Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 760 Zhou Yang Pengcheng's end

Chapter 760 Zhou Yang Pengcheng's end

Chapter 760 The End of Zhou Yang Pengcheng
"This guy really has treasures all over his body!"

Seeing this, Lin Chen couldn't help but be speechless.

If he also had such a treasure, he wouldn't have fallen so easily in the duel with Qian Fengliu.

The flashing pendant helped Zhou Yangpengcheng avoid the influence of the illusion, and a ray of precious light appeared on his body, helping him to quickly go up the mountain.

Although the pressure on the holy mountain is huge, the power of the treasure can still burst out a lot of power to help Zhou Yang Pengcheng.


Lin Chen gritted his teeth and moved forward desperately. He had to get the Fentian Glazed Fire in the shortest possible time. Every minute the time passed, the Fentian Glazed Fire might be more deeply integrated into Zhou Yangpengcheng's miniature universe.

This will affect the Fentian Liulihuo.

"Situ Lingfeng, if you have the ability to fight me one-on-one, what kind of ability do you two hit me?!" Zhou Yangpengcheng turned his head and shouted at Lin Chen.

But at this time, how could Lin Chen be fooled? He ignored Zhou Yangpengcheng, and he joined forces with Qian Fengliu to pursue Zhou Yangpengcheng. The pursuit also put tremendous pressure on Zhou Yangpengcheng.

"Damn it, why did they unite together?!"

Zhou Yangpengcheng scolded angrily. No matter what, he never thought that the goals of the two were fundamentally the same.

That is to rescue the woman on the second floor of the Dongsheng Tower, even if there is only one corpse, she must be brought out.

What's more, according to what Lin Chen said, the woman should still have hope that she can be saved, which made Qian Fengliu, who was ashamed, feel boundless fighting spirit.

At this time, if Zhou Yangpengcheng wanted to stop them, he had to die!
"Hand over the Fentian Liulihuo now, and I can let you go!"

Qian Fengliu's voice was cold.

On the other hand, Zhou Yangpengcheng rolled his eyes and ran away at a faster speed.

Just kidding, he has refined the Fentian Glazed Fire at this moment, and it is impossible to hand it over. There is only one way to get the Fentian Glazed Fire, and that is to break his miniature universe. It's all ruined.

This is even more uncomfortable than killing him!
The two dragon shadows roared behind Lin Chen, and the Sky Remnant Claw and the Motian Ancient Seal were cast at the same time, turning into two lights and shadows that soared into the sky, and swept towards Zhou Yang Pengcheng, making the hairs on his whole body stand on end.

Even though the strength of the Fentian Liulihuo had been refined, he still felt powerless in the face of Lin Chen who had also reached the Great Perfection of the False God Realm at this moment.

What's more, there is another Qian Fengliu who has been chasing after him, which makes him feel a lot of pressure.

Any one of these two people would make it difficult for him to deal with it. Now that they are joining forces, Zhou Yangpengcheng has already felt the threat of death.

"Help me, who can help me, I am willing to give benefits, I promise as the future successor of Dongsheng Shenzhou Zhoutian Shenchao, I will definitely give huge benefits, I just ask you to help me!"

Zhou Yangpengcheng shouted.

Suddenly, there are already some geniuses around who are ready to move.

Although the Zhoutian Dynasty is only a force in Dongsheng Shenzhou, it is not very powerful, but among the geniuses present, there are still many people's forces, not as good as that of the Zhoutian Dynasty.

"Who dares to come over?!"

Lin Chen's whole body's murderous intent soared, causing everyone to retreat immediately.

Anyone who dares to come over at this time will definitely be attacked violently by Lin Chen immediately.

"Who helped stop him, I, Qian Fengliu, owe you a favor!"

Qian Fengliu's voice was cold, but it made many people feel hot in an instant.

Zhou Yang Pengcheng will ask for help, and so will Qian Fengliu!
What's more, compared to Zhou Tian Shen Dynasty behind Zhou Yang Pengcheng, the family power behind Qian Fengliu is even stronger.

And with Qian Fengliu's talent, it is well-known in the whole world, and to get a favor from him, it really can't be exchanged for any treasure.

Immediately, someone moved, and during the impact, Zhou Yangpengcheng was stopped.

"Get out, get out of here!"

Zhou Yangpengcheng was completely panicked. He never thought that Qian Fengliu's appeal was so powerful. At this moment, five people flew past, two of them were Dzogchen in the False God Realm, and their strength was extraordinary.

"I'm sorry!"

"In order to get Qian Fengliu's favor, you will die!"

Everyone opened their mouths, and with murderous intentions, they attacked Zhou Yangpengcheng one after another, which also caused him to be greatly hindered. The figure that was originally advancing quickly also slowed down, making Lin Chen catch up immediately.

The miniature universe appeared along with the world of wind perishing, and suppressed Zhou Yangpengcheng for an instant, and joined with his miniature universe glowing with glazed flames, forming a violent shock wave, which shocked everyone .

"Death to me!"

Zhou Yangpengcheng was so angry that he chose to burn the miniature universe at this moment!
Immediately, a stronger glazed flame flooded, and while burning, it also made his aura even stronger.

This was originally a deadly situation. Once it fell into the hands of Lin Chen and Qian Fengliu, Zhou Yangpengcheng would definitely die. Therefore, he immediately chose to burn the miniature universe.

If you're lucky, you will be able to condense again in the future. Although it will be greatly affected, Zhou Yangpengcheng has no choice at all at this moment.


With a cold snort, Qian Fengliu's eyes flickered with coldness, and immediately deployed his means, his whole body became transparent. Immediately afterwards, Qian Fengliu took a step forward, and in the next moment, he had already penetrated Zhou Yangpengcheng's miniature universe. , came behind him.

"Get up!"

With a roar, Zhou Yangpengcheng was horrified to find that his body was out of control and was greatly affected. He had been dragged into an illusory world by Qian Fengliu. During the roar of eight powerful phantom beasts, Pounced directly on him.

"No, it's impossible!"

Zhou Yangpengcheng was shocked to the extreme. He couldn't believe that Qian Fengliu was so powerful that even if he burned his own miniature universe, he would still be dragged into the opponent's illusion inevitably.

"No illusions, ever-changing!"

Qian Fengliu said coldly, looking at Zhou Yangpengcheng, as if looking at a dead person.

At this time, the burning of his miniature universe also completely stopped, suspended in mid-air, and from a distance, a miniature universe burning with glazed flames was completely stagnant. The body shape has been completely shrouded.

Lin Chen was also extremely shocked when he saw such a method.

With his strength, he couldn't even understand how Qian Fengliu did it just now.

And the only thing that is certain is that Zhou Yangpengcheng is doomed to die when he falls into Qian Fengliu's phantom formation under such circumstances.

Soon, I will get the Burning Sky Glazed Fire!
(End of this chapter)

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