Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 749 Divine Spring Empowerment

Chapter 749 Divine Spring Empowerment
Chapter 750
Lin Chen's voice was cold, and he looked at the Great Elder with murderous intent.

Immediately, everyone understood that it was the Great Elder who was crowding out this fake Situ Lingfeng. Immediately, many people had playful smiles on their faces.

With the coercion of a true god-level powerhouse looming over him, how much can Lin Chen display his full strength?

He will definitely not be Situ Hao's opponent!

An outsider also wants to take such an opportunity and go to the Temple of Heaven?
It's just a dream!
Lin Chen stood up and looked at Situ Hao who was opposite him. Originally, he only wanted to defeat this person, but now, this guy had already developed killing intent towards him, so Lin Chen didn't want to keep his hands.

Just take this Situ Hao to stand up, let the whole Situ Shenchao take a good look, he is not easy to mess with!

"Situ Nan, what are you doing?!"

Beside the enchantment, Situ Yu stared at the great elder and yelled and questioned, but the great elder closed his eyes and didn't say a word.

Situ Yu intends to stop it, but at this moment, within the barrier, the battle has already begun.

With a loud shout, Situ Hao seemed to have revenge for killing his father with Lin Chen, his eyes were red, and a miniature universe behind him manifested, attacking Lin Chen with a roar.

"Suffer to death!"

Seeing this, Lin Chen sneered with a face full of arrogance.

"Can this thing be called a miniature universe?"

After all, with a swipe of his palm, a huge miniature universe suddenly emerged from behind him. The stars in it flowed and shone brightly, and even this enchantment couldn't stop it.

Immediately, the miniature universe of Situ Hao on the opposite side was suppressed. His universe was only [-] feet long, which was far from Lin Chen's perfect emperor.

However, this is far from over.

Lin Chen's handprints changed, and in an instant, an endless gust of wind swept away, appearing out of thin air, and overlapping with his miniature universe, causing a howling whirlwind to sweep through the entire enchantment. The realm of death.

At the same time, while the wonderful golden lines on Lin Chen's body flowed, he also cast Indestructible King Kong. He felt that a single punch could smash the insignificant miniature universe opposite him at this moment.

However, that's not what Lin Chen wanted, he wanted to use the most powerful posture to deal an unimaginable fatal blow to the enemy!
The sound of two earth-shattering dragon chants reverberated, making the entire enchantment tremble as if two sky-high dragon shadows manifested, and in front of Lin Chen, a vast ancient seal began to take shape gradually.

At this moment, that Situ Hao had already been scared out of his wits, and he didn't believe until this moment that such Lin Chen really had the strength to fight against Zhou Yang Pengcheng, but it was too late to say anything now.

He wants to retreat, but where is there room?

Lin Chen roared angrily, and the Skyscraper Ancient Seal had already flown out, and it was continuously enlarged in Situ Hao's terrified eyes, and finally, it ruthlessly bombarded his miniature universe.

Immediately, the miniature universe that Situ Hao was so proud of shattered and crashed, and that ancient seal didn't slow down in any way, and it hit Situ Hao's chest directly, causing his chest to collapse directly, and he spit blood.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Chen's handprint changed, and the ancient Motian seal exploded directly, setting off an unparalleled storm in the entire barrier, which also caused Situ Hao's whole body to explode, flew backwards, and hit hard on the barrier. On the contrary, such a huge force caused cracks to appear on the inner wall of the enchantment.

Powerful mess!
No one thought that Lin Chen's combat power would be so terrifying.

You know, Situ Hao is the best in the entire Situ Dynasty, but with Lin Chen, he can't even take a single move. This is even when Lin Chen is suppressed!
However, this is not over yet, Lin Chen turned around and looked into the sky. The shocked Great Elder snorted coldly, rose straight from the ground, and punched the barrier hard. .

"With this little power, you want to suppress me?!"

Boom boom boom!
Punch after punch, as Lin Chen continued to bombard, the cracks on the entire enchantment spread rapidly. In just a few breaths, it completely collapsed, which also made Lin Chen's tyrannical aura completely explode, revealing In front of everyone.

"This kid is really violent."

Situ Yu was speechless, he didn't expect Lin Chen to be so tyrannical.

Above the sky, the elder's complexion also changed drastically. Although he was in the Realm of God at the moment, he was still very shocked to see Lin Chen's fighting power.


The Great Elder couldn't hold back anymore, he gave Lin Chen a hard look, and his figure actually escaped directly into the void and left.

"You have no respect, you are an outsider after all, and you don't know etiquette. You are not qualified to receive this empowerment!" After finishing speaking, his figure disappeared completely.

Hearing this, Situ Yu's complexion changed drastically.

"Situ Nan, you old dog, this matter is not up to you, come back!"

You must know that the divine spring empowerment can only be guided by high-ranking and powerful people, and the divine power is poured from the top of the head, which is called the empowerment. Now that Situ Nan is gone, Lin Chen will naturally not be able to receive the divine spring empowerment.

Lin Chen's expression also turned completely cold. He looked at the eyes of the divine spring, and madness flashed in his eyes.

"I want empowerment, why do I need this old dog's help?"

After all, Lin Chen flew straight up, landed on the spring, and was about to absorb the power of that divine spring.

"Hmph, Kong has strength, but he's just a reckless man!"

"That's right, it's impossible for him to absorb any power like this!"

Some people onlookers suddenly sneered. In their opinion, Lin Chen's move was extremely stupid.

A False God Realm, also wants to rely on his own strength to complete the empowerment?

Even if you are powerful in combat, it is absolutely impossible!
Even Situ Yu was not optimistic about Lin Chen. After all, the power in this divine spring could not be absorbed without enough strength.

However, Lin Chen did not believe in evil.

"Just keep your dog eyes open and show me carefully!"

With a roar, the two dragon shadows behind Lin Chen roared and rushed directly into the spring, arousing water waves, and the dragon shadows stirred continuously, instantly causing waves in the calm spring!
Boom boom boom!
One after another piercing roaring sounds resounded, and the next moment, everyone couldn't believe that there was a stream of spring water in the spring, rising into the sky, and finally, again It suddenly descended, facing the top of Lin Chen's head, and empowered him away!

"how can that be?!"

Situ Nan, who had just left, noticed such fluctuations, and his complexion changed drastically. Looking at Lin Chen in disbelief, he found that this young man really surprised him too much. This matter has completely exceeded his cognition. .

"Is he still human?"

Situ Yu was also completely shocked. He didn't expect that Lin Chen could really succeed, which completely overturned him.

There was a loud noise and roaring water waves, how could it be faked, Lin Chen sat cross-legged in the air, the divine spring water continuously surged to the top of his head and poured into his body, which also made him feel the power that had been stagnant all this time , began to slowly improve!
"nice one!"

As soon as his eyes lit up, Lin Chen realized the benefits of the divine spring empowerment, and started to absorb these powers even more frantically.

And with his actions like this, the entire divine spring began to gradually decline at a speed visible to the naked eye, and appeared to be exhausted!

(End of this chapter)

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