Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 741 comprehend supernatural powers

Chapter 741 comprehend supernatural powers

Chapter 740 Second Comprehension of Supernatural Powers

Zhan Sanjin wanted to say something more when he heard the words, but seeing the elder's unkind expression, he didn't dare to say more.

In his opinion, the possibility of Zhou Yangpengcheng reaching the top is almost zero.

After all, countless ancestors have tried it before, and there are many perfect emperors among them, but no one has ever been able to climb to the top of the Dongsheng Tower. Although Zhou Yangpengcheng is a genius, he is definitely not the top in the long river of history.

Therefore, there is no need for Lin Chen to rush to catch up. If he can realize this supernatural power, it will be considered a huge gain.

It's just that the elder is a fan of the authorities, so he naturally couldn't think of this.

As for Lin Chen, the confidence in his heart told him that even if he delayed at this moment, he would definitely be able to catch up with Zhou Yang Pengcheng!

Although this person is a genius, he is not worthy to be his opponent.

Sitting cross-legged in the place where the wind is the densest in the entire third-layer world, Lin Chen felt that even with the protection of the miniature universe, he was still cut by the gust of wind, leaving the entire miniature universe covered in scars.

This can already be said to be the most original wind power in the world.

If you go one step further, you can reach the level of Wang Shaowei's so-called Daoyuan power.

Thinking of this, Lin Chen admired Wang Shaowei even more in his heart. Being able to realize the power of Daoyuan in the Xiaoqian world, this talent can really be called a monster.

After all, even in the Dongsheng Divine Pagoda at this moment, there is no power of Daoyuan yet. Whether it is the flames on the first floor, the ice on the second floor, or the strong wind on the third floor, they are all just approaching. If you want to truly transform into the power of Daoyuan, it is still a little bit worse.

"Absorb it!"

Lin Chen yelled angrily, and behind him, a sacred blue dragon shadow had manifested. Immediately afterwards, Jielong Wuhun roared, and a strong suction burst out, causing the surrounding gusts to shudder. At this moment, he passed through the miniature universe and entered Jielong's body.

Jielong Transformation!
Even at the current level, this natal soul skill can still be used, which also shocked Lin Chen even more. The so-called power of the Motian clan is really strong to the extreme.

You know, at this moment, even the eight-clawed golden dragon, which represents the power of a different species, and the original soul skill of the golden scale change are not very useful. Even if it is used, it can only increase a little power, but this catastrophe The dragon has changed, but it is still strong.

This proves that the strength of the Motian clan is beyond the alien species.

This is also the reason why they were able to nearly exterminate the alien species.

As Lin Chen performed Jielong's transformation, he immediately absorbed all the violent winds in the surrounding area into the body of Jielong's martial soul. Immediately, Lin Chen separated a violent wind and began to examine it carefully.

The third world is filled with countless gusts, but the law of each gust is the same, as long as one can successfully comprehend it, one can control this power.

Lin Chen was immersed in it, and time passed.

Soon, there was a series of discussions from the outside world, and everyone looked at the motionless red light spot, full of surprise in their hearts.

"This Situ Lingfeng, why did you stop moving?"

"What the hell is he doing? Is it because he wants to realize that the legendary skill of the mountain is not successful?"

"Impossible, no one has ever been able to succeed, because only the False God Realm can enter the tower, but the False God Realm, it is impossible to last for a long time in the strong wind, and it is impossible to become a perfect emperor!"

Soon someone revealed the mystery.

Indeed, no one can comprehend success, not because they are not talented enough, but because they don't have enough time!

Even if he becomes a perfect emperor, it is difficult to persist in the strong wind for too long, and, in the eyes of many people, it is not worth wasting precious protective treasures for such an illusory supernatural power, so few people will this way.

As time goes by, no one is willing to comprehend it at all, just like Zhou Yang Pengcheng before, in fact, he already knew that there was a supernatural power here, but he didn't even think about comprehending it.

What he wants is to get rid of Lin Chen as soon as possible and reach the summit as soon as possible, so as to obtain the crystal of Shenzhou. In comparison, the so-called supernatural powers are not in his eyes at all.

After all, as the No.1 of the younger generation of the Zhoutian Divine Dynasty, he can choose all the resources in the Divine Dynasty at will, so what is a mere magical power?
At this time, Zhou Yangpengcheng had already entered the fourth floor. In front of his eyes, there was a mountain of sharp knives, formed by the condensed power of almost the strongest golden sharpness in the world. If he wanted to walk over, he had to endure unimaginable pain .

Where did Zhou Yangpengcheng suffer from such suffering? He immediately took out the magic weapon to help him resist the pain of the knife mountain, and walked forward.

"Hmph, that Situ Lingfeng hasn't caught up yet. I think he's just a vain name. Compared with me, he's still far behind!"

Thinking of this in his heart, Zhou Yangpengcheng walked forward quickly, enduring the pain in his heart, and kept taking out the treasures for self-defense.

It has to be said that Zhou Tianshenchao treated him really well, for fear that he would die in an accident, so he has a huge number of magic weapons for protection, so that the mountain of swords can't hurt him at all.

"Zhou Yangpengcheng is so good, he has almost passed the fourth floor, while Situ Lingfeng is still dawdling on the third floor!"

"I think Situ Lingfeng is good at preaching, and Chuangta is still not as good as Zhou Yang Pengcheng!"

"It's been so long, and Situ Lingfeng has been standing there. It stands to reason that he should have been torn apart by the strong wind long ago!"

Indeed, in fact, Lin Chen's situation is already very bad.

The miniature universe has been bearing the attack of the strong wind, scarred and close to collapse, but Lin Chen is still comprehending this supernatural power.

This kind of thing has always been rushed. It is possible to learn a supernatural technique and be in meditation for decades. It is really difficult for Lin Chen to complete the comprehension in such a short period of time.

"A little bit more..."

Lin Chen murmured, he felt that he was very close to the completion of his comprehension, and he was only a step away.

And at this time, his miniature universe finally couldn't hold on any longer, and began to collapse.

With a bang, a huge rift was torn open, and a violent gust of wind rushed into Lin Chen's miniature universe, destroying everything wantonly.

At the same time, the red dot representing Lin Chen also started to flicker!

"Look! Situ Lingfeng can't hold it anymore!"

"His light spots started to flicker again. He was lucky last time. This time, he is very likely to die in this third level!"

"He is too arrogant. No one has ever been able to realize success. Why can he?"

A series of voices sounded, making Zhan Sanjin's heart hang again.

Elder Shen Chao's complexion became even uglier, his aura dissipated, and he snorted coldly, immediately making those who spoke fell silent.

But then, he was full of worry and looked at the light spot representing Lin Chen.

"You kid, what are you doing!"

(End of this chapter)

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