Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 792 Battle of Liwei

Chapter 792 Battle of Liwei
Chapter 790 The Battle of Liwei

"it is good!"

Lin Chen responded directly.

The monster-faced devil flower is bound to be obtained, not to mention that Gai Jiuyou promised not to make a move at this moment, so how can Lin Chen and Qian Fengliu not grab it with the power of Lin Chen and Qian Fengliu?

Although these words are very arrogant, these two people undoubtedly have capital arrogance!

In the whole world, looking at the entire Great Thousand World, the two of them are already considered top experts, not to mention the opportunity in the secret realm of the virtual world before. With their combined efforts, it is not a bad idea to compete with half-step Shishen. impossible!
"Then I'll wait and see!"

Gai Jiuyou stared at Lin Chen, his figure slowly disappeared, and the terrifying coercion also gradually dissipated.

After a long time, the other demon cultivators present were able to regain their composure, looked at Lin Chen and Qian Fengliu with shock, and fled in a hurry.

"Let's go. If Gai Jiuyou doesn't make a move by himself, he will definitely send a very strong person to make a move. Moreover, the demon flower is precious, so we cannot lose this time." Lin Chen sighed.

Sure enough, Gai Jiuyou had already set his sights on him as soon as he arrived at the Devil's Land.

"Hmph, if we join hands, who can match?" Qian Fengliu snorted coldly, carrying Xuan Bing on his back, and continued on the road.

He still didn't say a word, but in his eyes, Gai Jiuyou, a mere half-step god of beginning, is really nothing, not to mention his own extraordinary talent, sooner or later one day he can reach this step, alone Among his family, there are two superpowers who have stepped into the half-step Shishen!

Therefore, Gai Jiuyou was able to dominate the Demon Land of the Western Regions, but in front of his Qianjia, it was nothing more than that.

The two continued on the road, heading straight for the Tianmo Lake. Along the way, a large number of demon cultivators could already be seen, also heading towards the Tianmo Lake.

The birth of the demon-faced demon flower is a grand event. For any demon cultivator, if he can get the demon-faced demon flower, he can improve his cultivation greatly, and it can also increase his magic power, so that he can soar into the sky from then on!
Therefore, all the demon cultivators in the entire demonic land want to obtain this demon face demon flower. It is conceivable how fierce the competition will be this time.

Lin Chen and Qian Fengliu, two outsiders, under the gesture of Gai Jiuyou, will inevitably attract the siege of all the demon cultivators present!

In this regard, the two are already mentally prepared.

"Have you heard that this time, the Lord God King gave an order to prevent Situ Lingfeng and Qian Fengliu from taking the demon flower!"

"Of course I've heard that this Situ Lingfeng has offended the Lord God King. This time, I'm afraid he won't be able to get out of the Demonic Land of the Western Regions."

"Tsk tsk, he is the holy son of the Heavenly Temple. Although the current Heavenly Temple is just a relic, this name is very famous, and the Situ God's power is so powerful that he angered them. Our Demon Soil will also have Danger!"

A group of people also headed in the direction of Tianmo Lake, discussing a lot.

"Qian Feng's background is also very big, the entire Qian family will belong to him in the future!"

"Although these two people are very good, at most they have just set foot in the Realm of God. They don't want to take away the demon flower!"

"Yes, we have a lot of strong people in the devil's soil, if the magic flower is robbed by two brats, what will we do in the future?"

These people all had fighting spirit in their eyes, and they wanted to meet Lin Chen and Qian Fengliu for a while.

This happens almost everywhere.

And under the influence of Gai Jiuyou, there are still quite a few people looking for Lin Chen and Situ Lingfeng everywhere, so that they can't even set foot in Tianmo Lake!
Lin Chen and Qian Fengliu did not hide their whereabouts, so they soon encountered the first wave of people blocking the way.

"Haha, these two guys are mine, don't let anyone snatch them from me!"

"If you stop them, Lord God King will definitely reward you!"

"It's unlucky for you to meet us, and it's still too late to admit defeat, otherwise, I'm afraid you will suffer a lot!"

On the opposite side, five strong men in the real god realm appeared, stopped Lin Chen and Qian Fengliu, and started chattering.

Hearing this, Lin Chen frowned.

It is conceivable that under the influence of Gai Jiuyou, there should be a steady stream of strong people coming to block the way.

Looking at each other and smiling, Lin Chen and Qian Fengliu thought of being together.

If this is the case, then suppress these people with the momentum of thunder, so as to establish their prestige!
Only by killing chickens and scaring monkeys can this group of passionate people calm down.

Thinking of this, behind Lin Chen, the huge immortal magic figure of the Supreme God appeared, and time and space seemed to stop for an instant, making the five people look shocked, and even forgot to make a move.

"go with!"

Lin Chen pressed down with his palm through the air, and immediately, the Immortal Supreme was suppressed, with a strong aura rushing towards his face, even the old-fashioned true god-level powerhouses must face it carefully!

The five people were frightened, and immediately summoned the miniature universe, ready to attack and resist.

But at this moment, a void-like figure appeared behind them at some unknown time. With a wicked smile, Qian Fengliu's handprints moved, and a huge phantom formation completely enveloped these five people.

For a moment, the eyes of these five people were all a little absent-minded.

Immediately afterwards, within the phantom formation, phantom beasts appeared one after another, and rushed towards the five people frantically. At the same time, Lin Chen's palm also pressed down, making the five people spurt blood like they were struck by lightning!

Bai Ze took the lead, and the phantom beast continued to attack and began to bite the five people. The sound of horrific screams spread throughout, making people tremble with fear.

The cooperation between Lin Chen and Qian Fengliu is almost seamless!

Lin Chen made the main attack, and Qian Fengliu used the influence of the phantom array to make the five people have no power to fight back, and they fell down when they met each other!

These are five true gods, among them there is even a strong man who has achieved great success in the true gods, but at this moment he was defeated so lightly by Lin Chen and Qian Fengliu.

Above the sky, this scene was watched by many people, all of them gasped and looked shocked.

I thought that these two young people had just become holy sons. They might have extraordinary potential, but their current strength was definitely not much higher, but the fact has already given everyone a resounding slap in the face.

There are always some people who cannot be deduced according to common sense!

Obviously, Lin Chen and Qian Fengliu are both in this ranks.

"Who else wants to stop us, go ahead!"

Lin Chen's voice was loud and clear, spreading across the sky, causing many thoughtful people to hesitate.

Whether it is the majestic and huge Dharma statue, or the strange and impermanent illusory formation, these people feel fear in their hearts.

Already five true god-level powerhouses were lost, which made many people retreat immediately and make up their minds not to provoke Lin Chen and Qian Fengliu any more.

However, although such a record can scare away ordinary people, it is not enough to scare everyone away.

There was a thunder-like sound in the distance, and then, a figure as strong as an iron tower flew over.

(End of this chapter)

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