Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 759 Chasing Zhou Yang Pengcheng

Chapter 759 Chasing Zhou Yang Pengcheng
Chapter 760 Chasing Zhou Yang Pengcheng
Watching Zhou Yang Pengcheng refine the Burning Glass Fire and integrate it into his miniature universe, the aura of his whole body soared. Such a scene made Lin Chen's killing intent for this person soar to the extreme.

"I will kill you!"

Lin Chen gritted his teeth, and made up his mind that in the third round, he must kill this person with his own hands and seize the Fentian Liulihuo.

Lin Chen could have hanged Zhou Yangpengcheng in the first place, even if Zhou Yangpengcheng's strength has increased so much at this moment, it is not a concern. Lin Chen still has a Qianfengliu to help!
Diverting his attention, Lin Chen looked at the exchange list. He now has five points, which can be exchanged for some extremely high-level treasures. After careful consideration, he chose a pill that is most urgently needed to improve his strength, called Tong God pill.

This pill can only be taken by Shinto fighters, and only one pill can be taken in a lifetime. The huge medicinal power contained in the pill can make warriors directly advance to a small realm at the Shinto level without any side effects. It is an extremely precious pill.

Qian Fengliu originally had four tokens, but now lost to Lin Chen, one was deducted, and he still had three tokens. He also exchanged for a treasure at random, but it was of no use to him.

Looking at the geniuses here, Qian Fengliu is definitely at the top level, his strength is unpredictable, even Lin Chen will be defeated by him.

If it wasn't for his mercy just now, it would be very difficult for Lin Chen to get out of the illusion. After all, that hit the weakest part of Lin Chen's heart.

Wu'er's death was an eternal pain in Lin Chen's heart.

As long as Wu'er cannot be revived for a day, Lin Chen will live in torment.

The concern in his heart was Lin Chen's greatest weakness, and what Qian Fengliu did was to magnify this weakness infinitely, so he could easily suppress Lin Chen.

If he really fights, his attack power is definitely not as good as Lin Chen.

Sitting cross-legged on the battle platform, Lin Chen directly began to refine the magic pill. In an instant, the huge medicinal power entered his body, roaring like a flood, which also made Lin Chen's strength rise to the virtual god level in a short period of time Dzogchen!
False God Realm Great Consummation!

Not long ago, he just broke through to the Great Achievement of the False God Realm through the initiation of Shenquan, and now he has broken through to the Great Perfection of the False God Realm with the Tongshen Pill. In a short period of time, Lin Chen's strength has been improved by leaps and bounds, which also makes his combat effectiveness , to a higher level.

And at the same time that Lin Chen was refining the Tongshen Pill, Zhou Yangpengcheng also completed the refining of the Fentian Glazed Fire. The entire miniature universe was already glowing with the brilliance of glazed glass, and now it has a The clusters of glass-like flames looked extremely beautiful, and at the same time, Zhou Yangpengcheng's strength also greatly increased.

"Hahaha, I finally got the Burning Sky Glazed Fire!"

Zhou Yangpengcheng looked up to the sky and laughed, very proud.

Lin Chen clenched his fists, and he made up his mind that he must kill this person completely.

Qian Fengliu also stared at Zhou Yangpengcheng with cold eyes.

At this moment, after refining the Fentian Glazed Fire, Zhou Yangpengcheng was full of confidence. He felt that he could already beat Lin Chen. Even if Qian Fengliu's tricks were weird and he burned it with a fire, what else could he do?
And as everyone's exchange or refinement was completed, immediately, all the people present who had won three or more games were teleported under a majestic holy mountain again.

The holy mountain is majestic and unattainable, filled with an extremely divine aura, which makes people daunting.

And this round, what they have to do is to climb the holy mountain as quickly as possible!
The first three people who climbed to the top of the mountain can become the holy sons of the heavenly temple and get great benefits. This is the reason why the geniuses of the whole world want to join even if their heads are squeezed.

Once you become the holy son of the heavenly temple, it means extremely high status and power, and the cultivation resources you can get are beyond the imagination of others.

In the entire Heavenly Temple, the Holy Son will be given unparalleled benefits, surpassing any major power in the world today.

"I want to be the Son of God!"

"Whoever robs me, I will kill him!"

"Chong, I must be the first three to reach the top of the mountain!"

Crazy shouts came out one after another, and immediately, hundreds of figures rushed out, heading straight for the top of the mountain.

After the second round of elimination, there are only more than 100 people present at the moment, but the number is still quite a lot.

Among the more than 100 people, only three were able to become holy sons and obtain great glory and benefits. Therefore, everyone tried their best to withstand the strong pressure and rushed towards the mountain top.

If someone can look down from the top of the mountain at this moment, they will be able to find that there are already people the size of ants rushing up below.

Lin Chen locked onto Zhou Yangpengcheng for the first time, and immediately chased after him. Seeing this, Qian Fengliu also followed closely, and followed Zhou Yangpengcheng together with Lin Chen.

At this moment, Zhou Yangpengcheng has already recovered from the excitement and complacency just now. Lin Chen has already broken through to the Great Perfection Realm of the False God Realm, and there is one more Qianfengliu. These two guys do not know why they have achieved it. The alliance wanted to catch up with him, which immediately made Zhou Yangpengcheng feel very bad.

"Qian Fengliu, I have no grudges with you in the past, and I have no grudges in the present, why are you chasing me!?!"

Zhou Yangpengcheng turned his head and roared at Qian Fengliu.

"I want to burn the sky glazed fire, so you must die."

Qian Fengliu said coldly.

Hearing this, the hairs all over Zhou Yangpengcheng's body were about to explode, unexpectedly, Qian Fengliu would also burn the sky with the glazed fire!

At this moment, he has just fused this kind of flame, so how could he completely refine it into his own miniature universe? As long as Qian Fengliu kills himself, he can get this flame again!

A crisis engulfed, Zhou Yangpengcheng unleashed his full strength and headed towards the top of the mountain. He knew that once he was caught up, the combined attack of two powerful opponents would be enough to bring him down.

The only way now is to climb to the top as soon as possible and become the Holy Son. In this way, no matter how powerful Lin Chen and Qian Fengliu are, they will not be able to threaten him.

It's just that the ideal is very full, but the reality is very skinny. Soon, the ghost-like figure of Qian Fengliu appeared behind Zhou Yangpengcheng, almost clinging to his back, causing Zhou Yangpengcheng to let out a miserable cry. He screamed, and immediately tried his best to speed up, trying to get rid of Qian Fengliu.

And Qian Fengliu is like a maggot attached to the bone, and it is difficult to get rid of at all. At the same time, Qian Fengliu's power is secretly released, which has already affected Zhou Yangpengcheng invisible.

Just when Zhou Yangpengcheng had hallucinations in front of his eyes and was about to fall into the illusion, a pendant on his neck shone brightly, and a sense of coolness instantly brought him back to a state of clarity.

"Damn it, actually cast an illusion on me!"

Zhou Yang Pengcheng cursed angrily, and fled to the top of the mountain desperately.

(End of this chapter)

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