senior's kindness, this junior thank you on behalf of the entire Little Thousand World. If there is a chance, Lin Chen will do his best to revive senior. If you break this oath, you will die!"

Lin Chen had great admiration for Jumon.

If it weren't for the desperate attack of the giant demon, I am afraid that it would be difficult for him to kill the Mosha clansman today.

Fortunately, this huge trouble was finally solved by him.

Landing from the sky, seeing that everyone was fine, Lin Chen felt relieved.

"It seems that during this period of time, you have a great opportunity again. You boy, you are really blessed!" Wang Shaowei patted Lin Chen's shoulder and said.

"With the strength of the seniors, you should be able to condense the miniature universe and break into the divine way, and Beiluo Zetian, I think you are not far away, I will tell you the experience of condensing the miniature universe later." Lin Chen said .

At this moment, his base camp has been transferred from the East Pole Continent to Xiaoqian World. The people here are all his relatives and friends, and the people he wants to protect are also his initial obsession in the path of cultivation.

But he can't stay here forever. After breaking into the divine way, he will go to the Great Thousand World. Therefore, he must improve the strength of everyone so that they can protect themselves.

After all, a Demon Killer may appear today, and a stronger enemy may appear tomorrow.

So next, Lin Chen gathered all the people and unfolded the miniature universe again. In this miniature universe, he gave a sermon!
Lin Chen became the perfect emperor. He had already understood the Three Thousand Great Ways and integrated them into the small world. Then he refined the source of the primordial god, transformed the small world into a miniature universe, and further achieved the divine way. It can be said that this universal There is nothing he can't know about the avenue below.

At this time, Sanskrit sounds circulated in the miniature universe, and the avenue filled the air. It was the most suitable place for cultivation. In addition to Lin Chen's solution, in just a few days, a large number of people made breakthroughs.

This is not over yet, Lin Chen's sermon this time lasted for three full years.

These three years were not only a huge improvement for others, but also a consolidation for Lin Chen himself. He saw his own way of the road more clearly and benefited a lot.

Within three years, almost everyone had broken through at least once, and Beiluo Zetian even had a direct comprehension and entered the closed door, claiming that the day he left the closed door was the time when he broke into the divine way.

As for Wang Shaowei, he had to be slower, he was taking the ultimate road, and even Lin Chen couldn't help him much.

Needless to say, Mo Yang, his background is deeper than Lin Chen, and the Devil Emperor has gained a lot, as well as Zuo Lao, Su Lao, Yan Nantian, Che Wenhai, Xiao Yu, Xia Xinxuan, Su Jin'er, and so on.

From the East Pole Continent to Xiaoqian World, all the beauties and friends Lin Chen made were listening to Lin Chen's preaching. It can be said that in just three years, everyone's strength has greatly improved. The entire Xiaoqian World The fighting power is almost a leap forward!

At the same time as the three-year period expired, Lin Chen felt that the rejection of him from this small thousand world was getting stronger and stronger. After all, at this moment, he was considered a strong man of the divine way, and he was going to ascend to the great thousand world .

It was already difficult to forcefully stay here for three years. At this time, it was time for Lin Chen to leave.

Looking up at the sky, Lin Chen's eyes glowed with fire. Finally, he is finally going to the legendary Great Thousand World!
There, it will be even more exciting, full of endless mysteries, and the world of gods and dao is rampant, waiting for Lin Chen to explore.

"Everyone, let Lin Chen go!"

With a long laugh, Lin Chen's figure soared into the sky at this moment, like the nine-day dragon, soaring in the sky, stepping on the clouds in an instant, breaking the sky.

At the same time, Xiaoqian World trembled, and above the sky, a passage appeared, as if connecting a wider and more powerful world, exuding an unparalleled aura.

Lin Chen turned his head and glanced for the last time, and then, there was a touch of joy in his eyes, and he stepped into it with a step, and completely disappeared in this small world.

From then on, Longyou Daqian!
(End of this chapter)

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