Chapter 777
Chapter 770 Eighth Ghost Cry

"Ghost hole!"

Situ Yu looked at this bottomless and terrifying pothole, his eyes trembled, and he let out an exclamation.

Lin Chen also shrank his pupils suddenly. He felt that there seemed to be great danger in this ghost cave. Even now, he felt a little frightened.

"What is a ghost hole?"

Lin Chen asked.

"The Ghost Crying Mountain Range is called the Ghost Crying Mountain Range precisely because there are large and small ghost holes in this mountain range. Once a ghost hole appears, it will definitely cause disaster!"

"There was once a Primordial God expert who accidentally found a ghost cave here. After entering, he never came out again!"

As Situ Yu spoke, his face was very solemn.

"This matter must be reported!"

The person in charge of the Nagalan Temple also trembled, and took out the jade talisman to send a message quickly.

Lin Chen looked at the bottomless ghost cave, but he could feel that there seemed to be a somewhat familiar aura in the deepest part of the ghost cave, which made him feel at a loss.

"what exactly is it?"

Lin Chen murmured and looked at Situ Yu.

"What is hidden in the depths of the ghost cave?"

"No one who enters a ghost hole of this size can come out. There have been some small ghost holes before, but there are strong people who can check it out. There, it seems to be another world, which makes people tremble from the depths of their souls. , you must not go down!" Situ Yu said.

"The strong man who explores the little ghost's cave, what can he gain?" Lin Chen continued to ask.

"Yes! They got the original crystal!" Situ Yu's eyes also had a tinge of fire.

Origin crystallization!

Lin Chen had once refined the origin of the East Pole Continent, as well as the origin of the five elements in Yu Qing. He was no stranger to this origin.

The former source of fire in the center of the earth was the weakest source of fire, but the current Fentian Liuli is the source of fire.

As for the original crystal, Lin Chen thinks it should be something held by the natives in the Five Elements Secret Realm, but one thing is certain is that the original crystal in this ghost cave must be stronger.

"Is this the origin of the universe?" Lin Chen asked.

"Yes! The Great Thousand World is very special. There is no trace of its origin. Only in this ghost cave can we find some clues. Some people think that the ghost cave will lead directly to the deepest part of the Great Thousand World. There, there is a great world. The origin of the world!" Situ Yu said.

At the same time, with a jade talisman clasped in his palm, he also started sending a message to Situ Shenchao.

The appearance of a ghost cave is dangerous, but every faction will definitely send dead men into it to search for traces of the origin. More or less, there will be some gains.

Seeing this, everyone on this space-shattering Shenzhou also sent messages, and they knew a lot about ghost caves.

Qian Fengliu did not move, his family was extremely far away, and it was not realistic to want to come to this ghost cave.

Lin Chen was already sure at this time, the reason why he felt familiar was because of the origin in his body!

Normally, the role of the source is not too great, but its effect is subtle, and in the place where the source is located, Lin Chen can be said to be the only god.

If he can obtain the origin of the Great Thousand World, then the entire Great Thousand World will be under his control!

"The origins are all connected with each other, but I feel that the origin of this great world can suppress the two origins in my body. It seems that these two origins are rooted here!"

Lin Chen's heart beat wildly.

He thought of what Yu Qing had said.

At the beginning when alien species invaded the Great Thousand World, the battle was like annihilation, and the Great Thousand World was almost torn apart. It was at that time that Yu Qing gained her own consciousness and fell into the Five Elements Secret Realm in the Small Thousand World.

Speaking of which, she, Yu Qing, is originally the original spirit that belongs to the great world!

But it's not complete, it's just part of it.

Lin Chen even felt that the origin of the East Pole Continent was most likely drifted from the Great Thousand World.

Therefore, there will be such a feeling between them!

"Boy, don't go down. If something happens to you, I, Situ Yu, won't be able to live alone!"

Seeing that Lin Chen's expression was wrong, Situ Yu immediately grabbed Lin Chen's arm and said.

Lin Chen is very precious now, and he is the biggest trump card of the entire Situ Dynasty. He must be firmly grasped. No matter what benefits he has, he must be kept.

"What danger is there in the ghost cave?"

Lin Chen asked.

"This, I don't really clear it up, but those who can come out can't remember clearly. At most, they fall into the boundless darkness, and then they don't know anything, have no direction, and are at a loss."

"It's just luck to be able to come out in the end. More people died in it completely, and they didn't even know how they died."

Situ Yu's answer made Lin Chen feel solemn.

It seems that this ghost cave is not simple. Although it is a great opportunity, at this moment, he is not willing to take this risk.

The top priority is to return to Dongsheng Shenzhou first.

Seeing that Lin Chen's eyes flickered and he finally stopped looking at the ghost cave, Situ Yu breathed a sigh of relief. He would rather go down to the ghost cave by himself than let Lin Chen go down.

And as the news came out, the huge Sky Breaking Shenzhou didn't act rashly, but stayed in place, and everyone was not in a hurry. They waited quietly for two days, and people from various forces had already arrived.

The first ones to arrive were the people from the Garan Temple. They brought a group of dead soldiers, and among them was an old man who was in the Real God Realm, and his life was limited.

"Hehe, this old man can't live for a few more days. If I go to the ghost cave this time, if I have a chance, I can break into the Beginning God Realm. Maybe I can continue to live!"

The old dead soldier had hope in his heart, leading a group of dead soldiers, he had already walked down the ghost cave first and disappeared.

The huge ghost hole was like a huge mouth, devouring everyone without leaving a trace. This scene made everyone present shudder.

Immediately afterwards, not long after, other major powers also came after hearing the news, and sent dead soldiers to go down to the ghost cave. Situ God also came here with a group of people.

"Elder Yu, the patriarch has an order to bring Situ Lingfeng back to the Divine Dynasty immediately, there must be no mistake!"

The leading dead man said to Situ Yu.

Hearing this, Situ Yu looked at Lin Chen.

Although Lin Chen also wanted to see here, what is the mystery of the ghost cave, but he always had a bad premonition in his heart, so he nodded at this time, indicating his agreement.

Seeing this, Situ Yu felt relieved, he had long wanted to leave here.

"Go down, be careful, we're leaving first!"

As Situ Yu said, he didn't sit on the Pokong Shenzhou anymore. With their combat power, it's not a big problem to cross the mountains.

And just when he was about to leave with Lin Chen, a series of mysterious cries suddenly sounded in the huge ghost cave below, which shocked everyone present.

(End of this chapter)

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