Chapter 748 For
Chapter 740 IX For


The old man sighed.

"I had a hunch for a long time, but I didn't expect it to be such a big crisis."

Lin Chen's face was also very serious. The current Great Thousand World should no longer have the top combat power at the level of a god emperor. Once the Motian Clan comes, the entire Great Thousand World will fall into a serious crisis.

What's more, in the vast universe, there are more powerful races, such as the Demon Killing Race.

These are huge threats, and they could come at any time.

"I didn't expect to be able to form an alliance with the alien species. When I fought against the alien species, I was young. I saw those guys with my own eyes. They were really fierce." The ancestor said with emotion.

"I can't hide. If they want to come, there will be a battle. You young people, you must work hard. This time, I, Situ Shenchao, will let you take the lead in this trip to the Heavenly Temple. If you can gain something, It is also of great benefit to your Shinto path."

Nodding his head, Lin Chen clasped his fists in salute: "This junior must live up to his trust and strive for opportunities!"

The ancestor looked at Lin Chen with approval in his eyes. He knew very well how much blood and sweat this young man has put in from the low-level mainland to where he is today. Although he is not very old, he is still worthy of admiration. .

Moreover, Lin Chen's foundation is solid, and the road to the divine way will be very smooth. If there is no accident and he practices step by step, it will be a matter of time before he reaches the primordial god state.

"Before entering the Temple of Heaven, I, Situ Shenchao, have a chance to empower you with a divine spring. You can fight for it. If you get this chance, you should be able to break through and reach the False God Realm."

"You are the perfect emperor, and you need much more energy than others to break through, so you must do your best to fight for the opportunity!" the ancestor exhorted.

"Junior understands!" Lin Chen nodded, chatted with the ancestor for a while, and then retreated.

Situ Yu, who had been waiting outside, saw Lin Chen coming out, and immediately went up to meet him.

"How's it going, little friend?" Situ Yu asked.

"The ancestor told me some things to prepare me for the trip to the Heavenly Temple. I decided to compete for the opportunity to be empowered by the divine spring. I don't know, Senior Situ Yu, can you tell me in detail?" Lin Chen asked Situ Yu.

"Shenquan empowerment is a good thing. I guess if you get it, you should be able to break through the False God Realm. It will be easier to kill that Zhou Yang Pengcheng then." Situ Yu said excitedly.

The two walked out of the small valley all the way. Under Situ Yu's explanation, Lin Chen also understood the divine spring empowerment.

Situ Shenchao relies on the lofty mountains and is a place where a huge dragon vein is located. It absorbs the essence of heaven and earth and brews a divine spring, which is filled with unparalleled vast and pure divine power. Every ten years, it can be accumulated to a saturated one. State, at this time, the warrior can absorb it.

In the Situ Dynasty, such an opportunity would trigger fierce competition every time.

This time, there will be no exception.

Originally, without Lin Chen's appearance, this opportunity was almost certain to be a genius named Situ Hao, and the trip to the Heavenly Temple would also be Situ Hao's, but now, with Lin Chen appearing, Situ Hao's situation , it is not very good.

Lin Chen had already thought that he would definitely arouse the hostility of many people. The Situ Yuxin who appeared before was one of them. Now, he must inevitably start a battle with Situ Hao.

"Although Situ Hao is also a genius, he is completely inferior to you. Once before, he met Zhou Yang Pengcheng and almost escaped back, but you were able to beat Zhou Yang Pengcheng, so Situ Hao is definitely not yours. Opponent." Situ Yu said, also reassuring Lin Chen.

Indeed, Situ Hao would definitely not be able to beat Lin Chen, so this chance of divine spring empowerment could be said to be in Lin Chen's pocket.

"The competition is five days later. For these five days, you should rest at ease." While speaking, Situ Yu brought Lin Chen to a palace and arranged for Lin Chen to live there.

At the same time, Situ Yu was in a nearby temple, and he could detect any disturbance. If anyone wanted to deal with Lin Chen, he would strike immediately.

But it seemed that he was aware of Situ Yu's attention, coupled with his fear of the ancestor's attitude, these five days passed peacefully, and Lin Chen meditated peacefully. All his previous injuries had healed, and his whole body had returned to the peak state.

"Let's go, I'll take you to the side of the divine spring!"

After the fifth day passed, Situ Yu came to Lin Chen's palace and led him to the back mountain.

I saw a more and more divine aura flowing between these lofty mountains. Just breathing can make people feel that the energy in the body is getting more and more full.

"nice one!"

Lin Chen's heart was lifted, and he decided that he must get the chance to be empowered by this divine spring.

At the same time, from another direction, a group of people also gathered, and they came to the side of Shenquan at the same time as Lin Chen. A man was looking at Lin Chen with hostility.

Lin Chen didn't care, his gaze was fixed on the divine spring in front of him, and there was a look in his eyes.

This divine spring is not big, it looks like there is only one spring eye, but what gushes out of it is not water, but the extremely pure divine power of heaven and earth!
In contrast, Lin Chen immediately felt that the power in those divine crystals was very mottled.

On the other side, that young man was of course Situ Hao, who was also staring at Shenquan at the moment, with greed flashing in his eyes.

He has been coveting this divine spring empowerment for a long time. Originally, this opportunity must have belonged to him, but now Lin Chen appeared out of nowhere, which made him feel very unlucky.

He also didn't believe the nonsense that Zhou Yangpengcheng uttered.

Zhou Yangpengcheng was the perfect emperor, he almost killed him once, what kind of ability can this man in the green shirt in front of him be able to beat Zhou Yangpengcheng?
That's fine, let me, Situ Hao, beat you!

Thinking of this, Situ Hao couldn't wait to deal with Lin Chen. At this moment, figures of many elders appeared in the sky. The elder sits in charge and is in charge of the divine spring empowerment.

"Now that everyone is here, let's start." The great elder waved his hand, forming an enchantment that enveloped Lin Chen and Situ Hao's figures.

And as he was surrounded by this enchantment, Lin Chen suddenly felt that his whole body seemed to be under heavy pressure, and his back immediately bent a little. On the other hand, Situ Hao on the opposite side had no effect at all.

With a flash of thought in his mind, Lin Chen suddenly understood that it was the great elder who was making things difficult for him.

Obviously, this stubborn old man is also very xenophobic. He thinks that Lin Chen is an outsider, and he doesn't want to let Lin Chen get the opportunity to empower the divine spring.

Squinting his eyes, Lin Chen straightened up slowly, turned his head to look at the elder in the sky, and smiled brightly.

"Old man, want to deal with me? Take a good look at me, how can I defeat this Situ Hao today!"

(End of this chapter)

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