Chapter 742
Chapter 740: The World of Wind Perishing

"A little bit, just a little bit!"

Lin Chen devoted himself to the realization, he felt that he was very close.

Under the ubiquitous gust of wind, in Lin Chen's eyes, it is no longer the wind, but a series of unspeakable principles, which are constructed and transformed into a magical power!
Above the sky, at the same time as the thunder exploded, Lin Chen's miniature universe was finally overwhelmed and could no longer block the slightest gust of wind, which also made the most intensive gust of wind on the entire third floor sweep in at this moment, wrapping towards Lin Chen's body.

At this time, Lin Chen no longer had any protection. Once he was wrapped by the strong wind, he would be crushed in an instant.

However, at this critical moment, the ubiquitous violent wind whirl stopped suddenly, making the blue shirt among them extraordinarily dazzling.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Chen's eyes opened suddenly, and there seemed to be endless wind sounds in his pupils!
"Great supernatural power, the realm of wind perishing!"

The deep voice rang out, which also caused the whirlwind of the entire third-level world to roar at this moment, surrounding him, once again condensing a miniature universe.

However, strictly speaking, this miniature universe is a world full of endless winds, full of destruction.

"What a great supernatural power!"

Lin Chen was amazed and stood up with joy in his eyes.

Although it was dangerous this time, he finally succeeded in realizing it and obtained this great supernatural power. Lin Chen felt that although this technique was not as good as Motian Ancient Seal, it was not far behind.

What's more, the domain effect possessed by the Wind Perishing Realm is something that the Motian Ancient Seal does not have. Once the two are combined, the lethality will be unprecedentedly powerful.

Looking around, there was no more gust of wind in the entire third-layer world, and it was completely silent. Maybe it will happen again in the future, but it must be a long, long time later.

"Fourth floor!"

Lin Chen's eyes burst out with brilliance, and his figure surged, rushing into the fourth floor.

And such a move immediately caused an uproar in the outside world once again.

"Situ Ling is moving!"

"How could his speed be so fast, it's impossible!"

"What the hell did he do?!"

There was a sound of exclamation, and everyone's eyes were fixed on the red light spot, and they fell into an unparalleled shock.

"He succeeded!"

Elder Shenchao's pupils shrank suddenly, he didn't expect that Lin Chen really succeeded.

He had a hunch that this supernatural power would definitely be unimaginably powerful, and Lin Chen also created a history, becoming the first person to inherit this supernatural power.

"Situ Lingfeng is a god, an omnipotent god!"

Zhan Sanjin went crazy, he raised his head to the sky and roared, his eyes were full of ecstasy for the rest of his life.

Indeed, Lin Chen's every move in the tower at this time can be said to affect his life and death, as if the person who broke into the tower was not Lin Chen, but Zhan Sanjin.

"Zhou Yangpengcheng is about to break through the fourth floor, and Situ Lingfeng is absolutely impossible to catch up!" The dog leg snorted coldly, but he didn't even believe such words.

This Situ Lingfeng always seems to be able to create miracles, which is extremely shocking.

This also made him not admire Zhou Yangpengcheng so much for the first time, because at this time there has been someone who can compare with Zhou Yangpengcheng, or even overwhelm him!

"Look carefully, see if Situ Lingfeng can catch up!"

Zhan Sanjin sneered and pointed to the two light spots on the fourth floor.

As for the dog leg, when he looked back, his body suddenly froze, and his eyes were full of shock.

I saw the light spot representing Lin Chen moving fast, as if it was not hindered at all, it was about to hit the fifth floor. On the other hand, Zhou Yang Pengcheng, with the help of the treasure, was still moving at the speed of a turtle, and soon Will be caught up!
"This is impossible!"

The dog leg exclaimed, his body was weak and limp, he couldn't believe his eyes.

At the same time, the same voice came from Zhou Yangpengcheng's mouth.

Looking back, Zhou Yangpengcheng looked at the flying figure, wrapped in the endless wind, like a god, his whole body trembled like a thunderbolt.

Lin Chen was high above, surrounded by the world of wind and death, and this sharp mountain of knives couldn't resist him at all!

"The power in this tower must represent the five elements of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth, as well as the power of wind, etc. It's a pity that I didn't understand the ice and fire on the first two floors. Now the fourth floor seems to be It represents the ultimate power of golden sharpness, I must realize it once again!"

Lin Chen was not worried that Zhou Yangpengcheng would be the first to climb to the top, so he flew straight to the center of the entire huge knife mountain, and then removed the guardian of the wind perishing realm, allowing the terrifying golden sharp power to attack own body.

This time, he didn't even release the miniature universe!

Zhou Yangpengcheng's eyelids twitched wildly. He has never seen such a crazy person. Isn't he afraid of death?
It is true that no one in this world is not afraid of death, but Lin Chen's belief told him that this obstacle is nothing.

Zhou Yangpengcheng turned his head and walked forward. It took another half a day before he successfully climbed up the knife mountain and was about to enter the world of the fifth floor.

He turned his head and took a last look. Lin Chen's figure was still sitting upright, but the blood had already stained the knife mountain red, rendering a dazzling red, which was shocking.

He couldn't understand why Lin Chen insisted on it so much. He wanted supernatural powers and spells. There was everything in the Divine Dynasty. Why waste his time and life here?

He didn't know at all that Lin Chen had obtained everything by fighting all the way, and only what he got in this way was his own!

Everyone outside was too shocked to say anything. They all understood that Lin Chen would continue to comprehend and obtain the supernatural power hidden in the fourth floor.

"The origin of the five elements!"

Lin Chen shouted angrily in his heart, and a dazzling multicolored brilliance had manifested on his body surface, which was the original power of his five elements.

The power here is the power of gold in the five elements, combined with the origin of the five elements, Lin Chen's perception is faster, and he already has some eyebrows, and he feels that the magical power of the fourth level should be the same as that of the third level. There are some connections.

And just when he realized it, the news of the two breaking into the tower had already spread throughout Dongsheng Shenzhou through various channels, and the name of Situ Lingfeng was once again known to countless people.

Situ Shenchao has sent a true God Realm powerhouse to sit in town, waiting for Situ Lingfeng to come out of the tower.

The elder who discovered Lin Chen was also rewarded immediately, and his status in the Divine Dynasty was detached. Even Zhan Sanjin was recalled back to the Divine Dynasty, and gained a high status, far surpassing the original deacon level.

(End of this chapter)

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