Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 740 Level 3

Chapter 740 The Third Floor

Chapter 740 The Third Floor
Obviously, at this moment, Lin Chen has been frozen, and his life is gradually decreasing.

And based on everyone's understanding of this polar ice, it won't be long before Lin Chen will completely turn into an ice sculpture, and he will never be able to wake up.

"It's over, it's over..."

Zhan Sanjin wanted to cry but had no tears, he could even feel the coldness that penetrated into his soul.

The elder also clenched his fists, and finally found a perfect emperor to impersonate Situ Lingfeng, and slapped Zhou Yangpengcheng in the face, suppressing his limelight, but then, this genius was about to die !

This is really a great irony.

"Could it be that the sky is going to kill me, Situ?" The elder cried out sadly, wishing he could rush into the tower, but he knew that even if he went, it would be futile.

People trapped by the polar ice have never been able to survive. If others want to rescue them, they will end up dead!

"I didn't expect Situ Lingfeng to fall just after he appeared!"

"What a shooting star!"

"Oh, it's a pity that the perfect emperor, I have to say, his preaching is indeed better, and it has benefited us a lot!"

The surrounding audience also began to discuss, and many people were very sorry, after all, such a peerless genius was about to die.

In the entire Great Thousand Worlds, there are not many people who can perfectly become emperors, but right now, there is one less.

And when everyone was looking at the light spot that was about to go out, and kept sighing, on the second floor of the Dongsheng Tower, in Lin Chen's hand, the enchanting heart was at this moment. Suddenly trembled.


A layer of black brilliance appeared on the demon wing martial soul in the Charming Heart, as if it could pass through the ice layer, bringing an indescribable mysterious force.

The whole person seemed to be Lin Chen who was about to fall into a deep sleep, and he also woke up in an instant, feeling the biting cold again, but this time he had the ability to move again!
"I can't die here!"

Lin Chen felt ruthless in his heart, and at the same time as his palm exerted strength, he also felt that with the black brilliance gushing out from the charming heart, the biting cold could no longer trap him!

"Wu'er, you helped me again..." Lin Chen murmured, and finally withdrew his numb palm, and took a deep look at the charming heart in his hand.

At this moment, the demon's wings had become silent, as if it had never changed at all, but Lin Chen knew that his Wu'er was among them!
As for the woman in the Xuanbing in front of her, she must have some relationship with Mei Wuer, otherwise, it would be impossible for her charming heart to react.

"With my current strength, it's not enough to break through the ice!"

Lin Chen gritted his teeth, he really didn't want to give up, but the fact is here, trying again is courting death.

Can Charming Heart save him once, can it save him a second time?

"I will definitely find a way to get you out of here!" Lin Chen said, turned and left here resolutely.

At this time, outside the divine tower, the light spot representing Lin Chen finally stopped flickering and became bright again. This scene made everyone exclaim like never before.

"How is this possible, he is obviously sealed by the ice, and he is about to die!"

"That's right, the light was flickering before, he must have been frozen, it is impossible to break through!"

"Situ Lingfeng, it really is extraordinary!"

Everyone shouted in disbelief.

And Zhan Sanjin's whole body was weak, and he almost collapsed on the ground. He was panting heavily, feeling like he was alive after a catastrophe. Just now, he almost thought that he was going to die soon.

Elder Shenchao's eyes widened, and after reconfirming that Lin Chen should be fine, he let out a happy laugh.

"Hahaha, good boy, good boy, I have never heard that a False God Realm can survive from the polar ice, you really surprised me too much!"

The next thing is much simpler.

With Lin Chen's ability, after taking a few steps around, he found a way out easily and was about to leave the second floor.

Before stepping out of this world of ice and snow, Lin Chen turned his head, looked deeply at the ice layer at the core, and immediately took steps, leaving the second floor and entering the third floor.

At the same time, within the third floor, the ubiquitous gust of wind is enough to tear apart ordinary False God Realm powerhouses. Zhou Yang Pengcheng took a difficult step and spent a lot of magic weapons to defend himself before he was able to break through the third floor. And at this moment, he suddenly felt that there was an extra breath in the third layer!
"This is impossible!"

Zhou Yang Pengcheng turned pale with shock. According to his calculation, Lin Chen hadn't caught up for so long, so he must have penetrated into the dead core, was sealed by Xuanbing, and was already dead.

However, now there is one person who has boarded the third floor!
Who else could be this person besides Situ Lingfeng?
Looking back, Zhou Yangpengcheng's pupils shrank suddenly, and he saw that a blue shirt appeared in front of his eyes in the strong wind, it was Situ Lingfeng!
"You, you are not dead!"

If Zhou Yang Pengcheng was struck by lightning, could it be that Situ Lingfeng wasn't trapped by Xuanbing at all?

Lin Chen didn't say a word. Looking at the strong wind all over the sky, he also felt a little troublesome.

Inside the East Victory God Tower, there are all the most original power, simple and direct, but so powerful that it is almost impossible to resist. The strong wind here is enough to tear apart any False God Realm powerhouse. If you want to rely on your own miniature universe It is also extremely difficult to resist.

Even if Zhou Yang Pengcheng became the emperor perfectly, he still had to spend a lot of treasures to defend himself before he successfully broke through.

On Lin Chen's body, there is no treasure for self-defense.

"Hmph, even if you don't die, it's absolutely impossible to catch up with me!" Zhou Yangpengcheng snorted coldly, stepped away and entered the fourth floor.

At this moment, Lin Chen was the only one left on the huge third floor.

"Breaking in is not the way to go. The wind all over the sky is clearly a set of extremely powerful supernatural powers. You Zhou Yang Pengcheng can't see it, but I can see it for real!"

Lin Chen smiled. He took a step forward, displayed the miniature universe, and headed for the place where the wind was the strongest. Although his steps were slow, they were extremely steady.

"That kid, he is going to the center of the strong wind again, what is he going to do!" The elder jumped angrily.

Lin Chen could clearly choose some less dangerous routes to break through the third floor, but he chose to go to the place where the wind is strongest, isn't this just courting death!

"Elder, there are rumors that there is a powerful magical technique contained in the strong wind on the third floor. Do you think the master wants to use this to gain insights!" Zhan Sanjin seemed to have thought of something, and said cautiously.

Hearing this, the elder snorted softly: "Hmph, throughout the ages, there have been many talented people with even more amazing talents who entered, but no one has ever been able to succeed. Although Ling Feng is evil, I don't think there is much hope. It's to catch up with Zhou Yangpengcheng!"

(End of this chapter)

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