Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 728 Dongsheng Shenzhou

Chapter 728 Dongsheng Shenzhou
Chapter 720 IX Dongsheng Shenzhou

Set foot on the divine way, break through the sky and soar!
There is no doubt that the existence of Lin Chen will be an important stroke in the history of the entire Xiaoqian world. His name will be passed down forever and become an immortal legend.

Under everyone's gaze, Lin Chen's figure pierced through the air and disappeared into this small world. The passage above the sky also slowly closed at this moment, and finally, everything returned to calm at this moment .

"Lin Chen is really the Nine Heavens True Dragon. If he goes to the Great Thousand World, it is conceivable that he will set off an unprecedented wave!" the Devil Emperor murmured.

Indeed, people like Lin Chen are destined to be wonderful wherever they go!
"Shinto, I'm not far away." Bei Luo Zetian secretly took a breath, he had already been distanced by Lin Chen, but he didn't want to give up, no matter what, he had to fight hard.

Everyone looked at the sky, each with their own thoughts, and it took a long time before they slowly came back to their senses.

But for a long time to come, the name of Lin Chen became the only theme in the entire Xiaoqian world, and a huge statue of Lin Chen was erected in the Holy Dragon League, which was loved by the whole world. worship.

But at this time, how did Lin Chen know this? When his figure entered the passage, he immediately felt an unparalleled strangulation force. This passage was different from any passage he had experienced before. same.If the previous passages could be forcibly passed through by external force, then at this moment, as long as there is no cultivation base of the divine way, they will surely die!

If you don't enter the divine way, you don't have the qualifications to set foot in the great world!

Therefore, no one can take advantage of this loophole.

In a single thought, the extremely splendid miniature universe has unfolded, protecting Lin Chen's figure and blocking the extremely terrifying space turbulence in all directions, allowing him to move forward steadily, within this space channel, towards the Great Thousand World go.

Lin Chen could feel that the journey might be a bit long, so, sitting cross-legged in the miniature universe, he paid attention to the situation around him, and entered the retreat directly.

When he first entered the Shinto, he still has a lot of insights to digest. Once his strength is settled, his combat effectiveness will be raised to another level.


In the dead and cold passage, a mysterious miniature universe rotates, in which thousands of stars twinkle, causing an unspeakable fluctuation, and one of the figures sits upright, full of sacred aura.

In a blink of an eye, it was three years.

Three years is not long or short, but for those who have entered the divine way, it is just the blink of an eye.

Lin Chen slowly opened his eyes, and also saw a faint light in the distance. He understood that the Great Thousand World was finally coming.

An unstoppable sense of anticipation appeared in his heart, Lin Chen stood up slowly, he understood that he was finally going to reach the wonderful and infinite land in the legend.

After three years of retreat, he has completely stabilized his cultivation at the level of the False God Realm, and his every move is like a god, full of unpredictable power.

In the miniature universe, the endless array of stars turned into a butterfly of the avenue, with purple-gold flames, holding up Lin Chen, and slammed into a barrier at the end of the passage ahead.

This is the last obstacle to enter the Great Thousand World!

In this world, it is impossible for any external force to forcibly break through. Only one's own spiritual cultivation is the only pass to pass this barrier.

Purple gold flames flooded, and Lin Chen's figure, like a broken bamboo, broke through this barrier, and then, with a dodge, his eyes suddenly opened up.

A surge of heaven and earth energy so rich that he couldn't put it into words poured into his body crazily at this moment, even above the sky, causing a huge vortex that shocked all directions.

Scanning his eyes, Lin Chen saw that he was in the sky above the sea, and there was a huge difference between this world and the world of Xiaoqian.

First of all, this rich energy is unprecedented. Moreover, the energy between the heaven and the earth seems to carry a kind of divine power, which can make the warrior's strength even stronger.

Secondly, the gravity here is very strong, Lin Chen can easily ascend to heaven and earth in Xiaoqian world, but here, he feels oppressed.

The salty sea breeze was blowing in front of him, Lin Chen naturally understood that he had come to Dongsheng Shenzhou.

The Great Thousand World is vast and boundless, and it is built on an endless ocean, divided into four states. The first thing Lin Chen saw was a huge black tower on the endless sea in the distance, piercing into the sky. It is the landmark building of Dongsheng Shenzhou, the Dongsheng Tower.

Secretly heaving a sigh of relief, Lin Chen learned from the demon sheep that the ruler of Dongsheng Shenzhou is a strong man called the Emperor of Hundred Wars, and he has never been in harmony with Gai Jiuyou. He is here, but he is not worried Gai Jiuyou was able to attack him.

"Gai Jiuyou is nothing more than a true god. My current combat power, an ordinary virtual god, is definitely not my opponent. If I go to the Dongsheng God Tower and strive to reach the top, my combat power will definitely be greatly improved!"

Lin Chen already had a plan in mind, and he wanted to leave immediately.

It's just that at this moment above the sky, the huge vortex is still spinning, and the powerful energy of heaven and earth is continuously pouring into Lin Chen's body, replacing the original power in his body.

The energy here is full of divinity, and naturally it is not comparable to the small world. Lin Chen deduces that after completing this energy conversion, his own strength can be increased by at least [-]%.

At this moment, [-]% is definitely not to be underestimated.

Standing on the sky, Lin Chen was even more surprised when he realized the laws of heaven and earth in the great world while changing his power.

This Great Thousand World is to the Small Thousand World, just like the Small Thousand World is to the East Pole Continent!
The energy here is divine, and the laws are even more perfect, far surpassing the Three Thousand Ways. Only then did Lin Chen realize that his own way is far from being truly perfect, and needs to be constantly improved. This is also his way of the divine way a beginning.


The vortex roared, and forces from all directions swept in, making the calm sea surface full of monstrous waves. Lin Chen's figure was like a god, which made people fear.

This transformation lasted for a full five days. Only then did Lin Chen feel that all the power in his body had completed the transformation, and the power had increased by as much as [-]%. step.

Joyful in his heart, Lin Chen was about to head towards the direction of the Dongsheng Divine Pagoda in the distance, but at this moment, on the surface of the sea in the distance, there was an explosion, and immediately after that, there was already a figure darting out, With a bad expression on his face, he looked at Lin Chen.

"Where did you come from, wild boy, don't you know that this is my territory, Zhan Sanjin? If you dare to make such a big noise, I think you don't want to live!"

(End of this chapter)

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