Chapter 778
Chapter 770 IX Going Deep into the Ghost Cave


A series of creepy crying sounds came from the depths of the ghost cave, which seemed to be able to resonate with people's spirits, and suddenly gave birth to a deep sense of sorrow and pain in the hearts of everyone present.

Ghosts cry mountains, ghosts cry!
His whole body shook, and Situ Yu's expression changed drastically. He immediately grabbed Lin Chen's shoulders and wanted to take him away from here, but he was already a step too late.

I saw that with the sound of the ghost crying, there seemed to be an incomparably powerful attraction in the huge ghost cave. Immediately, most of the people present still looked dull, because they had been attracted by this ghost. Under the influence of a sudden suction, the body involuntarily flew into the ghost cave.

Lin Chen woke up almost at the same time as Situ Yu. In an instant, he wanted to burst out with all his strength, but he didn't expect that the weird suction was so strange, and the sound of ghost crying made him feel a tingling pain in his head. , He didn't have time to unleash much power, but he was completely sucked in by this ghost hole!

In just a few breaths, everyone present has been swallowed by this ghost cave, including Qian Fengliu, who has cast the illusion of nothingness, none of them survived!
Immediately afterwards, the sound of ghost cries disappeared, and there was a dead silence, only the Space-breaking Shenzhou remained, staying in place, witnessing all this.


Lin Chen could only feel that his body was falling rapidly, and there was the whistling wind in his ears, and the surrounding was dead silence and darkness, without any color in sight.

A heart was also sinking, and Lin Chen realized that the mere true god realm was still too small.

As strong as the Beginning God Realm, they may not be able to get out of the ghost cave. Now that this group of people has been sucked into the ghost cave, not even one of them will be able to get out.

At the same time, he also felt that the original beating in his body seemed to have a sense of summoning from a very far away place, which also made his heart move.

"It should be extremely rare for the suction to come out of the ghost cave, and it must be related to the origin in my body!"

Lin Chen's heart also felt hot. If this trip to the ghost cave can obtain the origin of the great world, even if it is incomplete, it will be very valuable.

Practicing in the river that day, with the help of the powerful Demon Killer, Lin Chen stepped into the Real God Realm, otherwise, I am afraid it will take a long time, and after reaching the True God Realm, even he has been absorbing the power of heaven and earth. The divine power in the world, but it is difficult to make any further progress.

There is no special chance, if he wants to set foot in the Beginning God Realm, the time will probably be calculated in thousands of years or ten thousand years.

This time is too long, Lin Chen can't afford to wait, so he must do his best to obtain the source!
Once he got the source, his realm would certainly be able to make another leap forward.

Thinking of this, Lin Chen no longer panicked in his heart. He followed the suction force downwards, and he didn't know how long it took before he felt that the terrifying suction force covering his whole body dissipated, and he looked around. , is still a boundless darkness, and no other people can be seen.

Obviously, under the action of that suction, everyone has been scattered and scattered in this huge ghost cave.

Lin Chen used all his power, but he still couldn't see any existence. In the darkness and silence, there was only the sound of his own breathing. This kind of scene was enough to generate infinite fear in people's hearts.

"Brother Yu, Qian Fengliu!"

Lin Chen shouted and even formed an echo, but there was no response. Obviously, this voice could not be heard by others.

"There is an echo, this space is not big!"

Lin Chen's heart moved, he looked for a direction, and walked forward. Soon, he found that there was a huge rock wall in front of him. When he reached out and touched it, it was cold and hard.

"This is a separate little ghost cave under the ghost cave!"

Lin Chen immediately made such a conclusion. At the same time, he groped along the rock wall and explored all the surrounding areas, confirming this guess even more.

It seems that under this huge ghost hole, there are countless small spaces, which is why everyone is scattered.

With the surge of divine power, Lin Chen wanted to fly upwards, but for some reason, there was an unimaginable power under this ghost cave, which made him unable to exert much of his strength!

"This is bad."

Lin Chen could imagine that the situation of other people was definitely not much better.

"Origin, come out!"

With this in mind, Lin Chen didn't care too much, and directly used the two sources of power in his body, a slightly chaotic source of the East Pole Continent, and a colorful source of the Five Elements, in this dark space, suddenly sent out A ray of light!
Really useful!

Other powers don't work here, only the original power can illuminate this darkness!

With a shock in his heart, Lin Chen looked at the surrounding rock walls with the light of his source, and soon, he found a hole in the rock wall not far above his head.

Further up, there is a boundless rock wall, leading straight up, without seeing the edge, and the original light cannot be found that far.

"I can't fly up too high, the only way out is this hole."

Lin Chen took out the Dragon God Halberd with a wave of his hand, hooked the hole, and entered it with a flash of his body.

It's strange to say that even the extremely sharp Dragon God Halberd can't destroy the rock wall, leaving at most a small mark under one blow. Therefore, it's impossible for Lin Chen to use brute force to blast the rock wall away. possible.

This place is full of weirdness, Lin Chen guessed that this place is likely to be an original place in the universe.

He has been to the original land of the East Pole Continent, it is a wild world, and Yu Yuan in the Five Elements Secret Realm is also very unique. Compared with the previous two places, the ghost caves in this vast world are different And nothing less, more mysterious.

"Here, there should also be the birth of the original spirit!"

Lin Chen guessed in his heart, using the light, he walked forward in the entrance of the cave.

The entrance of the cave was very small, allowing only one person to bend down to pass through it. After Lin Chen had walked for some time, the passage in front of him gradually became wider. At the same time, he also felt that the two origins in his hands trembled at the same time. It's as if a courtier has met a monarch.

At the same time, Lin Chen took a step forward and stood still in a wider and boundless space. Even with his knowledge, he was shocked at this moment.

The origin trembled, and the light was flickering. Lin Chen saw that in this huge space, there was a flash of gorgeous silver light, which burst out, illuminating everything, and made it difficult to see completely. Cleared up such a shocking scene.

(End of this chapter)

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